
A Lone Dork


i actually have no idea what im doing, I'm genderbent and have my own blog that's all I know omg send help and questions-Of course admin lani; over like three blogs is here and about let's get on with this
Anonymous asked:

what is the color of your highlights?

i-it’s blonde with the tips being a faded blue (it ws a much cooler blue a few months ago)

Anonymous asked:

labi nub when are you and navii mun going to officially open the sailormoon au blog? I'm really excited for it!

Hey anon babu, ye ye, we should be opening it up soon. thank you so much for the support, we hope we make you proud. we've been planning for moooonthhhhss


Double knock down!

So i was tagged twice by Rhea darling and by Dolly Bae

Name: Lani ouo)b Nickname: Lani, Analysis (my uncle gave me this and it stuck??), Atlantis...dont ask why. Birthday: May 25, Towel Day OuO)! Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual >w6) Height: 5'0 ;w;)

Time zone: EST What time and date is it there: 11:03 P.M. | August 31th  Average hours of sleep: 5-3 hours depending on what time i get home from work and how much homework i have OTP’s: USUKUS, Makoharu, give me all many otps from fandoms dont talk i havfe feelings First word to come to mind: coffee Last thing I said to my family: "Just listen, mom listen its a great idea" Me trying to convince her why i need 70 million alpacas  One place that makes me happy and why: Home i guess, i like being able to curl up with mama and like by the fire place where is warm and happy and i know im loved.  How many blankets do I sleep under: one during the summer, like 8 in the winter since i dont get heat in my room 

Favorite beverage: Coffeeeeee, inca kola, uhhh baikal? water?? yeah 

do i need to tag people???? ill tag people later 


ask-kyu said: we can be trash together

lani and kyu = trash okay, but youre the cooler looking trash -w-) 

I will be married for a week to the first person in my askbox who says "Honey, I'm home"

I’m gonna keep reblogging this until I get one 

Haha… The Chicken!!XD

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