
Ignis Aurum Probat

@nalicat / nalicat.tumblr.com

I’m Denali. She/her. ‘94. I like my dog and video games.
Twitter & IG: @nalicat_

Pedophilia is bad should not be a radical statement.

No really, please reblog this if you can, because this site in general, but fandom spaces especially bad for this, to the point where people are genuinely afraid of harassment they may face for saying ‘Pedophilia is a bad thing and you probably should not encourage it’ or for calling it what it is. Fandom spaces are also especially bad for screaming about how it’s ‘just fiction’ when we know damn well that fiction impacts reality.

In case anyone feels like continuing to argue this post, I have multiple real actual pedophiles telling me to ‘deal with’ their attraction to children and being allowed to produce content with it for said children to read so like, this is a serious problem.

I mean you can find them in the notes. Real pedo’s are comfortable in fandom spaces because they know y’all will defend them now with ‘but that’s just fictional, they would never do it in real life!!’


there is a lot of unintentional humor created by the fact that the characters in “Dracula” do not know that they are characters in “Dracula.” 

“The people in the village are warning me about a local legend called a ‘vampire’. How quaint. When I meet Count Dracula I shall have to ask him if he knows more about this peculiar superstition.”

“I never drink…. Wine…”

Some guy in 1893 reading Dracula for the first time: Huh.. What a strange fellow…why doesn’t he drink wine?

Me, reading in a time where Dracula is the most instantly recognizable villain in pop culture: LOL HE SURE DONT


The Backstreet Boys performing I Want It That Way together from each of their homes is exactly what I needed today.

How did they get finer as the years progressed?

I will reblog this again as an antidote to that “Imagine” bullshit.

More fun, more positive, more genuine, and everyone is clearly having a good time.

This is the good shit.

It's essentially just musical bros trying to cheer people by being goofballs

I love it

And in just a few frames, Kevin’s kids clearly were 1000% on board...and even fucking knew all the lyrics...

Unlike some of the Late Night Jimmy shit you see, the kids seem like the corporate suits said “go on sit there and smile nice. We need ratings dammit. RATINGS.

I love that this is done with tongue planted very firmly in cheek. Brian is very clearly wearing his PJ’s, Kevin and Aaron have their kids in there, they’re all pantomiming the guitar part... This isn’t a group of celebrities seeking attention; this is, “Hey, remember when we were famous? GOD that was so long ago. But it still makes you smile just like it did back then, doesn’t it? So, have some goofy nostalgia at our expense.”

This, I can get behind.

It’s telling that since their glory days when they made obscene money, you haven’t seen any scandals with them. No TMZ “UH OH!” spots.

They kinda came and went and that’s it.

They’re just a bunch of goofy dudes thinking how to cheer people up and then going for it.

Also props to I'm assuming Nick's wife who is just killing it with the cinematography


“I want a hair cut!” I don’t want to die to give you one. “I want my nails done!” I don’t want to die to do them for you. “I want my teeth cleaned!” I don’t want to die to stick my hands in your mouth.  “I want ice cream!” I don’t want to die for your sweet tooth. “I want to go to church!” I don’t want to die for your ‘spiritual growth’. “Give me liberty, or give me death!” But it’s not just your death.

It isn’t about you. It’s about all of us. All this proves is you don’t give a fuck about the health or safety of anyone else. All this proves is you’re incredibly selfish, and a terrible person just in general. You cannot afford the people who serve you even the dignity of their actual lives. 


Building a treehouse is the biggest insult to a tree. “I killed your friend, here hold him.”


Its more of I killed a potential enemy. Hold his dismembered corpse in victory.

Plants don’t wage war

Ever heard of blackberries?

Yes, plants do wage war


Mint and strawberries, too. They need to be quarantined or they will kill basically everything else. 


I planted mint in the ground 2 years ago.

It’s currently fighting a bitter battle to the death against the raspberries attempting to invade from the east while trying to annex the patio.

Could go either way at this point TBH. Unless, of course, I take a shovel and the blowtorch out there and battle both back to within their original boundaries.

And anyone wondering if a blowtorch is overkill for weeding back mint has never actually planted mint.


This post did not go where I expected it to.

Our garden plot at my childhood home slowly got overrun by wild blackberries after we stopped managing it while my sister and I were in nursing school. And by overrun I mean it was like a 4 foot tall thicket of wild blackberries. It hadn’t been touched by humans in at least 4 years. I started the ultimately futile task of trying to clear this plot with a machete and discovered to my amazement a patch of mint several feet across underneath the canopy of blackberry, still fighting the good fight all those years later.

Ultimately it took two jars of homemade napalm and some creative fire placement to clear that patch but I damn sure saved that patch of mint. It earned the right to be there.

Yall mother fuckers don’t even talk unless you’ve had to wage war on kudzu (it’s an ivy strain directly from Hell) that shit doesn’t just wage war with other plants, it wages war with all living things on planet earth. It’s some gnarly ass Blood for the Blood God, Chlorophyll for the Chlorophyll Throne demon weed. 

Can second the comments of Kudzu.

I forget where I read it but there’s this one tree that creates an extremely flammable substance that’s in both the bark and leaves. Dead trees become torches and crushed up leaves become dust-incendiary, all while the plant’s seeds are Giant Redwood levels of resilient to open flame. IE it has a goddamn scorched earth policy. It’s even more badass than plants that use toxins to starve other plants.

I’d like to third the comments on Kudzu. These are the battlefields:

See those weird pillars? Those were trees. See that strange lump in the middle? That was a house. Everything green you see in this photo is kudzu.

Kudzu is an apocalyptic nightmare

They smother every other living plant to death

Those trees under there are dead, they can’t get sunlight. Kudzu takes over and steals everything from these trees, and becomes them. It’s creepy as hell. These plants are basically straight out of a horror novelist’s wet dream tbh.

The bodies of everything the kudzu has slain.

What used to be a house

Someone attempting to drive a four wheeler through it, to give you scale

It’s an ornamental plant kept in check in china, but was introduced to north america where it immediately went rampant and began to spread incredibly fast like a disease, destroying everything in its wake

The ONLY thing that has stopped this curse from engulfing the united states is goats. Apparently goats love this stuff like no tomorrow. Everywhere we find it now, we just bring a horde of goats to cut it down. Everything is fine…. for now.

Kudzu is on time magazine’s top 10 invasive species to look out for.

This little buddy doing his part

Not to keep spamming this post but 

“the growth of kudzu as it became a “structural parasite” of the South,[7] enveloping entire structures when untreated[11] and often referred to as “the vine that ate the South”.[13]”

“It has been spreading rapidly in the southern U.S., “easily outpacing the use of herbicide spraying and mowing, as well increasing the costs of these controls by $6 million annually”.[2]

yall it’s been estimated this plant consumes 600 kilometers of the united states every year

it’s been suggested that we just start eating it to make it go away

Adding to the spam: yes, kudzu IS edible. In fact, all parts of it but the vine are edible. The leaves are supposedly great in salads or baked into quiche. The flowers supposedly are great in jam. The roots… Well, if you know how to cook other root vegetables, you know what to do with kudzu root. Feed this stuff to your livestock and cook it.

Eat it before it eats your house.

In this world it’s eat or be eaten

I dunno what kind of barbarian-ass mint you guys are planting, all the mint I plant goes leggy and scabby and then dies.


this post is too amusing not to share  XD


“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” - Anne Rice


If giraffes were predators they would look both hilarious and terrifying while sneaking up on their prey

I’m afraid you’ve missed the predatory giraffes by about 66 million years mate.

These guys are Azhdarchid pterosaurs, and they were some of the strangest reptiles to ever exist. They were perfectly capable of flight, but their physiology suggests that they may have spent a significant portion of their lives hunting on the ground. 

The largest of them could reach over 5 metres tall while standing, and had a 10-metre wingspan. They varied greatly in body type, from the tall, spindly forms of Quetzalcoatlus and Arambourgiania (images 4 and 1-2 respectively) to the heavy brute strength of Hatzegopteryz, a species that may have used its head to bludgeon its prey (images 2 and 3).

There has never been another flying animal before or since to have reached such incredible sizes, nor any predator so intimidatingly tall. Well, not any that we know of yet.

All of these illustrations are by Mark Witton, a palaeontologist and artist who specialises in pterosaurs. This is his blog about palaeontology and the science of reconstructing extinct species. You can find out more about each of these images here, here and here.

(Oh, and by the way … these are NOT dinosaurs)

What the hell these are so intimidating, why aren’t these in any dinosaur movies

Just imagine it … 

The protagonists and a few disposable minor characters are walking carefully through a forest at night, covered by a thick fog. They know there are dinosaurs everywhere, but they can’t see more than three metres in front of their own faces.

Eventually they stop near a small cluster of trees to rest. As they sit there, exhausted, one of the trees begins to move. Everyone freezes, terrified. They have no idea what this thing is.

Then a massive beak slams down, longer than a person is tall, and plucks one of the minor characters off his feet and into the air.

The small group erupts into movement, frantically running away from whatever those things are. There’s two of them now, and as the fog begins to clear the group are able to make out more of their shape. They are huge, with long, spindly necks topped with a massive, daggerlike head. The long legs that they once mistook for trees have an almost mechanical movement as the giant creatures stalk towards them. And then comes the next terrible surprise.

These things can run.


It’s a short film.

How could those things possibly fly? Could they take off from the ground or did they need a cliff like bats do?

Okay this is really bizarre and awesome but like these guys probably used their giant long wings to pole-vault themselves into the air, from a standing start no less. No run-up or cliffside needed, just some massively powerful arms to launch them skywards like the world’s most terrifying slingshot.

(The pterosaur in the video I linked isn’t an azhdarchid, but it gets the general picture across)

because it wasn’t terrifying enough already….

How does something that big have hollow bones though? Wouldn’t they break under the pressure of pole vaulting themselves?

Basically, azhdarchid bones aren’t just “hollow”. They’re actually full of an incredibly complex network of spongy strands of bone that functions almost like scaffolding to support the bones and make them a lot stronger than they would initially appear. A lot of dinosaurs, including very large ones, had this same sort of bone structure as well.

 It’s a delicate balance between being light enough to fly and strong enough to take off and staying in the air, but they certainly weren’t skinny, lightweight pushovers like they’re often portrayed.

i dont like Any of this

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