
@coolerthanbeans-blog / coolerthanbeans-blog.tumblr.com

Micah 21/trans/bi (he/him) i main d.va and have a padme tattoo. follow me on twitter

normal webpage: error, unable to load page

this fucking awful place: w-woopsie!!!! woopsie doodly!!!!! we had a widdle boo boo and scrumbled it all up :’( pwease dont be mad…


I put some maple syrup in a condom just to see what it would look like and when i was carrying it to the dumpster it broke

*The things people who aren’t having enough sex do with condoms**


god today i ID’d an old dude buyin booze and he pulled out a fake ID with an elvis pic, then laughed and pulled out a matching one but with curly from three stooges on it, and im like okay please and he finally pulled out his real license and his legal name was steve sinner

that was the devil

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