

@valleyofthegirls / valleyofthegirls.tumblr.com


there’s some kind of magic feeling about cities at night I can’t explain with words


“In Europe they–”

WHERE in Europe??!? WHERE??? You mean Iceland?? Azerbaijan? The Netherlands? Liechtenstein???? THERE ARE 50 COUNTRIES IN EUROPE. ALL WITH DIFFERENT CULTURES. SO PRAY TELL ME, WHERE IN FUCKING EUROPE.

in europe they got antisemitism


On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. 

                                         🎃 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃


I’m telling you elephants are chill motherfuckers. They fucking love being helpful. They once defended a man with heatstroke from a truck that came to rescue him. They knew he was sick, laying against a tree for shade. They were watching over him and petting him, and they threatened to charge the vehicle for coming towards him. Another person passed out, and elephants cried over her and buried her body in a traditional elephant funeral. (Piling branches on her). And were quite spooked when she got up later. And an elephant was helping workers to put logs in holes for a wall. On one hole, the elephant absolutely refused to set the log in, despite being punished and goaded. Turns out there was a sleeping dog in the hole.

There are so many good elephants stories. They will even help zookeepers wash other elephants– literally, a zookeeper can be like “[Name 1], please wash [Name 2]” and he will go wash that elephant correctly. Listen guys. Not only are elephants people, but they’re largely better people than us. I’m 10000% serious.


I just love that the lioness (a fiercely protective species) was 100% on board with it. 

“Thanks, Janet, it’s been one hell of a week, you know?”


banish the idea that platonic love is a lesser form of love

if you go through life not investing in your friendships the same way you invest in romantic relationships, you will always be looking for love, feeling lonely, completely blind to the love all around you

friendship is not a lower level relationship. it is not a lesser form of love.

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