
Toe Beans & Tail Wags


A hound mutt called Tobias Eaton, and his human, and their adventures in North Carolina.

Just a heads up

You know those “donate by watching” videos going around for BLM? I’ve made a list of all of em I could find. 8 of the 28 I found have been removed from youtube. This happened around the same time I believe, as they were all there mere hours ago. 


Basically YouTube is marking these videos as spam and removing them because people are looping them continuously and not playing any other videos in between them which gets the user’s account flagged for possible bot activity, and when it happens en masse YouTube’s algorithms determine the video in question muat be a marketing scam using bots to generate revenue off the ads …

You have to play 3-5 different videos between these fundraiser ones if you’re going to keep replaying them because otherwise they will keep getting flagged and removed!


This right here is a message. Black business #BuyBlack shop

If you have a black business to add, just drop it under this thread with the link.

Affordable human hair wigs


things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever

  • change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
  • move the pictures on your wall
  • stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
  • slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
  • change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
  • drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
  • shower with the lights off, without music
  • buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
  • start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
  • wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
  • listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015

Almost all of these are about variety. Humans need stimulation! We need enrichment! We literally cannot do the same thing every day!

The other day I was feeling miserable, so I hopped on a bus and rode it all the way back to where I’d started, and my brain, which had finally had some proper stimulation via new environments, was suddenly ready to go again!

This is why taking walks/drives and trying new hobbies are good for you! Don’t turn yourself into a sad zoo animal! You need some pumpkins to roll around in your enclosure!


god i fucking love the quote “dont turn yourself into a sad zoo animal” it has really inspired me!


Solarpunk Action Week 2020 -- Round 2!

Hey there, space cadets!  Last month’s Solarpunk Action Week took off like a barn fire and exceeded Solarpunk Action Week 2019 by easily a factor of 10, with tons of people getting food planted, learning new skills, building things, reducing waste, spreading information, taking direct action, and getting their neighborhoods and workplaces organized.   So we’ll be doing a followup to coincide with springtime in parts of the southern hemisphere!  Mark those calendars for September 20th-26th!

What is Solarpunk?

Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and  activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a  sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” The  aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the  well-designed with the green and wild, the bright and colorful with the  earthy and solid. Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or  concerned with the struggles en route to a better world — but never  dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not  warnings. Solutions to live comfortably without fossil fuels, to  equitably manage scarcity and share abundance, to be kinder to each  other and to the planet we share. At once a vision of the future, a  thoughtful provocation, and an achievable lifestyle.”

And what is Solarpunk Action Week?

Solarpunk Action Week is a week dedicated to taking radical environmentalist and anticapitalist action to make the world a better place.  Previous Action Weeks have seen people starting gardens, learning new skills, making and repairing things, reducing waste, spreading information, getting involved in community organizing. 

All you have to do participate is begin or continue with an environmentalist, anticapitalist project and talk about it in the #SolarpunkActionWeek tag; it’ll get a lot of signal boosts to connect with other people around the world doing the same.

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The previous Solarpunk Action Week saw a lot of individual actions, and those were incredible to witness, but we’re at our most powerful when we come together, so your homework for the next 5 months between now and the end of September is:  Get organized!  If we were able to do so much as individuals back in March, just imagine what you could get done rolling into Solarpunk Action Week with a crew ready to go. 

If you’re new to organizing, here are some great places to get started:

Can’t find anything in your area? Start something yourself!

And I’m sure people will link to all sorts of other great projects and resources in the rebagels, so keep an eye on the notes!

What can I do?

So many things!  You can check out the #SolarpunkActionWeek tag to see what others have done in the past for inspiration.  The two dinguses organizing these events have got resource tags full of just so many things you might could do and how to get started on them, here and here respectively.  And here are some other fun ideas:

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Get out there and invent the future, space cadets, because we have a world to win.  I know y’all are gonna make me proud; y’all always do.

If you want to keep up with/support the mods between Action Weeks, here’s our info: 

Natalie: Mastodon, tumblr (resources tag), cashapp $NatalieIronside


Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis

Here’s a free PDF of “Are Prisons Obsolete” if you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the prison abolitionist movement. This reading answers many of the questions you likely have regarding the call to abolish prisons and police.

One of the things I love about Angela Davis is that her writing style is so easily digestible, even when covering complex theory such as this. Do not be intimidated by the subject matter, it is fairly easy to grasp and I think everyone should read it.


sokka, reading a recipe: “beat three eggs”

sokka: ... at what? hand-to-hand combat?

zuko: must be. they banned swords in the kitchen, remember?


Gianna Floyd, while on the shoulders of Stephen Jackson, saying “daddy changed the world” has shattered me. She broke my heart tonight. She deserves for her dad to be here. She deserves to have him see her grow up, and graduate, and walk her down the aisle, and see what a beautiful life she will make for herself. But she won’t have any of that and that makes me angry. We will make sure he changed the world, Gianna. We will make sure that one day you can live in a world better than what it is now. A world where you are unconditionally loved. You deserve a better and brighter future. We will keep fighting until we can’t anymore. We will fight for him and you.


“Heathenry is a macho male warrior’s religion!”

We have, like, four deities associated with war. One of them is queer. One of them is a protector of the common folk. One of them is a disabled god of justice. One of them is a goddess.

I’m just saying, statistically we have more gods associated with agriculture. Maybe we should start saying that Heathenry is a gardener’s religion.

Given the violent rages and extreme weaponry and fortifications I’ve seen gardeners go to to keep the fucking deer and rabbits out of thier crop I think the Norse understood that warfare is really an extension of gardening.


You’ve not seen warfare until you’ve had to combat pests that can both jump over your fences (kangaroos), and burrow (rabbits), and just.. bull through (wombats). Nothing is safe….

My sister is vegetarian but she’s been trying to balcony-garden in Australia and has declared that she will BBQ the cockatoos if they make another go at her tomatoes.


I don’t think we appreciate enough just how BAD Zuko and Iroh were at pretending to be earth kingdom refugees. It is a goddamn miracle that these two didn’t get caught within two days. “Where are you traveling from?” “YES WE’RE TRAVELERS!” Zuko, please act like a human. General ‘Dragon of the West’ Iroh chancing it and making some tea out of a random flower that was probably (and was) poisonous? The two of them finally getting into Ba Sing Se after weeks of almost dying several times after being found and Iroh just firebending in public for the sake of some subpar tea? We know exactly where Zuko got his impulse control from, no question about it. “We we’re part of a, ummmmm, traveling circus?” “Yes, I juggled.” Zuko, honey, babe, please just think of one convincing lie I’m begging you. Zuko deciding “fuck the girl I’m on a date with looks sad, time to whip out some firebending” to light up some lanterns at a PUBLIC FOUNTAIN. And then once the Jet drama dies down and Iroh finally gets his tea shop, what does he name it? The Jasmine DRAGON. Ah yes, a perfectly inconspicuous name for a perfectly inconspicuous pair of refugees who some guy very publicly accused of being firebenders just a month prior. Totally not firebenders. These two… I swear to god it’s a good thing there is no war in Ba Sing Se because fucking hell they were bad at lying. 

Also, when sokkas talking to his sword trainer about how hes not fire nation he said “yeah you might want to think of a better fire nation name than sokka. Try lee, theres a million lees in the fire nation”

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