
Abusive men pave the way for lazy men to get wives and girlfirends.

Lemme clarify, how many times have you heard your overworked female friends and relatives say “Yeah, Jerry drinks beer every evening after work while I cook dinner and clean up after everyone and does the bare minimum to help me raise the kids but he’s such a nice guy. He’s never beat me in my life. I couldn’t ask for a better guy in my life.”

Like no, Sally, your husband is a common stone among turds and you know it.


I try to explain this conceptually to people as a thing that happens not saying that this is good but it’s a thing that happens.

This is what male privilege is and how all men benefit from it.

This is why you are not exempt from statements about “all men” even if you are overall good.

You benefit from the bar constantly being lowered by systemic issues within the gender.

The expectations on you are always lower than they should because “at least you’re not X”.

That…is the best response I’ve seen to the “not all men” thing. Thank you.


taylor swift songs as queer eye screen caps


you need to calm down:

i did something bad:

our song:

the archer:



girl at home:

this is why we can’t have nice things:



the same people that have a problem with jim writing mercury and me are the ones who never mention the fact that mary literally did a photoshoot inside of garden lodge and showed off many of the rooms in detail despite “wanting to keep it private”


Ah yes Queen’s 15 studio albums

  1. A Mixed Bag, Really
  2. A Mixed Bag (Black Edition)
  3. The First Album That Isn’t About Fairies
  4. Bohemian Rhapsody Ft. Some Other Shit
  5. Take The Last Album…But Make It Angry
  6. Anger (Acoustic Edition)
  7. Something Happened In New Orleans
  8. John Had A Hit 
  9. Who Is Flash Gordon And Why Should You Care, by Brian May 
  10. John Is On A Power Trip And Needs To Calm Down ft. David Bowie
  11. Nothing But Bops And Cross Dressing
  12. Is This Politics? Is It Just Highlander?
  13. Existentialism Disguised As Party Music
  14. We Remade ANATO In A Way That Will Make You Sob
  15. Pain (Ft. Some Really Great Dance Bops)
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