

@anamaion / anamaion.tumblr.com

NO. I have no idea what I'm doing in a social site but okay -- I write and draw but I'm still inexperience so you may or may not see it ever so hah. Okay. BYE.

You can print things at 150dpi but anything lower than that comes out pixellated.

300dpi is the minimum setting I use for drawing digital and printing from digital. The higher the pixels per inch the better the print is. It applies to scans too! Scan at 300dpi minimum.

Hope this helps!


Character Creation/Design Talks (01)

Featured Artist:

Hey there! Would you mind talking a little about your process for creating creatures and characters? Where do you get your inspiration from? -Evvy

It might seem a little obvious from my work, but my two main categories for inspiration are the world I currently live in a experience, mostly focusing on nature elements; and the world before my existence: history, mythology and paleontology. (I collect a lot of things and have a lotta books…)

(This was for a specific project but when I had to choose a career for her to pursue I was able to incorporate my interest in prehistoric life and the ocean)

I think the biggest way to find inspiration hinges on one word: observation. Whether that’s watching animals to figure out how they function; artists, architects and other craftspeople to finagle how they made their work or discovering the rhythms of stories and myths.

(These characters are all based off United States urban legends and cryptozoology)

Its about learning, absorbing, processing and then translating. (and a lot of trial and error!)

And I always keep in mind the role of my creation: what world/setting do they exist in, how is that apparent in their design? Do they have a backstory? Who or what are they interacting with? These and similar questions can immensely help in making them believable entities that engage the audience.

(Lucian the Victorian English newt is a good example of this)

I’ve also noticed that two of the crucial visual elements in any creature and character design are repeating shapes and color palette. Just keeping those in mind can help make design decisions and lead to stronger designs. I tend towards triangles and diamonds with rounded points as well as organic rounded blob/oval shapes. It can often help me to get out as many ideas at once as possible and then go from there.

(Here are my top 20 costume designs for a future project, from here I can mix and match until I get a memorable end product)

And after all that: spark, idea, design, I want to become familiar and comfortable with the character/creature from different angles, and in different moods. The perimeters of what they act like and look like as well as their reactions to events can lead to the development of other characters/creatures and further world-development.

Personally I usually turn to images/visuals for the majority of my inspiration so I utilize Tumblr, Pinterest, field guide books, picture books and my camera and I recommend that to others!


growing up with three parents was really weird

what?? u had three parents??

yeah my mom’s a gemini


Sometimes I like to make the joke that as writers we’re ‘righters.’

And I guess there’s some truth to that.

Some of us write to fix some injustice that struck us to our core. Others to fulfill what we wanted–what was ‘wrong’–whether with other books, with our own desires, with people who we never see but want so badly.

We write to make us feel all right. To either soothe ourselves and tell our story or to silence the burning need to create.

We retell stories, or we tell them accurately where they weren’t before.

We revise. We rebuke. We remember.

So, perhaps we are ‘righters’ as writers.

This is beautiful. This is an emotion spelled out in words that have escaped me for a long time. This is why I write, this is the only reason that I write on the dark days. Thank you for articulating this. xx


windows 8 can suck my dick

I can’t believe how far technology has come


Reasons why I dislike yaoi fangirls

  • “Let my gays marry!!!”
  • They like to play the homophobic card every time someone says they don’t like a certain yaoi pairing.
  • Usually straight and phobic of other sexualities
  • They like to use the “good ally” card just because they like watching two anime guys do the do and talk about how hot it is.
  • “When I have kids, I hope I have a boy and I hope he is gay so I can ship him with other boys and fangirl over his relationships!!!”
  • “I ship my boyfriend with his best friend!!!”
  • Extremely disrespectful about female characters because they “get in the way of the yaoi”
  • Seemingly ignores the fact that a big majority of anime and manga that fall under the yaoi genre revolve around rape and sexual harassment… but one man saying “no” while the other continues is extremely hot so it’s ok apparently….
  • That whole thing when gay marriage became legal in the US, tons of fangirls were screaming about how their fictional gay guys could finally marry.
  • They like to invalidate trans/nonbinary characters and automatically making them male just for the sake of yaoi ships.
  • To sum it up, a majority of yaoi fangirls sexualize an entire sexuality and, by doing so, disrespect irl gay men and see them only as fanservice fodder and then turn around and act like they are the best allies ever.
  • Literally the female equivalent of dudebros that watch lesbian porn
  • “I wish I was a boy so I could be in a gay romance”
  • Those jokes about how if they see two actual gay men in real life, they want to watch them make out. 
  • Have a habit of invalidating trans men and not seeing them as actual men. 
  • seme/uke stereotypes
  • Quite a few are apparently those “I am not like other girls” types
  • Anything that involves two gay men is automatically called “yaoi”
  • “Stop kinkshaming us” 
  • “Oh my gosh I am watching an anime with two guys kissing I am so dirty!”
  • Overall have a very unrealistic view of gay men
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