

@slapshot-comics / slapshot-comics.tumblr.com

Hockey and Comics, fuck off luke

Have fun in the war dumbass I’ll be at home fucking military wives


Damn. Good way to get your fucking windows kicked in

shut the fuck up and raise my son bootlicker

All fun and games until someone with 3 confirmed kills shows up at your doorstep with a baseball bat

im not at my house tho, im at yours with your wife


Quentin Tarantino be like “if I don’t see some toes in the next 10mins I’m saying the n word”

Every time some one brings up Tarantino I think of this post and it haunts me


The struggle. The uneven tear. The cat fucking stomping the chocolate getting it everywhere. This video has it all.

Im fucking crying


Learning about the Ides of March in middle school was so surreal for me because it’s my birthday, so when the teacher started talking about March 15th and Caesar’s murder, everyone who knew my birthday gave me the side eye like I was the one who stabbed him, so I was sitting there like


i’m losing my mind

bert was always my favorite muppet as a kid and TBH I stand by this as an adult. 

anyways its been like four days and I have yet to stop laughing even slightly less at ‘OH GROOVE WITH ME BABY’ (THUNK THUNK THUNK) so 

im starting to suspect bert and ernie sketches were just the basis of my sense of humor


So let’s talk about Peni

She’s unique in a lot of ways, compared to rest of the Spider Fam. She’s the youngest, has a robot/spider partner, and while she has spider sense and the agility/reflexes, she doesn’t seem to have other abilities like wall-crawling or super-strength.

The biggest thing isn’t delved into in the movie, but it’s really really important. 

All the rest of the Spider Family went through spider-bites that were, essentially, freak accidents or random chance. 

Peni’s wasn’t. Peni chose to be bitten. The psychic link with her spider and the robot, SP//dr, wouldn’t have worked if she wasn’t fully consenting, or it would have failed.

What’s even more interesting is that the choice wasn’t solely Peni’s- SP//dr had to accept her too. Theirs really is a two-way partnership. 

She knew what being bitten would mean. She knew that it would hurt. Her dad had been the last one to pilot the SP//dr and he had died, but she agreed to do it anyway.

Of the entire Spider Fam, Peni was the youngest when she was bitten- the rest had been teenagers or young adults. She knew from the very start the kind of power and responsibility she was accepting, and she still made the choice.


Snorlax vs Team Skull


I don’t know what’s funnier, the fourth grunt that pops up out of nowhere at the end or the nearby Guzma who seems to be legitimately concerned they’re going to get their asses kicked


Snorlax is lowkey T-posing

Source: twitter.com
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