


Nyemah Greenhouse, a 5-year-old in Louisiana, came home with some homework that seriously troubled her mother, Tremeka. Initially, Tremeka was going to have her daughter skip the insensitive assignment altogether. But instead she came up with a brilliant, wearable retort. (See More)


“I come from Ghana. I’m always smiling. People ask me: ‘Isaac, why are you always smiling?’ I tell them: ‘What else can I do?’ I am so blessed to be in this country. I work in customer service at the CVS on 57th Street and I love it. CVS is the best place that I love so much. I help people with their needs and it makes me so happy. I help them with their coupons. I help them with their medication. People bring me their challenges and I solve their problems. You can say that I am their champion. I am not a citizen. But when I help people with their problems, that makes me part of the community. So I do feel like an American.”

It was all about desire, including women’s desire, Prince’s music. Women were not degraded. They were exalted, body and mind both. Women were royalty but not expected to be demure. Everybody could be queer or not. Men were sexy, women were sexy, sometimes everybody wore high heels, and Prince seemed to just say, We’re all in our undies in our own heads; sometimes we should be in public, too. The whole bullshit of male and female and feminine and masculine was smashed with a purple guitar by a skinny guy in platform shoes and glitter trails who was sex incarnate. It was—and remains—a revolution.

Desire and Negation

See also this post about the different kinds of negation, which remains one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever done.  

who is this 👀 I’m gonna scream

this is my father, erich


Henri Matisse - Study After Dance (I), 1909  

pencil on paper, Museum of Modern Art, NYC 

“Ethnography is a practice of embodiment, and as such, it is well suited to dance research since it empowers the body as a locus of knowledge.”

- Catherine Foley, Step Dancing in Ireland: Culture and History, Introduction: An Ethnochoreologist in ‘the Kingdom’ of Kerry, pg. 11 (via danceismusic)

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urge that motivates you. Keep the channel open.

Martha Graham (via llleighsmith)


On Sunday evening, the legendary Prince gathered thousands for a benefit concert in Baltimore. The rally was a bold stand in solidarity with Freddie Gray and those who have protested since his death on April 19. Prince has been an active voice in the protest, and intended his show as “a catalyst for pause and reflection following the outpouring of violence that has gripped Baltimore and areas throughout the U.S." 

But besides performing, Prince took things a step further and put his money where his mouth is.

Source: mic.com
[D]ance comprises what I see as a double moment of representation in which bodies are both producing and by produced by cultural discourses of gender, race, ability, sexuality, and age… this double moment allows for a slippage between what I call a somatic identity (the experience of one’s physicality) and a cultural one (how one’s body renders meaning in society).

Ann Cooper Albright, Choreographing Difference (via throughmotion)

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