


Anderson Cooper saving a boy in Haiti during a shooting. A slab of concrete was dropped of the boys head.

Anderson fucking Cooper, everyone. 

Some journalists like to be strictly observers. they don’t intervene, they don’t participate. they just document what they see, even if what they see is terrible. But the way I see it, journalists don’t exist in a vacuum. They are human beings, living and working in a very human environment. And that humanity is essential in relating to their stories. When you lose your humanity, you lose any kind of journalistic integrity you have left. 


this is the guy who found out one of his ancestors was killed by one of his slaves and was like “he had it coming”

American Children: Hey, can we be murdered a little less please?
Republicans: What the fuck? What about my guns? What about me, a person innocently playing with my death-machines as a hobby? I am the real victim here. Kids these days are so entitled…

Black kids in Atlanta got put on lockdown so they couldn’t leave school during the #NationalWalkoutDay and what did they do? THEY KNEELED. They were barred from the same sort of freedom to exercise their rights that students in other places across the country have and they FOUND A WAY. Black Youth are always finding a way.


anyone else feels incredibly weird about Stephen Hawking passing away or is it just me

he kind of just felt like one of those people who couldn’t die

like he had already figured out the physics of death and was like “no”

How Obama joked: here is a video of my birth *shows clip from Lion King*
How Trump jokes: haha my vice president wants to kill all the gay people

Hey future historians, please note that although tumblr is a fountain of hyberbolic sarcasm, there is exactly 0% sarcasm or hyperbole in this post.


ever notice that the mean voice in ur head that insults u is awful confident for something thats literally never done anything in its life except be mean to you… like… one of us is pathetic and its not me buddy… get a hobby… yikes

self care is roasting the mean voice in your head


Apparently at my niece’s school the girls have started chanting “underwear” during class anytime they see a boy’s boxers from his pants being too low to protest against the teachers dress coding them for bra straps.

I’m laughing too hard to respond to my sister.


opposite of depression nap. depression awakeness. refreshing the same three websites over and over. there’s nothing new on any of them. eight seconds have passed and it feels like a century


i love that even though he was introduced and then killed off within 10 episodes, Lil Sebastian left a bigger impact on the entire show than Mark Brendanawicz did after 2 fuckin seasons


Oscars: we hate pedophiles!! Anyway Call me by your name is so brilliant!!

17 and 25 isn’t pedophilia!!! But go off!!!

yeah, it is! but go off! a cliff! like go off a cliff! just jump off a fucking cliff!

I am 21 and 17 year olds seem like children. Guys, even if you are in your late teens, please be just as wary of any adult who shows interest in you. I don’t say this to belittle you, but you. Are. Children. To people at that age. You are not adults to us, you are not mature to us. Even if you are mature for your age, be very very wary of anyone telling you that you are. Run the fuck away from them. Cut them off. This is predatory. I see you as a kid just as much as I saw 13 year olds as kids when I was 17. I cannot fucking imagine how much this would dilate by the time I’m 25. A 17 year old would seem like someone who might as well be 12.

Do. Not. Trust. Them. This is pedophillia.

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