
of the bitches for the bitches

@alskathunderfuck / alskathunderfuck.tumblr.com

andrea » gif maker & drag race obsessed ☆ previously. harrystls ( var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5645920"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "//freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site="+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>"); | var fhsh = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id_h = "3353924"; fhsh.src = "//freehostedscripts.net/ocount.php?site="+fhs_id_h+"&name=&a=1"; document.head.appendChild(fhsh);document.write("<span id='h_"+fhs_id_h+"'>"); ) tracking » ALSKATHUNDERFUCK currently working on: rpdr gif challenge

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everything is bad and getting worse by the day

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