

@midnightxxstars / midnightxxstars.tumblr.com

Hi there, I'm 17 and ♀. You can just call me Kikuno. ゛☆⌒o(*^ー゜) オッケー♪ I'm a big fan of prince of tennis so I'll mostly be posting/reblogging things from there but there is a mass amount of other anime and random crap I'll reblog. There might (or might not) be some nsfw things on here (just a warning~). Also some snk/nge/yugioh/dmmd stuff is dancing it's way on here so I'm sorry if I spam you with that :3. But I usually tag my crap so yes~. Important: I LOVE blond haired senpais. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 'More Links' now has 'submit' link :D!

where does satan get all his email?

i guess you guys will never know

i dunno guys ill think about it 

THIS WAS HIS PLAN THE WHOLE TIME. THIS WAS HIS PLAN THE ENTIRE TIME. i bet there isn’t even an answer. unless it’s hotmail

oh no there’s definitely an answer. it isnt hotmail.

because you asked SO nicely

its his


*still drumrolling*

*the drums are rolling*

*drummin and rollin*



Imagine your favorite character

Now imagine them in an oversized hoodie


Gaming Logic

more you tilt your body your character will get away from danger

the louder you yell, the more critical hits you’ll land

when you stand up you can see everyone’s weakspots

when you tilt your head you’ll be able to see more of the area

When you lean forward, you get +30% concentration.

When you use controller 1, it means you’ll win

Throwing yourself bodily to the side helps you avoid obstacles in racing.

Threatening the playable character with physical injury will make platform puzzles easier.


All of these things. All of them.

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