
Rapunzel's Tumblr. !


Yes, you have found Rapunzel from LeakyCon Portland 2013. Flynn's tumblr is persim-berry FIND HER!!!! My name is Alex, I am 21 years old, I am pansexual, , transgender male (Pre-T and Pre-op), and an absolutely huge nerdl. :D

Bayard Rustin was an openly gay Black man who was Martin Luther King’s right hand man. He planned the Million Man March and was subject to scrutiny for his sexuality and deemed a “deviant” and “pervert”.

Bayard Rustin can be found in nearly every picture of MLK yet he has undoubtedly been erased from history. We have to fix that.


Well then, let’s bring that name back.

Bayard Rustin, openly gay, human rights activist, proud black man.

(the guy on the left in case you wondered)


Yeah he was literally the guy who was the head of planning the March on Washington.

If you want to learn more about him, there’s a great documentary on him called Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin

Stop teachings queer youth they don’t exist !


I’m literally sitting on my couch choked up and nearly in tears.

As a nonbinary person I’ve never felt like I had any options to legally be myself.  It got to the point where I didn’t even want to bother with changing my name.  But if this is possible for me, if my ID and passport can one day say ‘nonbinary’ instead of male or female…

In the midst of all my fear and doubt and sadness, maybe there’s still hope for me to be able to be myself.


June 19, 1865 was when the slaves were freed.

How about next summer, all of black tumblr celebrate that instead of this July 4th shit?


Happy Independence Day to my people ✊🏽


autism is widely underdiagnosed in girls because autistic women tend to present as quiet and reserved, which is just how women are supposed to be.

personality disorders are underdiagnosed in men because they tend to present more explosively and involve more narcissistic behaviours, which is just how men are supposed to be.

sexism isn’t good for anyone. don’t be fooled.


Dear friends with AD/HD (and others with Initiation/motivation problems),

I have struggles about putting stuff away, and also feeling guilty about it, since I feel like I should be able to do this stuff, especially considering I’m almost 21. The biggest tip that I have learned/absorbed this year is this: make it easy.

Sitting on your bed and making garbage? Put the garbage bin next to your bed. Folding laundry feels like a huge task? Don’t do it. You’re going to unfold it all anyway when you try and find a shirt you want to wear in your drawers. Have trouble ironing? Get your stuff out of the dryer right away, and then hang it up.

This has honestly made me so much better at cleaning up behind me, has stopped my room from being so messy, etc. and also has let me be realistic about my strengths. It’s helped my guilt levels, and let me put more of my focus and motivation towards other things, like things I want to do more.

Every time I have a task that I know I will typically avoid or have trouble doing, I think to myself “how can I make this easy?”

“Make it easy” changes everything.

Here are ways I do this:

  • Put up hooks by the door to hang my coat/scarves/hat. And a shoe rack to keep my shoes off the floor and orderly looking.
  • Don’t stack things in front of each other, and try to avoid nesting them. Everything has to be visible and easy to reach. I had to get rid of some Tupperware so I could reach the ones I needed.
  • In the kitchen, keep things as close to where I’m going to use them as possible.
  • Don’t even iron. Just getting out the ironing board is a pain, and so many clothes don’t need it. 
  • Label drawers.
  • Have a box where I dump papers I need to decide whether to keep and then sort, so at least they’re all in one place.

How do you make it easier to clean?


Some useful tips here.

I can’t think of any specific ones right now, but there is one book I picked up a while back on someone’s recommendation (don’t recall whose): Susan Pinsky’s Organizing Solutions for People With Attention Deficit Disorder

I used to drive myself up the wall and end up feeling like a total failure, trying to make myself use systems that just were not suited to my needs at all. So my automatic reaction was to run from a title like that. But, it does have a lot of practical suggestions along similar lines, to work around some common difficulties.

And, as the author put it in the intro: It turns out that any home that struggles with organization, whether because of illness, lack of time, multiple children, working parents, tight space, excess clutter, or an overcommitted schedule— and who doesn’t have one of these stressors?— should rely on a system that gets things done efficiently, with the least amount of time and work put in. After all, how many people really want to spend their time doing chores? I don’t.

So, some similar solutions might also be helpful for people who are dealing with constraints other than executive function problems. (Or combinations of factors making things more difficult, like around here right now.)

I’m pretty sure this is the woman who did a podcast with ADDitude Magazine? And that is literally where this whole idea came from.

I got the idea from that book, too! Got to find her podcast now…


Remember that movie in which Jack Black was a teacher and building a rock band and when a little black chubby girl asked to be a singer he only said “sure! let me hear you” and the moment she started using her beautiful voice his lit up like all of his dreams came true, PLUS the same little girl was scared that people would make fun of her because she was fat and he started listing awesome singers with some weight on and included himself and told her that people wouldn’t laugh because she is awesome at what she does and that is all that matters PLUS that it’s ok to enjoy food?

Also, when a little boy asked to be the band’s stylist he just said “sure, go ahead fancy pants” like, there wasn’t a single second of questioning it, he went into “ok, that will be your position then” right away

That fucking movie is an hour and a half of Jack Black teaching kids to love themselves disregarding all of the stereotypes

School of Rock is the movie title I love that movie

the speech he gave that girl about it being okay to be fat was and is so important to me



it’s been illegal to cook our bread here in the ‘states ever since the Big Toast Ban of 1994


I can’t believe no-one in the states has ever eaten toast…


I’m gay. I’m tired.

I texted one of my best friends this morning and asked, “Did you hear about Orlando?” because the first time I ever went to a gay club and pretended like I was “out” was with him when we were fresh out of high school. Out of all my friends, he’s probably spent the most time in gay clubs. Which means I’m more worried about him than about my other friends. So I texted him.

I’m tired.

They want people to give blood, but it’s gay people who need the blood and it’s gay people who can’t donate. But we’re in crisis mode! We’ll take your tainted gay blood for today only!

I’m tired.

I held hands with a man last week and thought, “Oh no, we’re in a small town in Utah and this is dangerous because we’re both gay,” before I remembered that he’s a guy and I’m a girl so no, it’s not dangerous. But the next time I hold hands with a girl, will someone see us and get mad enough to shoot 50 gay people? Will I feel responsible when I read the news? Will I feel like a danger to society for being gay?

I’m tired.

I went to Pride in Salt Lake City last weekend and I complained as I stood in line in the hot sun and I complained about the ticket prices and I complained about the festival being smaller than it was last year and I complained. When it was over, I was still alive. I’m still alive. I can’t believe I complained.

I’m tired.

Bury your gays. Currently on television, 4 percent of characters identify as LGBT. In 2016, about 40 percent of that 4 percent have already died. Yesterday, that might’ve been the issue I wanted to discuss. Yesterday, I might’ve been angry about fictional gays dying. Yesterday. Art imitates life, life imitates art, and I am tired.

I’m tired.

A year ago I put a rainbow flag around my shoulders and celebrated the legalization of gay marriage in the United States. A year ago there was no law banning transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing. A year ago a man hadn’t shot 50 gay people dead because he saw two men kissing and got angry. “Now that gay marriage is legal, what more do you people want?” Well, I want to stay alive, for one thing.

I’m tired.

There aren’t gay coffee shops or gay restaurants – there are gay nightclubs. Gay nightclubs where LGBT people can meet other LGBT people and feel safe. I want to meet other LGBT people and make friends with LGBT people, but I also don’t want to die.

I’m tired.

My existence is controversial. Even though I’m out, I have to be careful about how “gay” I “act.” What happens if I’m at work and offend a customer? What happens if someone I know reads these words and decides to punish me for them? What happens if someone gets so angry about my sexuality that they shoot 50 people?


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