
you just wait sunshine

@loveyouhomex / loveyouhomex.tumblr.com

| vicky. a mess for too many f1 drivers. 🇩🇪. i believe in sewis supremacy. | currently in love with two very gay german cops aka Tatort Saarbrücken. │

The FIA kicked up a massive fuss about Seb's same love t-shirt, and they kicked up an even bigger one about Lewis' Breonna Taylor shirt claiming that they don't do politics and yet Trump gets an invite to the grand Prix and wears his fucking maga hat (a political slogan!). Do you do politics or not F1??? We didn't race as one before and we certainly fucking don't now


At this point I’m convinced that when Vettel wrote “You are the most talented driver I came across in 15 years of F1. Don't waste it.” on Charles’ helmet, he 100% was telling him to leave Ferrari.


It's been almost a year since my last post but I can't not talk about this.

F1 is trying to make a big deal about being more progressive, making a safe place for women. And how do they do that? By grossly mishandling a potential sexual assault case at the start of the season. Allowing Patrick Mahomes to buy shares of Alpine after repeatedly defending his brother's sexual battery case. Allowing James Charles into the paddock, someone with multiple allegations involving underage boys.


Just going to leave this here


Ich fleh euch an. Geht wählen und wählt GEGEN NAZIS.


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Man darf diesmal sogar mit 16 Jahren schon wählen. Nutzt dieses Recht!

Wenn ihr nicht wisst, wen ihr wählen sollt: Der Wahl-O-Mat zur Europawahl 2024 ist seit heute online. Dort einfach bei den 38 Thesen auf stimme zu/neutral/stimme nicht zu (oder überspringen) klicken und dann kann man sehen welche Parteien zu einem passen. Dort kann man auch die Stellungnahmen der Parteien zu allen Thesen finden.

Auch wenn ihr nicht mit den großen Parteien zufrieden seid, geht wählen! Bei der Europawahl haben wir keine 5% Hürde in Deutschland, sodass auch kleinere Parteien 1-2 Abgeordnete stellen können (Nico Semsrott, der für Die PARTEI ins EU Parlament kam [wobei er dann aus der Partei ausgetreten ist], gibt einige interessante Einblicke ins EU Parlament auf seinem Youtube Kanal). Ich würde aber trotzdem empfehlen ein paar Prognosen zu verfolgen und nicht eine Partei zu wählen, die mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht genug Stimmen bekommt für mind. eine*n Abgeordnete*n.

Grundlegende Infos zur Europawahl 2024 von MrWissen2go:


Zur Info für die Auslanddeutschen: Noch habt ihr Zeit, euch ins Wählerverzeichnis eintragen zu lassen, und an der Europawahl teilzunehmen. Hier findet ihr alle notwendigen Informationen:

In BW, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, dem Saarland, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt finden am selben Tag außerdem Kommunalwahlen statt.

Bei beiden Wahlen könnt ihr auch ohne deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft wählen, wenn ihr die Staatsbürgerschaft eines anderen EU-Mitgliedsstaates habt und seit mindestens drei Monaten in Deutschland oder einem anderen EU-Land wohnt.


all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.

Isn’t Lady Gaga bisexual?

yes that is indeed why she's on the list of famous women who like women

why have multiple people reblogged this with some horse-assed "um actually most of these people are bi or pan" did I fucking stutter I said they like girls. what is your point. I'm going to kill you.

POV: you make a good post and then encounter tumblr reading comprehension

btw to just clarify for anyone who sees this reblog of this post

op is basically saying something along the lines of "yea ik taylor swift is bi but like. why is she y'all's only lgbtq+ pop icon when there are all these other lgbtq+ people in the pop scene???"

i might have worded this badly but hopefully i got the main point across

hi op here I certainly did not fucking say Taylor Swift is bi


Op is saying that liking Taylor for being QUEER or Lgbtqia+ is not a bad thing, but to also know she is not the only one.

He did not call anyone in the original post lesbian bi or pan.

He did call two people NB

you have to be fucking with me there's no way


Tumblr Code.

If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “I like your shoelaces”

that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything

I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person


must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!

Remember the answer is: I stole them from the president.


always reblog tumblr identification

good god this just crossed my dash in the year of our lord 2023


Let’s take it to 4 million, folks!


almost there!

TO 4 MILLION!!!!!!!!!



Gods bless the post. :)

(Remembering with pleasure when I got to do this last year with an auditorium full of people at Finncon in Tampere.)


@effervescentdragon ajme nismo to napravile u Austrijii 😂😂

:O sljedeći put ćemo!!! 😹🥰


I was able to really deep dive into the theme. So, I did a lot of research and I came across this 18th century gardener that through slavery times came over from Africa to Wales and became the first Black gardener in Wales. Through adversity he really triumphed and that's really where the inspiration has come from. And then inside, we have this poem from a guy called Alex Wharton, a Black poet in England as well. And these thorns here are really to show the pain through that slavery trade time. I tried to get in deep. You have to, you have to get into character - Lewis Hamilton


this whole “never repeat outfits” shit is not working for me. i get attached to one oversized sweater and that’s all you’ll see me in for a week

It's called a signature outfit and it's a part of my character design, and can only be changed if a significant time skip or a plot point occurs.

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