
Stitch Witch

@orbitsing / orbitsing.tumblr.com

Margot, 22, xe/xir/xirs/xirself or she/her/hers/herself

if you’re comfy w/ it we can be fb friends also


anyways i’ll prolly keep ths account up to talk to mutuals for a while but if you want to interact with me/ my content hit me up and i’ll tell you where i moved to


idk i just don’t get the shit out of it that i used to and for awhile iwas here just to prove a point but i’ve kind of...moved beyond that....


so i’m thinking of abandoning tumblr all together 


really need help

my girlfriends job just fell through and we still owe $300 on our rent, as well as other bills


we’re trying so hard and have been through so much this past six months 

our paypal is ecosynchronous@gmail.com

The landlord came by today and he isn’t thrilled rn and i dont blame him. Please help us.


Hey guys, I know I’ve been inactive for a while and that’s due to some personal issues going on in my life. I recently found out that I’m pregnant and I’m having extreme complications so I will be needing financial assistance for some medical expenses. Thanks to some funds I got the price for my medical needs down to $800 which is still a lot of money to pay. In order for me to get my procedure done I will need to pay the $800 up front and I’m asking anyone out there to please please please donate to my cause. My procedure is scheduled for Friday, December 13th at 12 noon. I am currently working but I just started at my new job so there isn’t enough money to cover the full expense. I’ve been stressing out because I’m completely alone and I have to deal with this with no support system to count on, not one person can help me and this is my last resort. If you are able to help I would be so thankful and I would appreciate if you could share this because I don’t have many followers due to being inactive so please share or if you could donate to my paypal which is nina_p56@yahoo.com. Thank you so so so so much!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ/SHARED/ and DONATED!!!! I’m so grateful thank you thank you update: I’m at $63.40 if anyone is curious. Thank you again !!

I’m still at $63.40, I called the doctor and talked to the manager at the clinic and the are trying to help me too, my appointment is tomorrow and if I can’t get the money I’ll have to wait longer which will mean more money, I’m so scared and I can’t stop crying I need help please share and thank you again


what’s the easiest way to crochet a human-shaped body with legs that have a little gap like this?:


usually when i make a body, i make the two legs separately, from the feet up, and then when i’m done, i put them together, and do a round across both of the legs (if that makes sense?) and then i work up the body like that, up until before the arms start. how would i do it if i want this gap? would i work down the body and then crochet each leg onto the body? are there stitches there or is just a flat piece that gets sewn shut?


so basically what's happening here is people are doing exactly what you're doing, except before joining to the second leg they're chaining (however long you want the gap to be. a good place to start is ch 3) and then they crochet around both legs and the chain like you're already doing


as much as i h8 the word ‘valid’ sometimes it’s...nice to be told... 


“I can’t do that” doesn’t have to mean “I can’t physically do that under any circumstances” to be valid. It can also mean “I am physically able to do it but doing so would cause me pain/distress” or “if I do this it will take me hours/days to recover and I won’t be able to do the things I want/have to do later.” You don’t have to do something just because you could do it if doing it would have consequences for your mental/physical health. You don’t have to push yourself past your limits just because you technically could. “I can’t do that” doesn’t have to mean “I can’t physically do that under any circumstances” to be valid. 


People will tell you that emotional abuse isn’t real and what you’re dealing with isn’t that big a deal and you’re just exaggerating, but let me tell you something.

If you’ve ever been wary of everyone you know, even people you trust, because you’re expecting them to get angry with you over literally anything, make fun of you, or start making threats, something’s wrong.

If you’ve ever had to plan things in anticipation of a potential tantrum that you fear will be taken out on you, something’s wrong.

If you succumb to someone’s demands because you’re never sure if their threats are empty or legit and you just want to play it on the safe side, something’s wrong.

If you find yourself jumping at smaller noises in anticipation that they’re a warning sign for a tantrum, something’s wrong.

If you hide things - especially things that make you happy - because you’re so afraid that they’ll make fun of you for liking them, scold you for liking something they don’t, take them away, destroy them, or that they’ll defile them and ruin that love you have for them, something’s wrong.

If you find yourself being silent in the face of mild disagreements or thinly-veiled insults, rather than standing up for yourself because you just don’t want to start an argument and make things worse, something’s wrong.

If that very lack of standing up for yourself eventually leads to you never offering your opinion in any sort of discussion out of fear of ridicule or being scolded because that’s what you’re so used to, something’s wrong.

If you end up spending a lot of your time in your room keeping to yourself and keeping any trip outside of your room to an absolute minimum because you don’t want to risk putting one toe out of line and setting off a tantrum, yet you’re also aware that hiding out will also cause an issue and you’re probably just minimizing the risk instead of erasing it entirely, something’s wrong.

If you ever habitually glance outside the window to keep watch for your supposed abuser’s car to return from their work, errand or trip, and then heading to your room or other hiding place to keep out of their way, erasing any obvious signs that you’ve been out and about in the rest of your living space, something’s wrong.

If one of your greatest fantasies involves not a dream career or winning the lottery but instead an escape plan succeeding, something’s wrong.

If you could basically summarize your life as living in constant, subtle fear, Something. Is. Wrong.

Emotional abuse is very, very real, and it has lasting consequences that can affect people’s relationships, their jobs, and their lives all-around.

Don’t you dare tell me it isn’t real.


Okay but seriously please reblog because if I had seen this as a teenager maybe I would have booked it outta That Relationship instead of putting up with 14 years of hell and before the abuse escalated

thank you


Date a girl who is something approaching humanity


does anybody

want to look at poem i’m writing i need some feedback 

it's a palindrome poem help me out here,

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