

@facts-i-just-made-up / facts-i-just-made-up.tumblr.com

All facts reported herein are made up and presented for entertainment and satire. If any facts posted by this site are true, it is only by mistake. Now you can't sue me.
Anonymous asked:

Most interesting tidbit of folklore?

A tidbit is technically an small portion of edible matter so I'd have to say the most interesting tidbit of folklore is Hades' Pomegranate, because when I eat a real one it's delicious but his seems to condemn people to hell as well as marriage. Also, as the capture of Persephone from eating pomegranate seeds resulted in the existence of seasons, like... When was that pomegranate tree planted and when did it fruit?

I asked Hesiod but he didn't say anything useful because he's been dead since 650 B.C. Also when I looked that up from Wikipedia I learned the dude got around as a corpse, we should all be so lucky-

Anonymous asked:

i saw a “rainbow” ice cream today and it didn’t look like rainbow at all!! why is that?

You expected it to be ice cream that looks like a rainbow. It was in fact a rainbow disguised as ice cream. This is their natural state when not in flight.

Anonymous asked:

I’ve heard some nasty stories about a language called French. I thought it was made up to scare budding linguists - is it real? You’re the only news source I trust.

French isn't so much a language as the place they dump all the silent letters that can't be used in German.


@eyes-of-the-fox Non, "oeuf" ç'est vous plaît.


What are all the primary colours?


Remember how they taught us it was red blue and yellow? Then when you take color theory it's red blue and green. Then when it's printed it's cyan magenta and yellow, and black which is of course abbreviated with a K. All of this is absolute bullshit.

The truth is, the only primary colors you need to are make any other color are chartreuse and hot pink polka-dotted purple.

Anonymous asked:

I’ve heard some nasty stories about a language called French. I thought it was made up to scare budding linguists - is it real? You’re the only news source I trust.

French isn't so much a language as the place they dump all the silent letters that can't be used in German.

Anonymous asked:

Have you ever made love to a poet?

Maybe, maybe not. I'm not certain that Henry was a poet, but he sure shot quite a Wadsworth with his Longfellow.


@kasbo-over-you Oh dear god DON’T LET CYBERSMITH GET TO T.S. ELIOT’S GRAVE

the notes are in

Consider the following scenario. It’s five or yet ten years from now.

You’re sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a lovely meal. When I walk in with my family, and a poet at my heel.

My poet enters on all fours, before you begin your main course, its rhythmic compositions are all hidden underneath its-

Oh wow I was gonna do a silly poet version of the cybermsith thing but I looked at the original post and holy shit it gets fucked up. Uh. Yeah not going there anymore.

Sorry I brought it up I had never seen his last paragraph. Jesus.

Anonymous asked:

Will legally changing your name save you from the consequences if/when you accidentally have given a wizard your name?

Death Note rules I assume. I can only 'assume' because there are a lot of rules. Like every single commercial break there are more rules and I'm only halfway into the series. God what if there are like rider amendments and subsidiary laws and stuff?

Section XVI, Subsection H, Part 27b-6 #56: Wizards with Shinigami Eyes may not see the true name of a human who has changed their name within 16 hours of their marriage within the state of Nevada without express written permission from the Gaming Commission signed by both the original grantee of the marriage license unless the marriage is annulled and notarized as such by two clerics of the nameholder's religion or a religion defined by the Shinigami who lent the death note during a business day within the same fiscal quarter of that country's calendar, not including holidays but still including Labor Day Weekend and April Fools Day.

Okay I'm not a lawyer but I am an English major and I have to take this apart because it's glorious.

> *Wizards with Shinigami Eyes may not see the true name of a human*

Primary clause. This is a complete sentence, and the main subject of this train wreck.

> *who has changed their name ***within 16 hours of their marriage***

It's unclear what part of the sentence this time restriction applies to. It could apply to the "may not see the true name" clause, in which case the Shinigami Wizard has to wait 16 hours and then they're fine. Or it could apply to "who has changed their name", in which case you have to get that paperwork done *immediately*, and then you're protected forever. Also, if you want to go all fey bullshit, it doesn't say "legally", so if you start going by your new name immediately, you could argue that you're protected.

> *within the state of Nevada without express written permission from the Gaming Commission*

"without express written permission" most likely applies to "may not see the true name", therefore adding a qualifier to the blanket "cannot see" protection.

But it COULD apply to "within the state of Nevada," which means you have to 1) get married in Nevada 2) change your name within 16 hours and 3) **not** get written permission from the Gaming Commission, which I assume most people who are getting married do not accidentally acquire.

> *signed by both the original grantee of the marriage license*

Usually this is your pastor or the judge or whatever. But, crucially, the sentence only identifies *one* of the two people who need to sign the Gaming Commission's note. It literally never gets back to identifying the second person and I'm just very amused by this.

> *unless the marriage is annulled and notarized as such*

This is another major clause in this sentence, and one that the rest of the sentence hinges on. It is most reasonable to assume that this clause is modifying the very first clause, "may not see the true name of."

But you COULD argue that it is meant to be read like this:

*Wizards... may not see the true name of a human... unless the marriage is annulled and notarized...*

In which case the Shinigami Wizard better hope the marriage is shortlived because otherwise they're sunk.

> *by two clerics of the nameholder's religion*

Nameholder is presumably the person whose name the Shinigami Wizard is trying to see. But it COULD be someone else. Mainly because this phrase isn't explicitly defined and it's so far away from the original main clause that I've forgotten what we're talking about and am willing to entertain other definitions.

> *or a religion defined by the Shinigami who lent the death note*

Note, it doesn't say a religion the Shinigami believes in. Just one they've defined. So ask your local Shinigami to explain all major world religions to you, kids!

> *during a business day within the same fiscal quarter of that country's calendar,

Again, impossible to tell what this time limitation is applying to. Is it applying to when the Shinigami lent the Death Note to you? When they defined the religion? When the marriage took place? When the notary signed the Gaming Commission letter? Literally any of these could be valid.

> *not including holidays but still including Labor Day Weekend and April Fools Day.*

This is just calendar fuckery and I approve. Business days are fake anyway.

This essay brought to you by the English language. And before you ask, no, adding commas would not fix this mess. I love it.

You have spent far longer on this than I did as I wrote that heap stream-of-consciousness and I respect that. Thank you for paying me the compliment of time that I myself did not sacrifice. This bit is genuine not unreality, I am impressed and flattered. Thank you :)

Anonymous asked:

Will legally changing your name save you from the consequences if/when you accidentally have given a wizard your name?

Death Note rules I assume. I can only 'assume' because there are a lot of rules. Like every single commercial break there are more rules and I'm only halfway into the series. God what if there are like rider amendments and subsidiary laws and stuff?

Section XVI, Subsection H, Part 27b-6 #56: Wizards with Shinigami Eyes may not see the true name of a human who has changed their name within 16 hours of their marriage within the state of Nevada without express written permission from the Gaming Commission signed by both the original grantee of the marriage license unless the marriage is annulled and notarized as such by two clerics of the nameholder's religion or a religion defined by the Shinigami who lent the death note during a business day within the same fiscal quarter of that country's calendar, not including holidays but still including Labor Day Weekend and April Fools Day.

What should you do if you pissed off a wizard (urgent)?


Depends on the type of wizard:

  • Ozite- Tie their curtain in place so they can't get out.
  • Pinball- Flood the area with Rex brand canned beans.
  • Electric- Unplug them, Electric Wizards are weak unplugged.
  • Nintendo- Use a power glove, it's so bad.
  • Maiar- Throw them in a pit. They'll return with big boobs.
  • Lizard- Offer them a royal gizzard.
  • Coastal- Complain to Hasbro.

@tisanegarden How dare you say we piss on the wizard?


Facts on apocalypses (and predictions thereof) in the 21st century?


Well, 2012 was a bust but we can remain optimistic about 2040 when Aleister Crowley said God will stub his toe and knock the Earth over onto the carpet and just throw it out when he finds it all covered in cat hair and dust bunnies.


What should you do if you pissed off a wizard (urgent)?


Depends on the type of wizard:

  • Ozite- Tie their curtain in place so they can't get out.
  • Pinball- Flood the area with Rex brand canned beans.
  • Electric- Unplug them, Electric Wizards are weak unplugged.
  • Nintendo- Use a power glove, it's so bad.
  • Maiar- Throw them in a pit. They'll return with big boobs.
  • Lizard- Offer them a royal gizzard.
  • Coastal- Complain to Hasbro.
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