
Something Meaningful Here


Bisexual trans guy
Desmond, 24

In a show filled with witches and demons, my favorites turned out to be the sad humans who only wanted to find some semblance of home. :,) 

The Requiem cafe had a voice actor panel the other day and through some divine intervention (my classmate) I got a ticket. 

I knew Dana was gonna be there and I wanted to draw something special to show my thanks in case I got to meet her. I thought about what I loved most about the show and it came down to these dudes :,) 

I didn’t have a lot of time to finish this bc of school and unfortunately, I have the motor skills of a used tissue so I was not able to get it finished and printed on time <3333

But low and behold I did end up meeting them and getting my art signed, just not the one I planned lol <333 


Amity is snippy with Hunter not because she hates him or doesn’t trust him or doesn’t forgive him for eclipse lake, but because she has Also slotted him into a familial sibling role in her head and is the only one of the Hexsquad with experience prior to the start of the show with being a Little Sister. Like she saw him, clocked him as Gus and Luz’s older brother, and went ‘okay I got this I know how to interact with older brothers. HEY DIPSHIT YOUR OUTFIT SUCKS’


A list of theories as to why Martha Wayne’s Pearls scattered Like That, despite the fact that real pearls are knotted individually on the strand to prevent Precisely That Sort Of Thing from happening [incomplete]:

One: Martha chose not to wear her real pearls to the theatre that night, as it was a night where there was no one to impress. The string snapped because the pearls were not real, and Martha died for a $100 set you could pick up at Macy’s.

Two: The Pearls, upon understanding this was a symbolic moment in at least one Wayne’s future [and two Wayne’s end], chose to disregard their quality for the sake of a Dramatic Tableau.

Three: no more then three pearls ever snapped off the strand, but to a boy watching his mother choke on her own blood, gasping his name into the suddenly silent night, three pearls was enough.

Four: an opportunistic officer slipped the pearls off Marthas neck as she was loaded into the morgue van, figuring Bruce would not have the wherewithal to miss them. The pearls were subsequently reported as lost, having probably rolled down the drain in the following chaos. Only three were ever recovered, having become stuck in the puddle of blood that was under Martha Wayne’s head.

Five: the pearls, a set Thomas Wayne picked up as an engagement gift and a promise when Wayne industries was collapsing and his fortune nonexistent, were fake, and Martha adored them far more then any of the expensive jewels he was eventually able to afford. She made a habit of wearing them on family outings. Martha died for the sentimental value of a $100 set you could pick up at Macy’s.

Six: the pearls where not real. Martha was wearing diamonds that night. Bone, when exposed to moonlight and the horrified tears of an eight year old, shines like pearls. 


Keying/graffiti-ing someones car is old news now if someone cheats we go at their wardrobe with a seam ripper

yknow what? Fuck you *unstitches all your shirts and jeans*

My mother did this to my father once. They got into an argument, my very pregnant and hormonal mother stormed off…except they lived in a tiny apartment so the only place to go was to shut herself into the closet for a good long sulk. And while she was sitting in there, fuming, she looked up and saw her sewing kit on the shelf, and all my father’s uniforms hanging right there.

So she picked one shirt and one pair of trousers, carefully, methodically ripped every third stitch out of every seam, and then hung them back up together so that he would be likely to pick them at the same time. This took her a couple hours, so by the time she was done, the anger had worn down. She came out, she and my father had a talk that ended in apologies, after which they were tired and went to bed. My mother swears up and down that she meant to warn my father about the sabotaged clothes in the morning, but he wore a different uniform set and they were both still feeling a little raw, so she didn’t want to bring up the fight again. She decided to tell him that night instead.

And then she forgot.

Anyway, about four days later, my father apparently came home roughly an hour after he left for work, his clothes slowly, gently shredding off his body, the most bewildered expression on his face. “Paula,” he said, his voice mildly shell-shocked. “Paula, my clothes are broken.”

My mother promptly burst out laughing so hard that she went into labor. And that’s the story of my birth, heralded by petty vengeance and utter confusion.






friendly anime narrator voice: humans and pokemon work together to understand one another

giant monster made of rocks: 01000100 01001001 01000101 *throws a car*


Decided to say fuck it to my congestion. Closed myself in the guest bathroom, blocked out all ventilation, turned my massive humidifier on full blast and ran myself the hottest bath i can stand.

This is my enclosure. I live here now. I have recreated the water cycle in a matter of minutes and can finally breathe.

Would love to show y'all but yeah


i don’t think mordecai and rigby were ever gay for each other but i do think many times rigby would be like dude if i was a girl would you want to fuck me and mordecai is like dude that’s weird. no. and rigby is all bent out of shape about it and in the middle of the night when they’re both trying to sleep he’s like why wouldn’t you fuck me if i was a girl. i’m cute right? or am i ugly and that’s why i’m single… and mordecai is like fine whatever i’d fuck girl you. stop bringing it up now. & the next day rigby is like fuck off muscle man i’m not ugly mordecai said he’d fuck girl me & then a portal opens to an alternate dimension where they’re genderbent like that adventure time episode and the voice of god is like mordecai you must make good on your word. fuck girl rigby.

average Regular Show Episode.



hey uhhh but fr the concept of fallen angels existing but risen demons being an impossibility is kind of a great summary of sin in christianity


holy shit

no, no, come back here and tell me how stupid it is to talk about how the power dynamics inherent to christianity are built upon the rhetoric that failure is unavoidable and there is never enough you can do to make up for it

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