
•Meanwhile in the TARDIS...•

@pennyfreakinpotter / pennyfreakinpotter.tumblr.com

20 something. Star Wars. 221B Baker Street. Potterhead. Whovian... And somehow also a doctor 🩺

So, it took me a while to decide to post this because I haven't been a constant user of Tumblr for a while now, and I'm also kinda shy.

The thing is, you are so damn talented I couldn't remain being a ghost reader of yours. I've been reading fanfics for ages (not so much now as in my teens but still), and SWEET GIRL, you are one gifted lady. The way your characters (yeah because you made them yours even if they're legally Disney's lol) have developed is amazing, but you still somehow keep being "true" to the canon. What I mean is that, at least imo, I can watch Mando and believe he's the same as Rough Day Mando. Idk, it feels real. Plus, your description, your words and phrasing make me able to really feel part of the story myself. Oh and let us not forget about the smut 👀 that's probably the best one I've read in my life.

Well, I just wanted to let you know that you're awesome, and that you make me feel less alone with my love for Star Wars and Din and Pedro themselves 😍

You have a devoted reader all the way in Mexico (idk where you are but yeah, I'm here)

Anyways, can't wait for the next one!!! xxx


this is WONDERFUL thank you so so very much for saying this 🥺🥺 I’m really glad you can see rough day mando and canon mando as the same omg that’s something I try to strive for in the story and I’m thrilled to hear you say that OMGG!!💕💕💕 I love that we can all congregate here and just collectively yearn for this man HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE AND AFFECTION HFHFJDJD anyways I’m really glad you love the story so much and thanks for this lovely message🥰


Mycroft was willing to lose his life so that Sherlock wouldn’t have to lose another best friend. If that doesn’t make you cry then I don’t know what will.


Me when someone mentions something that happened in 2017


Me when I discover a new fandom

“I’m not someone who quite understands the science of the Force. To me Star Wars was never about science fiction — it was a spiritual story. And it was more of a fairytale in that regard. For me when I heard Obi-Wan say that the Force surrounds us and binds us all together, there was no judgement about who you were. This was something that we could all access. Being strong with the force didn’t mean something scientific, it meant something spiritual. It meant someone who could believe, someone who could reach down to the depths of your feelings and follow this primal energy that was flowing through all of us. I mean, thats what was said in that first film! And there I am sitting in the theater at almost 11 years old and that was a powerful notion. And I think this is what your point was, we would like to believe that when shit gets serious, that you could harness that Force I was told surrounds not just some of us, but every living thing. And so, I really feel like the assumption that any character needs to have inherited a certain number of midi-chlorians or needs to be part of a bloodline, it’s not that I don’t believe that as part of the canon, I’m just saying that at 11 years old, that wasn’t where my heart was. And so I respect and adhere to the canon but I also say that the Force has always seemed to me to be more inclusive and stronger than that.

JJ Abrams in 2015 when asked whether The Force Awakens would explore the possibility that anyone can have the Force.



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