
hi there

@myrkur-dragon / myrkur-dragon.tumblr.com


The panic over COVID-19 causing people to hoard shit unnecessarily means I can't find medical supplies (like disinfecting alcohol wipes) without paying an obnoxiously exorbitant amount.

Generally healthy, able-bodied people don't need masks, exam gloves, or alcohol swabs to protect themselves against COVID-19. But chronically ill people and their caretakers do need those supplies to live their everyday lives.

Calm the fuck down and wash your fucking hands, ableds.

Able-bodied people and not-chronically-ill people are encouraged to reblog this, whether or not you're panicking over coronavirus.


There is this amazing person I have a big crush on but they are wayyy too awesome and out of my league... I just had an amazing conversation with them and it was so fun talking again. I'm just way too scared to admit it. I feel like i'm a weird person and make them uncomfortable. Its not like i wanna go big and extreme, just admitting that i have a crush. But that already feels like too much. Why is this so fucking difficult.

If the obedience disc scene from Ragnarok is so funny,how come noone has ever reanacted it at CC??

simple, it’s a horrible scene and real fans know that


i know we all rag on MCU movies for being the most soulless pieces of garbage to grace theaters in the past few evers, but i think the music in those movies really doesnt get enough credit for being the least memorable or emotional music ever heard

every single piece sounds like placeholder music to give an idea of what someone might want for a scene but then they accidentally sent it off without ever actually getting a score composed

i do not know what this is supposed to mean

Frist off, that video was a damn revelation. But I have to wonder if Marvel’s spoilerphobia doesn’t also come in. Because I can’t believe that not a single Marvel executive has never thought “hey, where’s our Imperial March?” If nothing else, to be able to make shorter trailers that will get people talking (as any hint to the Imperial March in a 20sec SW trailer will do).

But if the conversation with the composer goes

“We need a theme tune for this character.” “Great! What can you tell me about their personality, role and narrative development?” “Nothing.”

The composer is probably going to murder you in your sleep.

Watch that video, it’s incredibly insightful.


It never occurred to me that films would have temp scores. TV pilots, sure. For years the Dexter score bugged me, because you could tell that it had been temp scores using music cues from Donnie Darko. I can’t explain how exactly I can tell, except that as a score nerd, I just can. But movies??? That’s insane, why would you do that?

I’m going to guess that scoring the movie this way is not only more comfortable for the director since they already work with premade music and don’t have to spend time discussing/trying out things with the composer who is scoring the film, it’s also way, way, way cheaper.


This is why I think the scores for the first Thor film and second Thor film are absolute GEMS b/c it does not fit this stereotype.

In Thor 1, Odin/Loki have a freaking THEME that gets played during the vault scene, and is actually the descending notes you hear at the very beginning of the film, and during the scene where Loki lets go and falls into the abyss. I get chills every freaking time I watch Thor 1 mainly for its score.

And in Thor 2, Loki actually got a *theme,* that feels somber and mischievous, brooding, and intelligent. The Asgard theme might feel like your typical stock adventure music, but can we talk about the nordic influence and the beautiful choral components like?? (And Taika had the gall to mock it, when the soundtrack for Thor: Ragnarok is literally just a rip-off of what made Guardians of the Galaxy so popular??) But like… the track for Frigga’s funeral is A FUCKING MASTERPIECE and the most tragically beautiful MCU moment—everyone can fight me.

(Like, I can HEAR this picture…)

Phase 1 MCU had good music, that worked with the characters and scenes. After that, it became worse and worse :(


Constantly torn between “my sexuality is none of your business” and “lmao I hope they don’t think I’m straight god forbid”

Cultivate a style that screams ‘not straight’ but still makes people wonder what the hell you are


I am thinking. I don’t know if anyone knows this, but who gave Loki’s first name? Is that Laufey or his mother? Or Frigga? Someone else?

I doubt it was Laufey or his birth mother because if the king decided the child was to be exposed, it never would have been treated like a person. I was likely either Frigga or Odin.  Probably Odin, considering he was declaring the child a prince of Asgard.

Odin found him as a baby, there probably wasn’t a name tag or something so it must have been Odin or/and Frigga


The thing I love about these gifs is that I’m almost certain he’s not trying to get out of the shackes - he knows he can’t get out of them just by pulling his hands apart. I’m pretty sure he literally just wants to cross his arms. He starts doing it by instinct in the first gif and then of course the shackles stop him. This of course is very frustrating, so he pulls on them in irritation and gives them that little death glare. He’s not trying to escape, he just wants to cross his damn arms. It’s just a really cute and underappreciated moment. 

And he’s really beautiful when he’s annoyed.

Loki is always extra adorable when in confusion

wow never noticed that :O

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