
On a Slapdash

@jikaabad / jikaabad.tumblr.com

A PERFECT MOMENT? What if you’re exactly where you need to be right now, having exactly the experience you need to have for your awakening? What if you’re facing the exact challenges you need to face, feeling the exact pain, confusion or uncertainty you need to feel? What if your questions are perfectly placed, your fears utterly appropriate for this moment? What if even your boredom is choreographed to perfection? Yes, tomorrow may be different. Yes, you may be somewhere else in the future. Yes, change may happen in time, and this is not a recipe for passivity. But right now, can you feel the rightness of this moment? The perfection in the seemingly imperfect place you find yourself right now? Can you see the intelligence in how circumstances have arisen to perfectly press your buttons, to make you react and suffer in such a way that you have been forced to look at what is real? Can you see how even your doubt, disbelief, disillusionment, even the resistance you feel, may in fact be the perfect experience for you right now? How it’s not a mistake that you’re reading these words, and agreeing or disagreeing with them, liking them or rejecting them? Is it possible that life can never go wrong, that even the appearance of ‘life going wrong’ is fully life, that even in our apparent brokenness we are never less than whole? Is this the perfect moment?

Jeff Foster (via oceanandwave)

She’s stubborn and hard headed but god knows I love her. There’s days when she’s grumpy for no apparent reason other than the fact that she’s grumpy. When she’s sick, she’s helpless and all you can really do is hold her in your arms and comfort her till she falls asleep. There’s days when she’ll complain about everything like the weather, people, music, or even you and you’ll just have to deal with it. She’ll complain about the room being too hot, to only result in closing the windows in the middle of the night because she’s too cold. There are days when she shuts the world out, she’ll ignore everyone because she just wants to sit in silence. Sometimes, she’ll claim she can eat an entire cow because that’s just how hungry she is. So we’ll make dinner plans and I’ll pick her up just to have her say, “I ate already, I was too hungry but I’ll still eat a little something.” There are days when she suffocates me with love. She’ll kiss and kiss and kiss, till I beg her to stop. She’ll tickle me until my insides hurt and hold my hand till it’s sweaty. There are days when she’ll claim every part of my body with her lips. And there are days when she’ll need her space and I’ll have to pull a chair up alongside the bed because she just needs her own space. There are days when her hair is messy and all over the place. Days when she’ll cry and you don’t know why but you won’t ask you’ll just let her cry. Days when she’s nervous and jumpy about everything. Days when she yells at me for no reason just to apologize two seconds later. Days when she’s a pain in the ass and pushes my buttons just to settle it with kisses. Days when I’m listening to my favorite song and she’ll talk over it because talking is more important than music. There are days when I need her to make decisions, to do the littlest things like pick a place to eat. She’ll refuse and say “I don’t know” until I give up and decide myself. Sometimes she’ll swear like a sailor and make jokes during times when she should probably be serious. There are days when it’s 3 in the morning and she won’t let me sleep and days when she’s too tired and fast asleep by 10pm. Sometimes she’s clumsy and sometimes she’s a walking contradiction; but she is everything I’ve ever wanted. I’d do everything to have her bad days, her grumpy days, her “I need space days,” her love me days, her laughing days, her clumsy days, and her happy days, because she is everything I’ve ever wanted and I wouldn’t dare trade her for anything in this world.
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