
Larp Forge

@larpforge / larpforge.tumblr.com

Welcome to LarpForge. This is the tumblr page for the webshow LarpForge. On LarpForge we make tutorials, DIY, give advice, discussions, tell stories etc. about LARP (Live Action RolePlay). - the LarpForge team

Hard at work by Tony Via Flickr: Norsemen (or Norse people) were the North Germanic peoples of the Early Middle Ages, during which they spoke Old Norse language. During the late eighth century, Norsemen embarked on a large-scale expansion in all directions, giving rise to the Viking Age.


🔥 ☀️Making an Altar to the Fire Fairies🔥 ☀️

⇁ Your contact with the salamanders can be affirmed and strengthened by honoring them on an altar in your home.


⇁ You will need to set aside a small shelf or similar space as an altar.

  1. Cover your altar with a cloth of red,orange, or gold, and place on it as many candles as you can, of all shapes and sizes. A combination of red, orange, yellow and gold candles will look stunning enough to attract the most aloof of salamanders, and you can light them all at once. Needless to say, you should be very careful with all naked flames- even more so if you are consciously trying to attract the fire elementals, for their energies are rampant and uncontrollable!
  2. Incense is effective in setting the scene for fire fairies. Choose strong, majestic fragrances, such as frankincense, cedar, cinnamon, coriander, and orange. Basil is said to be good for attracting fire spirits, especially that species of dragon named after it- the basilisk. By all means grow this pungent herb on your fire fairies altar, in a red pot.
  3. Choose some of the many crystals that attract them, such as carnelian, garnet, amber, sunstone, tiger’s eye, and red jasper. If you can arrange these so that they catch the light and it glints within them, so much the better.
  4. To invoke the help of a specific fire deity, obtain a statue or figurine that seems appropriate. This does not necessarily have to be custom–made. For instance, you may find a statue that represents Bride to you, even thought the sculptor had no such image in mind. It is what appeals to you that counts. To attract the healing and heartening energy of this fairy queen into your life, keep a candle- burning safely in a covered lantern- alight there when you are in the house.
  5. Dragon figures can be found in all shapes and sizes, some fashioned as candlesticks and joss-stick holders. A horseshoe is considered lucky wherever it is hung, but on or over your fire fairies altar is especially symbolic of the trans-formative powers of fire.
  6. To make the atmosphere really crackle, when you need a boos and an influx of salamander energy, light a sparkler or other indoor firework on your altar.
🔥Fire-Spirit Spell For Creativity🔥
  • Preform this spell when you need an injection of creativity into your heart and life.

🔥Method 🔥
  1. On a sunny day gather four pebbles: a dark one for practicality, a bluish one for clarity, a reddish one for energy, and a green one for serenity. Do this spell in sunlight, or alternatively you could light several yellow,red and/or orange candles.
  2. Draw an Imaginary circle around you with your fingertip, and visualize it containing all your energies. Place the dark stone (roughly) in the north quarter, the blue in the east, the red in the south,and the green in the west. Starting in the north, imagine all the qualities of concentration and pragmatism entering the pebble from the surrounding light. Face east and imagine all the freedom and clarity of the atmosphere entering that pebble. Now face south and imagine passion and energy filling the pebble. And lastly face west, drawing peace and calm. Circle clockwise again, face south and feel the energy of light fill your being, so that you are electrified. Ask the salamanders for power.
  3. Gather up the pebbles clockwise and place them in a bag. Imagine your circle fading. When you are being creative, take out the pebbles and spread them near your for inspiration.


#tbt to our original Ranger set. A lot of changes to this design over the last few years. Its all a process of continual improvement. We’re planning to relaunch the set in the new year! . . #larp #larparmour #larpkit #rangerarmour #dnd #elves #archer #leatherarmor #leathercraft #larpcostume #cosplay #cosplayarmor #lotr #thehobbit #fantasyarmour #medievaldesign #renfaire (at Toohey Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gYMjSHzfd/?igshid=dord4wx21wce


Hey mother nature i love you and shit but like….what the fuck my good bitch


Okay. I’m Canadian so I know a shit ton about staying warm if you’re new to the cold there here are some tips!(add more if you know more!)

1. Wear grippy shoes, nothing is worse than snowmelt freezing on your skin.

2.Do not wear jeans as your outter layer. wet denim is the most body heat siphoning mother fucker known to man or god

3. Have a warm drink with you. It will help. Even just some hot soup broth or boiled water will help keep you warm.

4. Wear a moisture wicking layer close to your skin so you don’t get cold from your own sweat. You will sweat. That is fine and expected.

5. If you start feeling too warm even though you were cold and like you have to take your clothes of DO NOT. Call 911. You are suffering from hypothermia.

6. Bring a blanket and a heat source that needs no electricity with you in your vehicle. You do not want to be stranded with no heat in the case that something happens.

7. If you are struggling on ice as you’re walking, stop. Get your balance and penguin shuffle to a less slippery patch of ground. There’s usually less ice on one side of the walk and it’s better to walk in the snow next to the sidewalk than it is to eat dirt when ya slip

8. STAY THE ABSOLUTE FUCK AWAY FROM FROZEN BODIES OF WATER. Ponds are deceptive as shit even with the “solid blue tried and true” thing. Go around.

9. Keep kids warm. They run at a higher body temperature and will feel the effects of the cold worse than you.

10. Huddling is your best friend. Even if you don’t know the person, remember you’re both cold, especially if they don’t have the right clothing for the weather.

11. Pay attention to windchill. That is how cold it feels. Dress appropriately please. I know it’s tempting to dress for style, but there’s nothing stylish about losing your toes to frostbite

12. Don’t touch metal if you can avoid it. It will sap your heat and likely freeze to anything wet. Like tongues. Don’t fucking lick a pole.

13. If someone licks something metal, pour warm water over their tongue to get them free. If they yank, they will bleed. A lot.

14. Keep your ears, noes, fingers, and toes warm. You’re extremities will get cold first and are the most likely parts of your body to get frostbite.

15. If you see someone who may not have a place to be in the cold, offer to help them find a local shelter or library. The elements, especially the cold, are some of the largest threats to those who cannot avoid them.

16. If you find yourself stuck outside for a long time, sleep during the day when it is warmest, and avoid sleeping on the ground. Stay awake as much as you can at night so you have a better chance of staying warm.

Also, look out for your local animals.   Cats will sleep on car wheels where you can’t see them - it’s elevated, rubber is warmer than the ground, and it’s a little hideyhole where they feel safe.  Check your wheel wells and under your car before you go driving off, you might save a tiny life.

You can also, if you’re so inclined, make a little winter shelter for cats and small animals fairly easily and cheaply.

[Here] is a great (if lengthy) text guide to building shelters for local cats. [Here] is a video from the Ontario SPCA. [Here] is an even simpler (ad possibly cheaper) version of basically the same thing.  As long as you smooth out the opening (so the lil guys don’t injure themselves on it), insulate, and line it, and then put it somewhere where it’s not going to get flooded or the animal snowed in, you’re grand. It might not seem like much in the face of subzero temperatures, but it’s damn well better than nothing.

Everyone, look through the notes for other information too!


Classical writers speak of Dryades or “Druidesses” in the third century. One of them predicted his approaching death to Alexander Severus, another promised the empire to Diocletian, others were consulted by Aurelian. Thus they were divineresses, rather than priestesses, and their name may be the result of misconception, unless they assumed it when Druids no longer existed as a class. In Ireland there were divineresses–ban-filid or ban-fáthi, probably a distinct class with prophetic powers. Kings are warned against “pythonesses” as well as Druids, and Dr. Joyce thinks these were Druidesses. S. Patrick also armed himself against “the spells of women” and of Druids. Women in Ireland had a knowledge of futurity, according to Solinus, and the women who took part with the Druids like furies at Mona, may have been divineresses. In Ireland it is possible that such women were called “Druidesses,” since the word ban-drui is met with, the women so called being also styled ban-fili, while the fact that they belonged to the class of the Filid brings them into connection with the Druids. But ban-drui may have been applied to women with priestly functions, such as certainly existed in Ireland–e.g. the virgin guardians of sacred fires, to whose functions Christian nuns succeeded. We know also that the British queen Boudicca exercised priestly functions, and such priestesses, apart from the Dryades, existed among the continental Celts.

-The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J. A. MacCulloch

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