


I love leather and I love fur and I don’t mind arguing about it.

“Do you think it’s okay to slaughter animals for their skin?” I eat them too AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH

“doctor I’m wearing a leather jacket and eating a hamburger please you have to take me away I’m a danger to society”

don’t go in there


Venison and buckskin.

And mink and coyote and fox!

Listen, fellas.

The problem isn't fur, the problem is factory farming. That's always the problem. Buying fur and bones and shells from Indigenous folks who know how to get them correctly and respectfully is the best practise.

But you know what kind of winter coat eventually decomposes and doesn't cause pollution and doesn't contain microplastics? FUR. You know what kind of fabric stays warm even when wet? WOOL. You know what kinds of shoes last forever? LEATHER ONES.

Plastic is bad for the environment. Are you going to kill a thousand animals or one? Those are your choices at this point, there is no zero. You have to square with the idea that you cannot get the blood off your hands, and you shouldn't feel you have to. We all depend on one another, and it's possible to want an animal to have the best life it can before you kill it for food and whatever else. Domesticity is a good deal for most animals when it's done properly--they get protection from predators, free food, and medical care that they wouldn't get in the wild, and a longer life and a painless death.

Pleather is plastic. Faux fur is plastic. Vegan leather is plastic. It's all plastic and it all releases microplastics into the water supply every time you wash it. It is not 'cruelty free' that is a lie advertising is selling you. You have got to stop thinking with your disgust reaction.


i hate these motherfuckers so much. our sewer system used to be infested with them. they;d crawl out of my fucking toilet at night looking for warmth, standing up from the bowl waving their shitass little arms at me. they don’t have eyes but you can feel them staring back at you, asking for hugs or god knows what with that pathetic whine that permeates their entire way of existence. uppies! uppies! i’m not giving you uppies you wet toilet freak

This image was so visceral I had to draw it.


between tiktok and youtube slop, kids these days are subjected to possibly one of the worst media diets in the history of mankind. unlike me who was raised on the same 10 commercials for corn syrup products cycling between variety shows, as nature intended


hmmm why does my uterus hurt and why do i feel kinda off. weird. surely these are not the warning symptoms of a predictable biological process that occurs on a regular schedule. anyway. im going to wear white pants today.

by talos this cant be happening


Poll: if your mom remarries when you’re 26 years old is that guy still your stepdad or is he just your mom’s husband.

The poll winner seems to be “depends on whether you like him” which is super valid.

Mine watches fox news so “mom’s husband” it is!

My family has a great way of distinguishing between a new spouse you like and new spouse you disdain!

Your mom/aunt/grandma/etc remarries and they are actually a cool person, you use their first name. So if you were to introduce them they would be: Aunt Jane and Bob.

If your mom/aunt/grandma/etc remarries and they are a fuckwad you introduce them as: this is Aunt Jane and her second husband. The implication being that they are very replaceable and that we’re all just waiting for her to wise up to the situation and serve you divorce papers, she did it once, she can do it again.



Alright, but what if my mom on her third marriage found a decent man, but my mother herself is shitty

"my stepdad's wife"

@sapphic-sargent your tags omg

You are doing God’s work


Another thing is that when this aggression started, we were so worried about winter and how displaced people in tents will survive it. Earlier this week the temperature in Gaza hit 38 degrees (100 Fahrenheit) and we are now wondering how will displaced people survive the heat in those tents.

Just remember that while the tents did not keep rainwater out during winter, they trap the heat in during the summer.

Israel had destroyed over 70% of housing units in Gaza. With nowhere to go, Palestinians built these makeshift tents with pieces of nylon and scraps of fabric. This made it so that the temperature inside the tent is higher than what it is outside.

This is the reality of all the displaced people in Gaza who currently live in tents, who are now dreaming of a sip of cold water as temperatures begin to soar. Remember them and raise your voice for their sake.


went to the grocery store yesterday and saw they had some cheddar cheese on sale. i noticed a middle aged woman filling her entire hand basket with these discounted aged cheddar blocks, hand movements frantic and eyes set with determination. i reached over and grabbed a block from the discount bin. she snapped out of her reverie and quietly asked “do you want some more?” i said no i only want one block. she looked horrified. are you sure, she asked. yeah, i responded, plunking the block in next to my spinach. she began explaining that she and her friends really like this particular cheese. she sounded horrified. she was stumbling on her own words. i left quickly, feeling like i walked into something i shouldnt have seen. a private moment between this woman and her cheeses. i hope she is doing okay and is eating her cheese. 

actually im eating my cheese now and honestly i understand her, this cheese SLAPS

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