
get uncomfortable.

@thesrilankanequestrian / thesrilankanequestrian.tumblr.com

vi, eighteen, pre-vet uvm '20

I want to kiss you

Soft Slow Deeply Passionately

I want to kiss you while all the world behind us fades into black I want to kiss you without expectation I want kissing you to be the only objective I want your hands to wander and your breath to quicken I want your legs to tremble I want your chest to heave

I want to kiss until you’re smiling into my mouth Until I’m laughing into yours Until I sink my teeth into your bottom lip Until I hear you moan out for me

I want to massage your lips with my own My fingers kneading your hips Roaming your sides Grasping your waist

I want my tongue to tickle your lips I want my tongue to dance with yours I want to taste what else has touched your tongue While making you forget anything else ever did

I want to kiss you Until my lungs run out of air And I have to breath through yours Until you’re moaning into my mouth Your body pressed to mine Fingers tangled into my curls Pulling me deeper into your kiss Further into your kiss

I want to kiss you so passionately That you’re engulfed into me Totally ignorant to anything around us I want the windows to fog up I want the air to grow warmer and warmer

I want to kiss you until you’re dizzy Light headedly dizzy And then I want to pull away Rest my hands on your hips Rest my forehead against yours And I want to ask you what the answer to 2+2 is And I want you to be so over come you giggle my name in response

-Kiss You// DevBanfield 20.02.2016


“When sex becomes a production or performance, that is when it loses its value. Be mutual. Be loud. Be clumsy. Make noises, be quiet, and make a mess. Bite, scratch, push, pull, hold, thrust. Remove pressure from the moment. Love the moment. Embrace it. Enjoy your body; enjoy your partner’s body. Produce sweat, be natural, entice your senses, give into pleasure. Bump heads, miss when you kiss, laugh when it happens. Speak words, speak with your body, speak to their soul. Touch their skin, kiss their goosebumps and play with their hair. Scream, beg, whimper, sigh, let your toes curl, lose yourself. Chase your breath; keep the lights on, watch their eyes when they explode. Forget worrying about extra skin, sizes of parts and things that are meaningless. Save the expectations, take each second as it comes. Smear your make up, mess up your hair, rid your masculinity, and lose your ego. Detonate together, collapse together, and melt into each other.” —Corissa Marie #ArtidoteAndChill

drawing by Dante Orpilla


Things about a military relationship that i hate pt a million

I hate how hard this is. I hate how I’m in bed alone and all I get are a handful of texts. I hate how I spend most nights crying over how much I miss you and I can’t tell you because it only makes things harder because you have no control over this. And god I just hate not knowing when we’ll ever truly be together. Most of our relationship has been goodbyes and texts. We’ve spent more nights apart than we ever have together. I hate going through day to day shit without you, every single day. And everything makes it worse. I miss you all the time. So much that I can feel myself breaking inside. And I’m so tired of saying and hearing that it’ll all be worth it one day because everyday I wonder if that’s true. If so many nights of sobbing is worth something we don’t know will happen. Or when it’ll happen. And god I just really hate knowing that most of our lives will be goodbyes and maybes. As each day goes by I don’t know if I’m even strong enough for this.


A post about romantic relationships

so I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years now. And I see a lot of posts about how people think relationships mean having butterflies forever, your heart beating faster when they walk into a room, about cuddling together every night, legs intertwined, that you’d be so happy to live together you’d sleep on a double bed with each other every night.

And its not really like that, at least not to me.

You stop getting the butterflies when you live together. Your heart no longer speeds up when you see them, but instead, everything calms down. When youre in the room with them, you feel calm, and secure. When you cuddle them you feel your heart beat slow, and the sound of their breathing carry you towards comfort. It doesnt feel like a roller coaster anymore, it feels like home.

You don’t sleep curled up with each other every night, legs twisted between theirs so tight its hard to tell where yours begin and theirs end.

Instead, you sleep comfortably, side by side, sometimes facing different directions. But every night, you find yourself scooting backwards on the bed so you bump into them. You snuggle against their arm, or stroke their hair as they fall asleep. There are nights when my boyfriend, in his sleep, reaches around me and pulls me to him, like a child with his teddybear, like I am his comfort.

 In the wee hours of the morning before the dawn breaks, when the world is blue and you see through cracked eyes, you curl into their chest and inhale their scent before drifting back to sleep. 

Kisses aren’t always romantic and firey anymore. But there are so much more of them now. There are cold kisses when you’re eating ice cream in the summer, and sticky kisses over breakfast pancakes. There’s “im leaving now” kisses, and “one more kiss before you go” kisses. There’s sleepy morning kisses before work, when you don’t remember the alarm going off but instead the press of their lips against yours is what brings you into the day.

There’s kisses before sleep, and, you are so sweet with the things you do kisses. There’s kisses because you treat animals so tenderly, and I’m so glad i’m with you and not someone else kisses. There’s quick kisses in the aisles of the grocery store, when its loud and you gravitate together, when instead of having your own personal space and their own personal space, its both of yours together, and you step into their chest to take up less area together. 

You don’t always text each other with confessions of love and care like you used to, because that’s a given now, and you’ve moved on to quirky inside jokes about the life youve built together. You share looks of exasperation and amusement in public, your own little world against the outside one. 

Relationships aren’t always a fairy tale. They’re not always fireworks and sparks, at least, after the start.

But they are a quiet rhythm and hum of love and care. It’s not a fire in your soul, but one in your hearth, keeping you warm and comfortable, comforting you as you drowsily drift into sleep.

And I love that.


Well-intentioned questions:

“When will he get leave next?”

“Where will he be stationed next?”

“Will he be able to come back for my wedding/Christmas/birthdays/holidays/anniversary?”

“When will you get to see each other again?”


do you ever pretend like you didn’t see something so the other person doesn’t feel embarrassed 


Health advice vs reality

What They Say: Make sure you don't miss meals!
What They Say: Go outside, don't eat at your desk.
What They Say: Pre-pack fruit into snack sized containers
What They Say: Count your macronutrients!
What They Say: Drink six glasses of water a day.
What They Say: Here's twelve low fat, no carb food ideas that don't cost under $10 each!
What They Say: Have you considered this month's superfood?
What They Say: Make lunches fun again.
What They Say: Salad. In a jar.
What They Say: Squeeze a twenty minute walk into your lunch hour.
What They Say: Try to eat your meals at the same time each day
What They Say: Eat slowly so you feel more full.
What They Say: Present your meal attractively on a plate before you eat it.
What They Say: Eating healthy at work is easy!
Veterinarian in Reality: I worked a continuous twelve hour shift today on one potato cake and three chocolate cookies
Veterinarian in Reality: But I drank a glass of water today and I'm really proud of that.
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