
@joellemalik / joellemalik.tumblr.com

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A hero.

Cassie still fighting that good fight


She killed a cop in the very first book, and she can do it again.


Been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch Who woulda thought itd turn me to a savage?

7 rings - Ariana Grande


We took the drunk train home.

They were all absolutely infatuated with him and whispering about how much they wanted to pet him and then shushing each other saying “no that’s rude you can’t! just leave him alone!” so I told them they can pet him if they want and they were absolutely overwhelmed with happiness, while simultaneously being very concerned for his well-being, continually asking if I was very sure that it was okay and that I should please please tell them if I need them to leave him alone.

Basically, it was a great ending to a VERY long day. Sometimes people are really great.

the composition here is honestly close enough to a medieval painting, and just fuckin beautiful in 2138908 ways, that i think we can go ahead and hang this in a museum, thanks

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