
Erikson Sterling

@agentsterling / agentsterling.tumblr.com

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Erikson Sterling was a level 3 paper pusher when he was abducted and tortured by a Hydra agent seeking to brainwash him against the agency he loved. 8 years later he is Head of Intelligence Analysis and still coping with his past trauma, the blip, and all the troubles that come with life as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Indie OC MCU Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mun and Muse 21+ Penned by Deshi

Hey guys! Sorry, once again, that I vanished.

I've been preparing for our family vacation, which begins TOMORROW!! 5 days on the ocean with my toddler. Pray for me! šŸ˜‚


see writing is funny because sometimes you have to google things like ā€œcan the human body survive with every rib brokenā€ and other times you have to google things like ā€œis there an ikea in manhattan???ā€

Anonymous asked:

What are your thoughts on Victoria crowned pigeons?


Sterling had to google it.

"That's a pigeon sized peacock. I kinda want one now."

Anonymous asked:

Hey Sterling, what are your thoughts on... pigeons?


"I once saw a pigeon the size of a small cat eating pizza in Central Park. I was terrified for my life, but you know what? Dream big, mega pigeon. Dream big."



"Oh fun. My annual annoyance is here. What is it this time, Loki?"


Despite releasing the dagger and sitting back, he kept his eye on the other. When the man sat up, Loki shimmered out, seemingly to appear a few feet to the right. There was a tic of his jaw upon realizing that Sterling had been near his child, yet he had done anything to her. The briefest flicker of wonder if he indeed had come to the right place. Not that anyone would ever know he thought so.

Loki couldn't help but smirk slightly at the man, raising a brow at the comment about names. The face fading to the stoic neutral like he liked to have. "If you betray me or my child, Little Toy, I shall not let you have a quick death. Is that Understood?"

Hesitating for a moment, searching for the words to give the man enough information, without revealing his own locations. The last comment caught his attention, a tip of his head as he looked to the blade. "Indeed, it is centuries old, it has spilled endless blood over that time......" Pause. "It has sentimental value to you, does it not?"

None of that was an answer. Sterling fumed as the cocky asshole stood over him, asking him for help and then mocking him.

"Give me intel I need to find her... or leave." He tried to keep him voice low and steady but it was clear he was nearing his breaking point. The usually polite agent wasn't going to stay that way for long. Honestly, he didn't think Loki had anything to offer him in terms of information. If Loki knew where his daughter was he wouldn't need Sterling and if he was that desperate to find her he wouldn't be beating around the bush like he was. It'd be far easier just to call Lewis later than to keep dealing with Loki.

And if he called him toy one more goddamn time he might actually consider becoming the heartless version of himself he had been slowly shifting toward since Nero's betrayal.

Still... he'd never knowingly leave a child in danger.


The smugness faded from his features at the comment, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. Loki glanced away, the holier than thou demanor he often carried seemed to crack. "My child....... runs, hides from me....." The last word hissed, he body tensing, before seeming to deflate even more.

Hesitating again, Loki kept his gaze away from the other. His left hand coming from up to curl his fingers into a fist. The digits relaxed after the briefest of moments.

"I track...... it has been no issue to find my child before........ this time...." His face darkened, still unable to look at the man. "Someone took her..........."

Loki was struggling, he knew he had no other choice, whoever had his child, would be waiting for him. Yet giving to much information to the man could be his own downfall as well.

"I fear-" The words were cut short, a haggard breath leaving him. He shifted from one foot to the other, his right had raising to tough his left instinctively. "I've made many enemies, To-" Beat. "Mortal...."

Sterling instinct was to think 'oh no, why would she ever hide from YOU' but the vulnerability in Loki's voice and features made him think... Sterling himself was afraid his daughter would come to fear him. His mental health wasn't the best. He'd been trying so hard to hide it from his toddler but he knew it was only a matter of time before he slipped and an older version of her saw something was wrong with him. Dangerous and wrong. Scary.

He swallowed hard, watching Loki struggle.

No! He sympathized with Loki's fears, not him!

"How do you track her? Could it be she figured it out and cut the connection somehow?" If it was magic or something, Phoe WAS half Loki. Did she know magic too?

"Do you know for a fact she was taken or are you just assuming that's the only way she could hide from you? Is there any clue as to who in particular did this?"

Fuck, his leg was killing him. It was taking all the energy he had to focus on the case. This wasn't just a knife. This was an Asgardian dagger. Stabbed with anger into his thigh with the strength of a god. He could feel his leg bruising just from the hilt and his fist making impact. Walking was going to be difficult but he would figure it out. He had to. Fuck, why was he sitting here listening to Loki and not getting to medical?

Oh yeah, there wasn't much he could do otherwise.


ā€œItā€™ll look worse before it looks better.ā€ --@shieldagentcoulson


[Sorry I just got to this but hey, Loki just stabbed Sterling in the thigh so I'm gonna set this after it to make it canon.]

"Speaking from experience?" Sterling gave the man a weak smile to lighten the mood. At least it had been a normal dagger and not some sort of crazy alien spear. The force behind the stabbing alone had bruised Sterling's leg horribly. Loki had driven the blade in all the way to the hilt and into the ground passed it. He'd only been stabbed once before but it hadn't nearly been this deep or this violent.

Sterling reached out a hand, silently asking Coulson for the crutch Medical had provided so he could try to stand up.


Phil reached for the crutch and handed it to Sterling.

"You could say that, though admittedly I missed a significant portion of the healing process, as I was...dead," he remarked, his mouth twisted into a wry smile.

He didn't usually talk about the time he died, but this moment was certainly an appropriate time to make an exception.

"Thank you." Sterling said quietly, setting it upright under his arm but still staying seated for the moment. "Well, feel free to take notes, I suppose. Wildly different experiences but still relevant."

He chuckled and finally attempted to get up only for his injured leg to immediately buckle under his weight. He stumbled forward, catching himself with the crutch before falling, and taking a moment hunched over to breathe through the sudden pain and embarrassment. He didn't want to look weak in front of his superiors, despite the situation and the fact that Coulson would never look down on him for it. Feelings of inadequacy haunted Sterling long before Merc but they had only gotten worse since.

He righted himself, leaning heavily on the crutch and clearing his throat.

"It's been a while since I've injured my leg this badly." Unfortunately, it was the same thigh. 90% of his scars were on his left side, oddly enough.

Anonymous asked:

What was your favorite mission?


"My favorite missions are always the ones where everyone makes it out ok. Those are always a win."

Well, maybe not always. Just because you made it home didn't mean you didn't leave a bit of yourself there. Still, it's better than the alternative.

Anonymous asked:

Whatā€™s been the hardest part of recovering from your trauma? What are some things you and Chen do for one another when youā€™re going through a rough day?


"Chen has gotten really good at talking me through it if I have an episode at home. Most of the time I can feel it coming and I try to leave so Ara doesn't see me like that-and call Clint or something-but if it's the middle of the night after a nightmare or something she grounds me better than anyone I've ever met. She's always been my rock. Even before we started dating, she's been a source of comfort in that darkness. For her, I try to do the same. She doesn't show it nearly as much but I do all I can to keep triggers away from her and hold her hands and talk her through if she's slipping back to those days. Trying to get her to try therapy but I'm not about to force anyone who isn't ready."

Anonymous asked:

Lol okay weā€™ll let me rephrase: when making a burrito, what would you put in it?


"Ok well, that depends on my mood. Sometimes I like a good beef and cheese. Sometimes steak if I'm feeling fancy. Sometimes shredded chicken if I'm trying to feel better about all the pizza Barton and I ate on his roof last night. I'm a complex burrito man."

Anonymous asked:

When making a burrito bowl, what would you add to it?


"Why would I put my perfectly good burrito in a bowl? Just keep it in a tortilla and foil as god, and that food truck that sometimes shows up a couple blocks from base, intended."


ā€œItā€™ll look worse before it looks better.ā€ --@shieldagentcoulson


[Sorry I just got to this but hey, Loki just stabbed Sterling in the thigh so I'm gonna set this after it to make it canon.]

"Speaking from experience?" Sterling gave the man a weak smile to lighten the mood. At least it had been a normal dagger and not some sort of crazy alien spear. The force behind the stabbing alone had bruised Sterling's leg horribly. Loki had driven the blade in all the way to the hilt and into the ground passed it. He'd only been stabbed once before but it hadn't nearly been this deep or this violent.

Sterling reached out a hand, silently asking Coulson for the crutch Medical had provided so he could try to stand up.

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