gintama in your pants

@endlcer /

Hello~ Have a nice day! Important news: I heard a noise, seems like there is a ghost in here or a murderer who is going to kill me, see you all in hell, I am the one with the pizza

Concept: A witch cat that’s too fat to fly

This is legit great because it shows that it’s not the cat that’s the problem, it’s the broom. The cat just needed someone to make an accommodation so they could fly too.


Children of Shatila’ (Lebanon, 1998) film by Mai Masri. In this scene the youth of the Palestinian refugee camp interview an elder with a video camera.


public service announcement

I keep getting people asking about bowling on this post so I’m just gonna repost this drawing I made on Twitter


How did her grandmother fill 4 vases?

She was a very large woman. Easily 12 feet tall.


then why the heck is her family not tall too?!?!

Pop-pop was very small so it canceled out.


Portrait of a Young Woman, Jean-Etienne Liotard 

Girl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer 


#they look like theyve been having a chat about u and u just walked in

I’m on mobile, somebody edit them into this please

Y'all take too long

Same energy

No worries guys, they’re there too


Sorry if it’s a little cramped- had to make this all fit in ten photos (I normally post to Imgur and have loads of room) . Hope you guys like it….. and again…. sorry Andrew

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WOW I CANT BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE LOVE THIS- thank you so much. Since a few questions have been brought up about seeing my comic elsewhere- I’m happy and grateful to finally have a platform to address it.

Andrews Window Shit was first made in September of 2014. I posted it to my Imgur/DeviantArt and it has since traveled the world. It has also been stolen more times than I can count. I never thought anyone would steal someone else’s embarrassing childhood memory, but I guess that’s the world we live in.

I have seen it on 4chan a few dozen times, Imgur (which is hilarious as that’s my original posting place and I never understood their theft when I litterally was a constant member there), 9gag, funnyjunk and so on. Sadly these weren’t people reposting my work- these were people actually claiming it was theirs.

The nice thing about my childhood is it was pretty fucking unique. Because of this, and thanks to helpful people out there, it’s been relatively easy to track my stories through the web. This doesn’t always mean I get them taken down or credit given. More often than not I don’t. When I first posted these, “ristay” was not wellknown- I was a nobody but had created (apparently) some catchy stuff pretty quick. I found out pretty soon how easy it was for others to take my work- so easy because no one really knew me.

The one nice thing about the Internet is everything has a date. Whenever someone pushes me about “Ive seen this before at _____ it’s not yours” I merely ask “what was the date posted” and give them my old ass comic.

This is one of the first times (besides its first appearance on Reddit in 2014) where my comic is trending again and it’s actually under my name- I’m actually getting the credit this time.

I am so thankful for you all for sharing this. Not just because it feels good to have such support but also to finally have my own work in the light again but under its rightful author.

Thank you all a million times.

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