
Cerebrally Quixotic

@cerebrallyquixotic / cerebrallyquixotic.tumblr.com

A Pre-vet major who is sick of the war on science & the animal industries. Proud supporter of "Big-pharma", Monsanto, FDA, CDC, USDA, AKC, SeaWorld, NIH, USEF and the NYC Carrige Industry

*goes to a party and awkwardly follows friend around the entire time*

*goes to a family reunion and awkwardly follows mom around the entire time*

*goes to hell and awkwardly follows satan the entire time*


Generative Artwork by Janusz Jurek

Polish designer and illustration Janusz Jurek explores the different shapes of generative illustration through the human body. Generative art is computer generated artwork based on algorithm. It can also be achieved through chemistry, biology, robotics, smart materials, manual randomization, mathematics, data mapping, symmetry, tiling, and other compounds. 

In Jurek’s Papilarnie series, a bundle of electric lines resemble a 3D figure of the human form. The piece delivers high energy and stunning results, which depict the multiple layers and complexity of human biology. 


Is there literally no ProSeaWorld side of Tumblr???? If you are pro SeaWorld, like or reblog this post.


You might be an asshole vegan if

You say animals are raped for having their milk taken. You say animals are “enslaved.” You compare farming to the holocaust. You say things like “All carnists should die.” You think that meat-eaters are evil. You think that nobody has an excuse to not be vegan. You sit on a soapbox preaching about how you are better than everyone else because you eat more lettuce.

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