
Whimsical Pictures

@whimsicalmanga / whimsicalmanga.tumblr.com

a place for me to post stuff that tickles my fancy


Check out how much the Stark family members have changed from season one to season six! Some are practically unrecognizable! 








And finally, little Rickon!:


I know some people will probably disagree with me on this, but I genuinely believe that beginning artists need support and encouragement MORE than they need criticism. Drawing has an extremely steep learning curve, and most of us start at the bottom of that curve, so it can be incredibly easy to convince yourself that you are not good enough, and never will be. Criticism has its time and place on the road to improvement, but sometimes criticism can make the incredible challenge of learning how to draw that much more frustrating and demoralizing. Artists often grow and find their own answers to their problems, and encouragement and kindness (especially from a skilled artist) can be a powerful tool in facilitating that growth. If you’re reading this, pass along some kind words to a fellow artist in need.


Happy Monkey Year!

Victo Ngai

I had the pleasure to work on the 2016 Monkey Year scroll for Ogilvy to celebrate creativity and teamwork. “巨不可能,聚可能” - with the brave and the witty ones joining hands, sometimes the impossible might just be possible, such as fishing up the reflection of the moon. Thanks team Ogilvy Beijing and have an impossibly amazing year you all! 



Victo Ngai

Another fun one for Tor and AD Irene Gallo! This cover art for Lara Elena Donnelly’s debut novel Amberlough, publishing February 2017 from Tor Books. A fantasy/espionage thriller, Amberlough has been described as Le Carré meets Cabaret as a double-agent schemes to protect his smuggler lover during the rise of a fascist government coup.

Tor Books Editor Diana Pho said, “ Reading Amberlough is like getting drunk from too much champagne, but knowing the hangover would be worth it.” I have had so much fun capturing the sassy attitude of the main characters: Aristide and Cordelia. You can check out the cover reveal blog post by Tor here, and/or pre-order the book on amazon. The book is due out February 17, 2017 from Tor Books. 



Source Click HERE to Follow the Ultrafacts Blog!

ALICE ROOSEVELT WAS HARDCORE. “She was known as a rule-breaker in an era when women were under great pressure to conform. The American public noticed many of her exploits. She smoked cigarettes in public, swore at officials, rode in cars with men, stayed out late partying, kept a pet snake named Emily Spinach (Emily as in her spinster aunt and Spinach for its green color) in the White House, and was seen placing bets with a bookie. 


So what I’m reading here is, she was a Roosevelt?

Well I have a new hero.

Her whole wikipedia article is gold

“When her father was governor of New York, he and his wife proposed that Alice attend a conservative school for girls in New York City. Pulling out all the stops, Alice wrote, ‘If you send me I will humiliate you. I will do something that will shame you. I tell you I will.’”

“Her father took office in 1901 following the assassination of President William McKinley, Jr. in Buffalo (an event that she greeted with “sheer rapture.”)“

“During the cruise to Japan, Alice jumped into the ship’s pool fully clothed, and coaxed a congressman to join her in the water. (Years later Bobby Kennedy would chide her about the incident, saying it was outrageous for the time, to which the by-then-octogenarian Alice replied that it would only have been outrageous had she removed her clothes.”

“She was dressed in a blue wedding dress and dramatically cut the wedding cake with a sword (borrowed from a military aide attending the reception)”

“When it came time for the Roosevelt family to move out of the White House, Alice buried a Voodoo doll of the new First Lady, Nellie Taft, in the front yard.”

“Later, the Taft White House banned her from her former residence—the first but not the last administration to do so. During Woodrow Wilson’s administration (from which she was banned in 1916 for a bawdy joke at Wilson’s expense)…”

“As an example of her attitudes on race, in 1965 her African-American chauffeur and one of her best friends, Turner, was driving Alice to an appointment. During the trip, he pulled out in front of a taxi, and the driver got out and demanded to know of him, “What do you think you’re doing, you black bastard?” Turner took the insult calmly, but Alice did not and told the taxi driver, “He’s taking me to my destination, you white son of a bitch!”

“To Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had jokingly remarked at a party “Here’s my blind date. I am going to call you Alice”, she sarcastically said “Senator McCarthy, you are not going to call me Alice. The trashman and the policeman on my block call me Alice, but you may not.”


I love this woman.



This is Alice as an older lady. The pillow says “If you can’t say something good about someone, sit right here by me.” 

She is my absolute favorite. 

“He’s taking me to my destination, you white son of a bitch!” is now my second favorite quote

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