
update — my blogs

a complete list of all my sweet summer children
illya kuryakin ( therussicnway ) ;; main blog. my smol swol angry russian bear furiosa ( xfvriosa ) ;; sideblog. there’s nothing but salt rick ford ( rickfcrd ) ;; sideblog. the definition of too much lbr regulus black ( xparadoxiisms ) ;; sideblog. my fucking precious ace child alastor moody ( auroriisms ) ;; sideblog. actually an irish teddy bear. rowena ravenclaw ( xraveniisms ) ;; sideblog. looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you 


so I’m actually going to be doing a thing tonight guys. I’ve been super sad lately because with school and everything else I haven’t been able to get online as much as before. and when I do, I play favorites with illya because I’m already on his blog. but I miss my other characters ?? so I’ve decided I’m going to move them all to sideblogs on illya. hopefully this will make me actually be active one them again !! I know some people don’t like RPing with sideblogs, so I totally understand if you don’t follow me over, but for those who do know I love you. I’ll be moving my regulus black, my alastor moody, my rowena ravenclaw, my rick ford, and my furiosa blogs. if you don’t have the links for all of them and you want them, like this and I’ll make a post linking them all once they’re moved over !!
guess who’s finally back online, guys !! if you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been kinda absent from this blog for a bit now, letting my queue run its way through. basically I was just feeling like shit, and feeling like no one wanted my furiosa around. so I took some time away from here because I LOVE my furiosa and would rather take a small break than delete her. soooo, I went and gave some love to my muses who I’ve been neglecting for this queen here. 
I revamped my regulus black blog, found here. isn’t he just so dreamy ?? christ, I love him. 
AAANNDD I made a new theme for my alastor moody blog, found here. I LOVE IT AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OK !! 
I will hopefully be on here tonight, though I’ll probably be dividing my time between rowena and reg primarily, since I’m revamping my rowena ravenclaw blog, but I also just got an AMAZING sirius black blog courtesy of my friend cat. also, I should really go work on drafts on my rick ford blog.... but I might do that tomorrow, when I plan to be on furiosa more.
aaaannnnyyyyways, in honor of me coming back, like this if you want a starter. I will either throw a plot at you, or I will just throw you a starter that comes to my head when I read over your blog. I’m honestly hoping that this time away did me some good and people will actually like this so I can do things here. so yeah. like for a starter, please !!

compare me to the sea/drown in poetry

HD it pls :)

who knew vidding a movie would be so difficult.?.oh well.i tried :)

this movie is absolutely sensational and this ship=holy grail of all ships <3 i felt the first part of song fit furiosa and the second one with max..so umm..i hope some maxiosa/mad max fans like this video :)

dedicated to dealingdreams and bonehandledknife <3

fandom:mad max:fury road

ship: max X furiosa


every line of dialogue Max says in Fury Road

max: *portentous inner narration that never appears again*
max: [grunts]
max: [silence]
max: [further grunting]
max: maybe together...............................we can find..............................................some kind of...............................................................................redemption
max: my name is max
max: [emotional grunting]
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