
All hail the cuttlefish!

@politicalcuttlefish-blog / politicalcuttlefish-blog.tumblr.com


Salvation Army hurts more people than it helps 

PETA kills more animals than it saves 

Red Cross hordes more money than it spends on relief 

Susan J. Komen Spends more on lawsuits than on medical research 

Wounded Warrior spends most of their funds on parties

Always research charities before you donate to them because just because they’re famous, that doesn’t mean they’re good 

Autism Speaks spends 3% of their income helping autistic people and has released videos stating that having autistic children will ruin your life


one sentence horror story

This sounds like a threat.

Yeah, so let’s impeach President Hillary Clinton! ...wait...

You know when liberals stopped caring about John McCain?

Nov 9, 2008.

You know when liberals stopped caring about Mitt Rommney?

Nov 9, 2012.

So maybe the compulsive need to make Hillary Clinton the boogeyman almost a year after the election says more about Donald Trump and the republican establishment than it does about Hillary.


Apparently the time after a massacre is never the time to talk about gun control, but if a Muslim does it , it’s always the right time to talk about banning Muslim immigrants 



Reblog and you might save someone’s life, especially with all our Black Girls going missing #ProtectBlackGirls #SaveLife

For those who don’t know what’s happening in the video, she untied her shoelaces, pulled one through the inside of the zip tie binding her hands, then tied the shoelaces together. Then, by pulling downward and back and forth on the shoelaces with her feet, she created enough friction to wear away part of the ziptie, making it weak enough to snap right off her hands.




Will always reblog

Protect all the ladies and the dudes


Some assholes have been putting nails in cheese and treats in dog parks in Chicago and Massachusetts. Also adding antifreeze to water bowls.

Please watch out for your dogs. And if you find out the address of someone doing this, give me the address and tell no one. I will disembowel them.

Antifreeze is fucking deadly as shit. Whilst my mom worked in the vets office the neighbor of a cat owner had become sick of his neighbors tom spraying by his house so he left antifreeze out for the cat. Animals are weirdly attracted to the smell and will drink it.

The cat was given to the vets and for 2 days it’s insides were slowly dissolved by the acids and it bled from his nose, mouth and even eyes.  

On the second day, the vet not being able to help and refusing to let the cat suffer any longer put the cat down. The neighbor who did not deny his crimes didn’t even offer to pay the woman’s vet bill.


Fuck who ever is doing this. They can fucking burn.

my friend had a cat and it drank antifreeze that was puddled in the driveway and one day they were knitting and it just vomited up all of its internal organs and fell over dead on her lap.


The perpetrators of all of this will burn in Hell. 


A neighbor of mine threw a ball of hamburger full of rat poison pellets over our fence for my son’s dog. He survived, barely, but has had nerve damage ever since.

Okay, listen up, if your pet drinks antifreeze, do you know what the cure is? Alcohol. That’s right. To save your furry little friend you have to get them drunk out of their faces. Antifreeze is an inhibitor and stops your enzymes from working, but luckily alcohol stops that from happening. I learned this from my A Level Biology lessons, but here’s a source anyway http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2617997.stm




not blog related, but I’m not an asshole


keep your animal friends safe.

Even a Beholder wouldn’t do this. Signal Boost

I would not hesitate to drop anyone who would do this into the earth, s i g n a l b o o s t

Signal boost

This applies to humans, too.

The first choice is fomepizole, but a lot of vets don’t keep it in stock.

Barring that, clear alcohols like vodka or everclear are a standard treatment for methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning


He was an activist who inspired millions to fight for their rights. He knew what was wrong with our country and risked his life to help his people achieve equality.  In the society where black were treated like animal he did everything possible to change this. His brave soul, his will and courage changed the history of America , changed the people. He made us believe we can win this war. He payed for it with his life. He will always be remembered.


Salt for years

Is this really from her book? There’s no way she’s this unintentionally honest and maladroit.

I want to die. I didn’t think even Hillary was capable of such hilarious lack of self-awareness. “Forgive me Reverend Mother, for I have sinned.” I suppose now the girl will have to say 20 Hail Hillary’s and serve her next campaign as penance. 

Holy cow.

Even the Sisterhood of the Perpetual Bloodshot Eyeball from Gilded Age would look at her book and cringe.

Why am I not surprised this is from Hilary?

Trust me, I’m not either.

This girl’s mother sounds like an abusive shrew and tbh I’m not surprised such a person would vote for Hillary

Of course the book is “salty”. The premise of the book is “This is how I felt after being on the losing side of the biggest presidential upset in US history” People were so angry at her for not being “real” during the campaign, but the second she actually speaks about her emotions, it’s “Lol salty! What a cunt!”

Also, I think, “I am deeply disappointed and feel that, by not voting, people allowed someone who is deeply harmful to the country to reach president,” is a far more reasonable thought than, “I am entitled to grab women’s pussies and start kissing them without even waiting for permission”


The CBS network has fired one of its top lawyers after she said she was “not even sympathetic” to victims of the Las Vegas shooting because “country music fans often are Republican

Yet somehow the right is always portraiture as dangerous

as evil

now realize 90%+ media shares her thoughts… that’s what we’re dealing with 



Good on CBS for firing her.

I’m pretty sure someone with that opinion being fired immediately does not indicate “90%+ media shares her thoughts” it indicates the exact opposite.


Well that didn’t take long.

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get,” she tweeted Monday morning.“

BITCH. The bodies aren’t even cold yet. We we don’t even know how many are dead total and you want to talk about how many more could hypothetically be dead if some unrelated bill was passed? That has absolutely nothing to do with a guy who took illegal weapons and fired them into a crowd.

I’m  not even necessarily for gun control, in most cases, but I hate this mentality that the time following a tragedy is not the time to discuss ways of preventing similar future tragedies. Frankly, a tragedy should inspire people to question how it happened and how it can be prevented from happening again.  And maybe gun control isn’t the answer, but it should at least be on the table.

Also, I can’t help but feel that a lot of the people who are saying “Now’s not the time to talk about guns.”  would be the first ones to use this attack to denounce Islam had there been any evidence that the shooter was a Muslim. 

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