
Can we not love her for the gorgeous and fierce mega pop star she is without appropriating her for some liberal, power feminist agenda?

On Beyonce, by RealColoredGirls.wordpress 


by Jose Muñoz

"Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see the future beyond the quagmire of the present." 

But if I were not enslaved, could I want anything?

From Leash by Jane DeLynn, 2002

"No more jobs, no more taxes, no more checkbook, no more bills, no more credit cards, no more credit, no more money, no more mortgages, no more rent, no more savings, no more junk mail, no more junk, no more mail, no more phones, no more faxes, no more busy signals, no more computers, no more cars, no more drivers’ licenses, no more traffic lights, no more airports, no more flying, no more tickets, no more packing, no more luggage, no more supermarkets, no more health clubs…"


selected buzz words from The Matrixial Gaze by Bracha Ettinger

subjectivity as encounter, the matrixial gaze, matrixial time, matrixial space, co-poiesis, borderlinking, borderspacing, co-emergence in differentiating and differentiating, transconnectivity, matrixial com-passion, primary compassion, compassionate hospitality, wit(h)nessing, co-fading, severality, matrixial transformational potentiality, archaic m/Other, fascinance, encounter-event, besideness, primal Mother-phantasies of Not-enoughness, devouring and abandonment, empathy within compassion, empathy without compassion, seduction into life, and metramorphosis.


monstrous feminine of the day #3, art edition

Adrian Piper in the early 70s did a piece called Catalysis where she doused herself in a lot of things that smelled bad. Vinegar, eggs, milk, cod liver oil for a week, and then go out on the D train during rush hour, or a bookstore. Repulsive, maybe insane seeming woman roving the streets - wouldn't you have to be insane not to smell yourself, not to know that your sheer presence is a dare to everyone else around you to shun you? Smell has a catalytic power she says. It's not even that girls are smelly (though we know, culturally speaking, that women are bearers of all smells as some concatenation of flowers and fish and laundry), but that they carry smells. Women wafting down the street, their scent being a trace to follow. Piper closes down this lead, this path to some (woman) garden and uses it for a site of dead-ended rupture, something an art critic could fantasize about and tool around in for a while because it alludes to social relations, giving us all a moment to identify the oppressive nature of convention as an internally inhering system. The fantasy Adrian Piper invokes is that we remember to bathe, we remember not to douse our clothes in rotten eggs and milk, we walk down the street effortlessly, no sweat. 

Adrian Piper, writing from Washington, D.C. in 1987: "I experimented with my own object-hood, transforming it sculpturally as I had other objects, took it into the street, confronted others with the end products, and watched the effects on my social relations. I traumatized myself, burned out, and began to withdraw..."



1. Saw Etant Donnes at the PMA last week and got kinda mad, like was really hating this rape culture misogyny death spectacle art 

but then 

2. Posted the Balthus painting below without making the same considerations. Why? Because I was thinking about women, wasn't thinking about power...this is my sexist shit at work I think. But I'm also thinking about how this painting didn't strike me as an image of rape when I saw it, it just didn't register that way, it seemed like people having sex with each other, and now I'm scratching my head wondering if it's just taboo trash that is an artful pleasing way of projecting harm out into the world. :/

Anonymous asked:

can you put a trigger warning for rape on the balthus guitar lesson? a dude painted it and it's clearly showing the mother figure 'playing' the girl like the instrument itself. it's not consensual at all and really needs a warning.

yes, of course. sorry i didn't think of it myself, and sorry for any harm i might have caused. 


dollar bin misogyny mix #2

 ft. arca, feist, don crisp, beth orton, cooly g, scuba, beach house, liars, bowery electric, jessie ware, floating points, patricia, anthony shake shakir, mazzy star, FKA twigs, health, paul du lac, cuushe, liz phair


Does anyone sit this close to their therapist??

Prozac Nation, 2001, Erik Skjoldbjærg. 

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