
To the Hilt

@mo-lele / mo-lele.tumblr.com

hey, my name is Molli but you really can call me whatever you like c: i'm in love with cosplaying and costuming. i also love videogames, reading, and writing.
Anonymous asked:

Sacanime lineup?

weiss, toph, nona, agitha, and kashima. i'll figure out when i'm wearing each costume once i hear what the meetups are. might post a real photo set type lineup if i have the time soon


ALL MOST DONE WITH GAMBOL SHROUD FOR MY BLAKE COSPLAY IM SO PUMPED FOR CON HOLY CRAP (p.s. im doing a group cosplay with my bros mo-lele and flame0fthesky so keep an eye out for more photos!!)


person: I hate small talk. I wanna talk about death, aliens, sex, what life means and why we are here

me: listen man, you gonna buy these shoes or nah? cause I gotta close up in about 10 minutes 


person B of your otp cooks the most

one night, B has to work late for some reason, leaving A to fend for themself

when B texts A asking if they found something to eat, A sends B this photo:

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