I’ve changed because I had no choice. I’m not the person I use to be, because I don’t want to get used or walked over. I don’t trust everyone and tell them my secrets because behind every fake smile there is something else. I distance myself from people because in the end they are only going to leave. I have changed yes, because I have realised the only person I can depend on is me.

(via leohearts)


Y u pet me

Keep pet me


This always makes me happy, because the source video shows that the shark actually wanted this. It experienced it once and then kept coming back for more petting.

(also, because i’ve seen comments about this: the shark is able to breathe while still, not all species need to be in motion to pass water through their gills. If you look closely, you can see its gills pumping)

I would very much like if more people would pet sharks and be good to them instead of trying to hurt them please

Sharks are very lovely and should get pettings like these more :)

MythBusters did an episode on how to survive a shark attack and a shark’s nose is so sensitive that a gentle tap is all you need to drive it away. The guy sat on the ocean floor with a bucket of chum and didn’t get attacked once, when hungry sharks swam up he’d give them a boop on the nose and they’d swim away. So if the shark is friendly, pet the snoot. If the shark is dangerous, boop the snoot. Either way, no one dies. 


boop the snoot

Source: omesia.com

So I hadn’t yet come out to my mum and today I got home to see that someone had changed the cover on my bed to this

And then I saw that they left a note on the bed, so I went over to take a look at it and

My mum is the best 

Whenever I see this I think well what if you weren’t gay and you came home one day to this

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