
This is a tumblr

@roisu / roisu.tumblr.com

I mostly post fandom stuff.
I like to post my fanart and fanfictions and reblog whatever makes me happy. This blog and blogger are both very queer.
Warning: Meme Trash Ahead

Less than 48 hours after (finally!) beating Persona 5, and I have already bought Royal. Gonna play it as soon as the download finishes, so don’t expect to see me on Tumblr much for the next week or two.

Welp, there goes my master plan of saving money by only using the (much cheaper) vanilla Persona. 😅


FICLET: Let a Wild One Go Free ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe ~ Teen

Title: Let A Wild One Go Free Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Prompt: From @roisu, Loki & Tony Stark, healing Summary: Tony takes a break from avengering, due to a broken collarbone, and ends up finding Loki working at a coffeeshop.

Color him surprised when he'd put in his order—with the necessary muffin, yes, thank you, JARVIS—and stepped around the counter to collect his coffee, only to find a very familiar man working the machines. "Huh," he said, leaning against the counter. Loki went tense. Tony cycled through about six different comments—most of them jokes that would almost certainly be taken the wrong way, based on interactions with Thor—and settled on, "You don't poison my coffee, I didn't see you." Loki eyed him for a moment that dragged, then gave a sharp nod and made Tony his coffee. Without poison.

Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)


I’m fucking dying; we’ve got this three year old over, and he finds our Green Lantern mask, so he comes up to me wearing it and asks what Green Lantern’s powers are.  So I tell him Green Lantern has a ring that can ‘make anything he imagines’ (I mean he’s three, I’m not going to Get Into It) and he runs off.

And like 40 seconds later, we hear, “Ring, make me into the Flash!”

Fuckin’ COLD, man.


Hello, Tumblr. I have been disappeared for over a month now, and as soon as I post this, I will go back to being disappeared. Five weeks ago, I resubscribed to RuneScape for the first time in years. These two events are very much connected.

(I have five skillcapes)

I tagged this as #me so I just got a bunch of new bot followers to report.

Alternatively, a bunch of hot girls without profiles took “I’m not active rn” to mean “I am a good person to follow.”


Hello, Tumblr. I have been disappeared for over a month now, and as soon as I post this, I will go back to being disappeared. Five weeks ago, I resubscribed to RuneScape for the first time in years. These two events are very much connected.

(I have five skillcapes)


hot take but none of you are allowed to use deer/antler imagery when working with cannibalistic themes anymore. you need to be honest with yallselves on WHY you're associating deer/antler imagery with cannibalism. just because you aren't naming the name doesn't mean that the original anti-indigenous racism isn't still inherent to what you're doing.


For those who need more explanation, a well known (but often misunderstood) figure in Algonquin and Aanishinabe culture is the wend*go.

No, I'm not fully typing out the name cause we don't say that name and don't want to attract its attention. Yes, all of this is taken very seriously by us Natives.

The problem is that this very serious figure isn't taken seriously at all by non-Natives and, instead of respecting our culture and the fact we don't even say its name, its perceived as this cool monster to add to movies, video games and cool edgy OCs.

And, as with all thing Native being used and abused, misunderstood, and transformed by non-Natives, we are tired of that. It's not okay, it's not respectful.

You want a people eating monster in a story? Use anything else.

As someone who's absolutely guilty of this shite on this account...yeah you have the right to spitroast me for that. Fair is fair.

I do hope we can use creepy deer aesthetics on and about other mythological/fiction monster villains tho. As someone who had a deer almost kill their dog, I just find deer creepy and unsettling regardless.

first off: You are the single person who has responded to this post admitting some variant of having done this that actually listened to what was being said, acknowledged that you did such things while you didn't know any better, expressed an intent to never do it again, and asked for clarification on whether or not "creepy deer aesthetic" is completely off-limits with that in mind. So with that said, I want you to know that you're one of the very few folks in this post I respect sincerely.

To that end: While obviously I can't speak for Native America as a monolith, it would be my opinion that no, creepy deer aesthetics as a concept are fine. Deer can be fucked up and weird. There is a fundamental lure to the idea of a large prey animal behaving as a predator or in ways anathema to our understanding of prey. That juxtaposition and irony has a lot of narrative potential and for good reason--it fucks severely! I don't want to see it go away! It fucks hard, for Christ's sake!

But it is my opinion that the use of deer aesthetics within the specific context of cannibal themes isn't able to be used anymore. The well has been poisoned too deeply. I never said once the specific being I was referring to in nearly any of my responses, but everyone knew exactly what I meant. Even trying to purposefully distance the racism from the imagery would be useless, since the racism is baked in to the assumptions by now. Reclamation may be able to happen in the future, but first we need to accept that setting it down completely is the right play for a while. You can distance racism from creepy deer stuff by purposefully and actively distancing it from Native America and cannibalism--if it becomes a recurring imagery on its own throughout multiple types of horror, rather than being innately tied by implication to the winter hunger, that's when we could maybe begin talking about whether or not to start re-examining our relationship with it.

EDIT: I forgot to add this but I will say my only criticism of your response is your use of myth/fiction to refer to supernatural beings. No one is saying that a gorgon or pegasus isn't a mythological creature--but the Greco-Roman empire has been long since dead. Additionally, Greek monsters were a coinflip on "we acknowledge and believe this to be invented contemporarily, such as Scylla and Charybdis or the crashing cliffs" and "we genuinely believe that this monster is real bc thats how religio-spiritual beliefs work". But the Greco-Roman empire is long-dead. There is no state-organized practice of Hellenic or Homeric or any sort of Greek paganism, it's all neopaganism or individual atemporal reconstructions. The hydra is allowed to remain a myth because no one is hurt by doing so.

But referring to indigenous supernatural beliefs/history as mythology is deeply, fundamentally, and extremely racist. Defining nonwhite cultures' beliefs as Myths or Legends is an inherent tool of white supremacy and Christian imperialism. Jesus is not considered a myth. Joan of Arc is not considered a myth. Look at what cultures have their indigenous practices, religions, and histories get labelled as "myth" and you'll see where Christianity has rooted itself in oppressing those cultures and communities, silencing and smothering them. Nobody is hurt by the hydra being a myth, because the culture of the Greeks who it would have hurt has been dead for centuries.

But what about Native Americans? We're still here. We're still alive. We're still holding firm to our beliefs, our histories, our spirituality, our religion. Calling the shit that y'all have stolen myth is intensely racist. It discredits our agency, our intelligence, and our cultures, and it helps distance Native America from modernity. It frames us as ancient and dead as the Greeks. It disrespects the possibility of our cultures as refusing to bow down or give in or cede ground, disrespects our religions, and all so much more.

Stop calling indigenous folklore and beliefs as "myths". Stop treating them as monsters for your Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Stop acting like this is a huge and unreasonable demand that we not be insulted to our faces even further with y'all's thefts.

I didn't realise that with the terminology around myths

I was previously of the opinion that calling indigenous beliefs folklore was dismissive because there was a certain weight and authority and respect tied to the word "mythology"

I think it's because I often saw the Christianity, included in discussions of creation myths but Native American, Austrailian Aboriginal, and Sub-Saharan African creation stories would be under folklore and that always bothered me a lot

So is it somewhat situational? Like if the bible and other active religious and spiritual beliefs and traditions are being discussed as myths in an academic setting would that be the appropriate terminology but if its about specific stories is it better to avoid?

Or is it better to avoid words like folklore and mythology completely when discussing Native American beliefs and traditions and instead refer to it only as beliefs and traditions or to stick with folklore?

I'm really trying to make sure I use the best practice going forward when I discuss religion, beliefs, folklore, and mythology because I really do care about getting it right


I think the problem is with differing connotations. What’s the fallacy where people use the same word to mean different things? Christianity’s creation myths are seen as “a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.” Meanwhile, native beliefs are seen as “an unfounded or false notion” and “having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence.” (definitions from Merriam-Webster online)

My (ignorant, uniformed, white) opinion is that “folklore” is more acceptable because it doesn’t have the same negative connotations as “myth.”


i'm the guy who writes the books that the protagonist in supernatural horror movies frantically reads somewhere in act ii. job's pretty easy. lot of "legends of vampires have recurred all throughout human history" and "demonologists agree that the quickest way to un-summon a demon is to trap it in a cursed object". no citations of course; they don't pay me citation money. i had to learn html back in the early aughts when everyone started seeking their supernatural info on websites they found via top search engines like FINDLER and WEBSIGHT but that's died down now which is great because i didn't have it in me to pick up css. currently working on a new book about horses that are evil. it's called HORSES THAT ARE EVIL in all caps so the protagonist can find it quickly to yank off the library shelf. it will be published 35 years ago.


Muahahahaha, my particularly inane fever dream has come true!

Now, if only the fever would go away…


Our beautiful home


after a long day of doing laundry for the entire neighborhood, i walk into my kitchen and cook an amazing gourmet feast, which i then eat entirely while crouched in the corner set aside for dining. afterwards, i tuck my son into solitary confinement before making the long trek down the master bedroom hallway to bed, where i settle in with my wife who just finished bathing in our second bathroom's indoor swimming pool


Need a big kitchen to store all our vanilla extract.


Anyway, this is a good thread on why I will only be using “omegaverse” from now on, instead of the acronym even with the slashes.

This thread…. is like… impossible to read. I see zero information or explanation just random comment about how bad and awful it is or people feeling guilty, wtf is this even about…?

The thread is challenging to read but tl:dr is some Aboriginal folks weighed in on the acronym being a slur—which has been pretty common knowledge around fandom for a while—and that adding slashes doesn’t magically make it not a slur the way many fandom folks claim, and “omegaverse” is perfectly good term we can use instead that really isn’t that much longer.

Basically, you read it like a reddit thread, each indented comment is a new response to the previous comment, indented one space from the previous comment to show which part of the thread it’s responding to, it’s just that it’s an anon discussion, so you don’t have usernames to go by. But, yeah, the tl:dr is that, for awhile people have known that the acronym for alpha/beta/omega is a slur against Aboriginal people, so they were told to use slashes to separate the letters to show it was different (this was, for the most part, a good faith response, that people were trying to avoid the slur), but here an Aboriginal person weighs in to comment on how, well, the slur is still right there even with the slashes.  Kinda like using slashes with the n-word and saying, oh, it’s totally different because the punctuation separates the letters. A lot of people respond to this with basically:  “Oof, yeah, I see that now, I feel bad that that inflicted a lot of hurt on Aboriginal people, I’m going to use ‘omegaverse’ from now on.”  It’s a discussion around the use of the term in fandom and a lot of people realizing they weren’t avoiding the slur as well as they thought they were and feeling bad for people who were upset by seeing it and that “omegaverse” is a perfectly weildy term and already common in use.


This is mesmerizing to watch.

actually physically painful to watch because you know months were spent masking all those frames for each of the kajillions of transitions in this



Oh?? My god??


I’ll try my best to describe this. It’s a video with a mash-up of a bunch of different Disney movies, set to a song that’s a mash-up of a bunch of other songs. That in and of itself wouldn’t make it praiseworthy, but this is DONE SO WELL that just, holy cow.


To piggyback off @pomrania: remember the commercials during the Disney renaissance for the Masterpiece Collection? (Holy shit, I’m officially old.)

If they’d had modern levels of computer technology back then, this would have been one of those commercials.

It’s THAT smoothly done.

Also? As a person who’s hard of hearing: while the lip sync isn’t perfect if you know how to lipread, it is DAMN close. Like. This creator literally took the time to match the clips to the lyrics. That by itself is difficult enough, but to then do it AND time the shots to flow seamlessly into each other?

Someday I want someone to love me the way this creator loves Disney, is what I’m saying.

Next. Level.

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