
florals and galaxy print

@bethanolia / bethanolia.tumblr.com

"angelic baby i found in the trash"- Jem

my favorite thing about revolutionary girl utena is that finishing it changes you fundamentally as a person and both you and the characters will be haunted by the narrative and its impact forever. my second favorite thing about revolutionary girl utena is that one episode where nanami nearly gets her shit rocked by a renegade boxing kangaroo on school property


amazing news for the bisexual community

"oscar isaac" "kristen stewart" "vampire" "thriller" "80s" ???? please


crabs are literally being forcefemmed by barnacles every day and no one ever talks about it

sacculina makes me go a little insane honestly and not even for strictly transgenderly reasons... its life cycle involves attaching itself to a crab, producing eggs in place of that crab's eggs, and using the female's natural "egg dispersal" technique to, well, disperse its own eggs; but what do they do if they attach to a male host? give up and die? of course not, they simply instigate a hormone cascade that fundamentally changes the crab forever. easy!

and this is just what being an arthropod is like most of the time. bugs get parasitized like CRAZY. theyre the worlds most hijackable machines and you better believe the biosphere is taking advantage of that fact

and, sure, you know what, its yuri. fuck it. theyre raising kids together. this is the ideal liberal family: barnacle mother, absentee barnacle father, and beautiful transgender crab mother


I think I am the way I am partially because my first ever big video game with a story was Super Paper Mario. The narrative is kickass but honestly more than anything I haven't seen many examples that come close to how visually coherent Super Paper Mario is. The amount of geometric shapes in the art direction of the game really drives home how many characters could only exist in 2D, which really drives home the ability to swap to 3D!!!! It's so cool!!! and all the weird equations in the sky and the bizarre (even for Mario standards) enemy designs and the way each world seems to have a unique pattern to the way the world layout is stylized.....its absolutely incredible

also ALSO i adore how the different worlds have very clearly distinct art styles without looking out of place to one another. The sammer guys and the cragnons both look supremely different in how their face and limbs are made, but they both look like they fit in super paper mario. it's such a valiant goal to have all worlds look visually distinct as much as they do.


And Longator is there too.



AI this AI that. i don’t care. call me when they invent a strap you can feel

i’m not talking about those two sided ones. i’m not talking about bottom surgery. i mean literally a strap you can take on and off that you can feel like a real dick. get with the program guys. i’d be anti brain chips until they gave me a hot swappable cock


I had to Google “dora trampoline lightning” but I found it. This is it. This is the funniest image on the internet. Everyone can go home. It was fun while it lasted.

This is how azula killed aang

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