
Trash Heap of Unfiltered Musings

@stuckinthebooth / stuckinthebooth.tumblr.com

A place for whatever is fine and dandy and just so happens to tickle my fancy.

stop drawing human blathers as a twink we all know he looks like this

digging up this old ass post simply to say that i see your concept and raise you:

Everybody in the notes shit up yall have too many thin characters already i don't even play aminsl crosting let the bird nerd be chubby


listen people are starting to realize tumblr isn’t dead we all need to be as cringe as possible for the next few months, it’s vital to our survival


I love that op said “be as cringe as possible” and my main man Tumblr replied with giffs of Superwholock in that exact order. I love you all so much.


ヽ(^Д^)ノ Remember, don’t glomp until you can see the whites of their eyes!


okay i’ve just had such a perfect idea for the layout of a wedding ceremony that i drew a diagram and will now describe it

so a traditional set up for a ceremony would look like this, with the audience lined up in front of the couple, and divided in the middle to make a path for the bride to come down and be given away by her father to the groom

instead, i propose (ohhh puns) a set up more like this:

where the audience is on either side (which halves the distance that the farthest person is from the action) and at the same time you can have each half of the couple come down aisles on opposite sides and both be given away by their parents to each other (which takes away all the gross sexist and hetero-normative crap)

just… isn’t that way better???


That and it looks like the way an audience sits for a concert or a game “YEAH GO TEAM KISS THAT BRIDE WOOO” Or it looks like they’re meeting in the middle for a throwdown Both are good





2000s yt anime watching aesthetic

  • 240p quality
  • the inevitable drop to 144p quality because you’re streaming video in 2006 What Did You Expect???? 
  • going on gaia while your video buffers in another window 
  • no tabs we kill the windows XP taskbar like men
  • OP with english translation at the bottom and romanisation at the top but you can’t read either because 80% the time because they picked some curly font in a color that blends into the rest of the video
  • subtitle font becomes absolutely unreadable at the inevitable quality drop no matter what color or font its in
  • translator’s notes with ^___^ or O_o;;
  • you were probably watching: naruto, death note, full metal alchemist, fruits basket, gurran lagann, ouran high school host club, inuyasha, or the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
  • This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.
  • “just according to keikaku”
  • (translator’s note: keikaku means plan)

Coming into a fandom late

Coming into a fandom early and watching it become an angry clusterfuck

Being in a dormant fandom that suddenly comes alive again after a new book/movie

Don’t forget about those who come in the midst of a fandom war. 


Accuracy at its best

Being in a fandom and not even knowing there’s a war going on…


all of this shit…lol

When You’re Not In The Fandom But You’re Nosy AF

When you get into a fandom only to discover it’s dead


This gets better every time I see it. 

Being in a dead fandom…

Or being in such a tiny fandom that it feels like youre the only one

The accuracy hurts.

Being in a fandom that had a shit ending.


When you’ve been fangirling long enough, you’ve experienced all of the above.

Being in a fandom meant for kids.


This just gets better..

When you realize that joining the fandom has ruined you

Fandom hell in general


Things my dentist has actually said to me:

“Well, either the x-rays lied to me or you are spontaneously creating teeth. I’m going with the second one because it’s way cooler.”

“When was the last time you flossed? Your gums aren’t bleeding which means I’m either not doing this hard enough or you actually floss your teeth regularly”

“You don’t need to do a fluoride treatment I just want to go check my facebook for a second and this is the best excuse I can come up with. Don’t worry your insurance will cover it.”

“Take a whole handful of toothbrushes, I can’t order new ones in less ugly colors until these ones are gone.”

“Remember not to eat or drink anything for a half hour…or actually you know forget that go eat lemons and drink coffee right now. I make money based on peoples bad decisions, you should probably stop brushing your teeth too.”

“I became a dentist because I like making children cry and they don’t let you do that as a regular doctor.”


“I think it’s a b-flat.”

Kristen Chenoweth trying to figure out the note of a triggered car alarm in a parking garage. (btw it was in fact a b-flat)






2012 tumblr dashboard

  • nick cage, internet explorer, comic sans, and crocs
  • “this is the only sex gif i’ll ever reblog”
  • posts written as an anNOYING CRESCENDO
  • david karp unironically being called daddy
  • peasant

based on the notes of this post, i’ve decided to give an update!

2017 tumblr dashboard, Tumblr Veteran Edition:

  • people who genuinely think that people on tumblr were nicer in 2012 because you could say the n word without getting run off the site
  • every few months you hear of a new scam. you wonder where people get the money to get scammed in the first place
  • at least 10 posts on your dash of people with Gofundmes begging to not die on the streets because the economy is so fucked up
  • thinking it can’t get worse, politically, but news breaks that donald trump publicly admits to using sliced onions as deodorant. nobody blinks an eye. 
  • an article blatantly from the onion or clickhole that people take at face value
  • seeing a meme that’s genuinely funny and sighing in pain because you know you’ll grow to hate it in two days time
  • somehow still being on this site after almost half a decade, hardened. you want to quit so fucking badly. and yet you continue to scroll. your body cries out for you to stop but you do not. you scroll and there is no end.

It’s Murder time at college so everything’s chaos

A few people have been asking so let me explain

Murder’s a game my college does every year where everyone’s given a plastic knife with someone’s name on it. The knives are shoved under your door at midnight and for the next week you have to try and ‘kill’ the person on your knife. If you kill them, you get their knife and have to kill that person, and so on, until there is one lone survivor. You can’t kill someone in the dining hall or in their room, or if they’re naked. I’m pretty sure the prize is a bottle of vodka.

It gets super intense; some floors unscrew most of their lights to make it harder to find the right person, or keep the fire emergency doors closed with black garbage bags taped up so you can’t even see into the floor. Some people walk around in nothing but a towel so that if someone comes at them they can just drop it and be immune. People walk in groups. Everyone’s suspicious of everyone. Friends are no longer trusted. No one and nowhere is safe.

it begins

The purge college AU


I would ask why you would do this, but…college.


so is Victory



Don’t forget Truth (Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind)


This must be why the Trump administration hates them all 

The Four Horsewomen of the Trumpocalypse.

I’ve never reblogged anything so quick


The Ultimate Squad, comin’ to wreck your shit and save the world

Rb for that art doe


You’ve heard about Mom Friend and Dad Friend, now get ready for....

Grandpa Friend™:

- almost always grumpy - bad at showing affection but cares about their friends a lot - “what did you say?”, “Sorry i didn’t hear that, can you repeat it?” - often reminisces about their youth (even though they’re probably only in their twenties. Alternatively: “kids these days…”) - too old for this shit (see above) - totally not down with the youth - bad back (and everything else hurts too) - likes to complain

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