
Pregnant Pause

@pregnantpause-nyer / pregnantpause-nyer.tumblr.com

The Misadventures of a Slightly Angry Working Mom/New Yorker Trying Not to Lose Her Cool

Yes, yes! A thousand times, YES. This is not to belittle mental illness in any way, but more maternal support could go A LONG WAY in helping to grow happy, healthy families. The U.S. quite simply sucks at this, full stop. Via Pregnant Chicken (which I would link if tumblr made it easier to do so, but they don't, so scamper off and google it because it's awesome).


Between a toddler on nap strike, preparing for Christmas, working, being marginally I'll for the past two-months, and this cold weather, I feel like I'm going to lose it. I need more money and fewer y-chromosomes in my life. And a vacation. I could really use a vacation. Alone.


Our nanny brought me Starbucks as a Christmas treat as its her last day before going home for the holidays. What am I going to do when she graduates grad school in May?


Sitting at a country diner next to three men discussing milk supply. 98% sure they're talking about cows and not their wives.

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