be true to who you are

@in-toxication /

the only thing you can do is be happy with your choices or change them.

This moment. No words, she's unreal.

Grey's Anatomy 19x12: 'Pick Yourself Up'.


GREYā€™S ANATOMY 19.12: Pick Yourself Up

Itā€™s Addison. She isnā€™t listening to anyone, including her own body, so that she can take care of a patient.
Anonymous asked:

Hi, since you are back to watching Greys againā€¦.are you keeping track of Saraā€™s twitter? They seem to be very apparent about their interest in Greys recently. Since we know Ellen is taking a step back, do you think thereā€™s a possibility that Sara & Capshaw May step back in?

I'd say don't keep your hopes up, I think Sara is very happy with where they are right now.

However, bringing both Callie and Arizona back would be good for the hospital though. They want to restore their teaching hospital status but I find the recent attendings are not very good at teaching. Having the two best teachers there guarding the new interns would make it even more interesting to watch that's for sure.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, do you still write calzona fanfics?

I meant to update A blind date, just...Ā 

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