
my riyo, my riyoh, and me

@itsriyokuma / itsriyokuma.tumblr.com

Riyo / Stephanie / She/Her / Old Lady / Bi / A Real Life Bear / Weeboo Trash / Miku Simp / Aggressive / Cosplay & Crafts / FFXIV Mooncat Riyoh Brulair (Jenova) / Art by Postii @ Gaia Online / ♌︎♌︎♍︎

Someone on TikTok was reacting to this and I simply have to share my favorite mimes


The categories are:

Actually Good

A Little Guy

Oh God Why

Laughing So Hard It's Just Wheezing

First up, Actually Good

This category is designs where I was like actually I love this

Here comes A Little Guy.

I think it's obvious these ones I looked at and was like well this is a little guy

Little Guy continued, there were too many

Ok last little guy I swear

Ok this is oh god why

These are abominations

Sorry for the second abominations


The best post

The ones that made me laugh so hard I was wheezing


Changed my handle to be more consistent across soc med don't mind me


What the fuck do you mean the new Bethesda rpg is buggy and was misrepresented in interviews That's so fucked up has this ever happened before


Bird identification is so fucked up in a really fun way you can’t understand until you get into it. For example, there is a type of goose called the cackling goose that looks exactly like a Canada goose except smaller and “cuter”. The cackling goose is way, way, more rare in most places than its relatively common cousin, so it’s on tons of birders life lists. Everyone wants to see a cackling (look in any bird ID group to see lots of hopeful people posting petite Canada geese). The two species regularly commingle, so sometimes a flock of those common parking lot birds will have the equivalent of a Pokémon shiny just hanging out in the middle of them.

How ridiculous and fun is that? I can never look at a big group of Canada geese without scrutinizing their ranks for an adorable little extremely rare cutie pie cackling goose. It reminds me a bit of mushroom harvesting minus the risk of death if you get it wrong


shiny on the left


My grandmother is Japanese and really likes to give gifts. Often those gifts are Japanese desserts or other food, but sometimes she just slips me cash, folded up inside a tiny, beautiful envelope. But she likes to pretend she's not giving me money, so when possible, she'll hide it somewhere that I will find later.

Today I spent the afternoon with her doing chores and tech support, and she clearly felt this warranted a significant gift in return (no matter that I enjoyed myself). But she forgot to slip something into my pocket or bag before I left, so instead she rushed outside as I was starting my car, making the old-school "roll down the window" gesture. Once I complied, she was forced to acknowledge she was handing me money, but she also tried to minimize the gesture.

The result was that she said, "Thank you, dear! I just wanted you to be able to... to buy yourself a hamburger," and then handed me a darling little envelope that turned out to contain $100. And all I could think was:


me: my wife? that old ball and chain?

my wife, a chain chomp from super mario: *blushes*

this is my wife everyone be nice to her

Your wife ruined my Mario 64 Bob-Bom Battlefield Speedrun I don't like your wife

well i hope you've been practicing since then because you're about to have to speedrun for your life

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