
Naomi Campbell photographed by Photographer Jean-Paul Goude, 2007-(via DWNH)

Because she has only one pointe shoe on. Because her figure is of legend. Because they call her Naomi. Because she does not allow the fashion industry to disregard black beauty. Because her voiceΒ oftenΒ get mistaken for anger. Because she can easily be dismissed as just a model. Because she is not liked by everyone. Because she has been an inspiration for many girls, brown and white.Β 


⭐️ little digest's master list

Lesser Known Asteroids for Synastry and Composite Charts:

Asteroid Clusters:

  • Asteroids for Sleep and Dreams - When your subconscious takes over your life... (here)
  • Asteroids Related to the Mind, Body, and Soul - A Different Perspective of Your Self in Your Birth Chart (here)
  • Asteroids for Happiness and Humor (here)
  • Asteroids indicating Activism and the Rebellious Spirit in your Birth Chart - PART 1 / PART 2
  • Asteroids for Heavenly Places - Your Utopia (here)
  • Asteroids for Memory - the Power of Recall (here)
  • Asteroids for Truth, Trust, and Lies - Truthfulness, Deception, Withholding Information (here)
  • Asteroids for Womanizer vs. Knight in Shining Armor (here)
  • Asteroids for Eternal Youth and Life - Your Celestial Fountain of Youth (here)
  • Inescapable Past, Present, and Future - Interpreting the Fates and Norns in Birth Chart (here)
  • Asteroids for the Rejected and Abandoned Lover (here)
  • The Muses in Astrology - Inspiration and Creative Talents Personified (here)
  • The Graces and Charites in Astrology - Charm, Grace, and Beauty Personified (here)
  • Asteroids for Marriage and Weddings (here)

Asteroid Highlights:

Astro Observations:

Evidence that Astrology is Real Post # 1 , 2

Mini Astrology Studies:

Astro Lessons & Theories:

Famous People Analysis:

Welcome! πŸ₯³


Asteroids for the Rejected and Abandoned Lover

Please don't take this one literally and too seriously. These asteroids do NOT mean you or someone else will experience the same fate as the mythological figure.

A lot of these myths and stories end badly for the female character(s). But consider that there is a long history of writers and artists who created tragic female characters to highlight the tragic nature of their work or to explain a different phenomenon. This should not be a reflection of real life. I made this list just because I noticed a similar theme.

11, 171, 556, 209, 53, 43, 2212, 73

Parthenope 11

  • Named after Parthenope, a siren who drowns herself after failing to lure Odysseus
  • Her name means "maiden-voiced."
  • Hard time accepting rejection; overreacting to rejection

Ophelia 171

  • Named after Ophelia, the rejected lover of Hamlet from Shakespeare's Hamlet
  • Ophelia loses her mind when she finds that Hamlet did not love her; she drowns
  • Feeling a loss of innocence; what we thought was real is not real
  • Regret; a target for misogyny; retreating into the mind where everything is overblown

Phyllis 556

  • Named after Phyllis, the wife of Demophon, the King of Athens
  • When Demophon leaves Phyllis behind to help his father in Greece, Phyllis gives him a casket and tells him to open it when he gives up all hope of returning to her.
  • Some versions have Phyllis committing suicide when she realizes her husband will not come back; other versions have Demophon opening the casket and accidentally falling on his sword, killing him
  • Losing faith and giving up hope for a relationship; attachment issues

Dido 209

  • Named after Dido, the founder and first queen of Carthage (modern-day Tunisia)
  • In Virgil's Aeneid, Dido falls in love with Aeneas, a Trojan hero, but kills herself when he is ordered by Jupiter to leave.
  • Before she dies, she has a funeral pyre built to burn everything that reminds her of Aeneas and curses the Trojans, giving rise to the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage.
  • Becoming vengeful when hurt; overreactions that cause disasters
  • Also clever, wise, a leader, passionate, volatile

Kalypso 53

  • Named after Calypso, a nymph who wanted Odysseus to be her husband in exchange for immortality, but he refused because he wanted to be with his wife Penelope
  • She forces Odysseus to sleep with her and stay with her on her isolated island for seven years
  • Zeus, with the help of Athena and Hermes, tells Calypso to set Odysseus free
  • Calypso is upset but helps Odysseus with whatever he needs to leave the island
  • Her name means "she who conceals"
  • Hanging onto others for our own benefit; making something/someone fit into our plans; trying to persuade others to change their mind
  • Falling for someone who is already attached to someone else; being jealous
  • Feeling that life is unfair; getting the short end of the stick

Ariadne 43

  • Named after Ariadne, the Cretan princess who helped Theseus find his way out of the labyrinth after killing the Minotaur
  • Ariadne betrays her father and country for her love for Theseus, who was a sacrifice for the Minotaur
  • There are many versions, but ultimately Theseus leaves her; Ariadne then marries Dionysus
  • A labyrinth-like love life; love taking twists and turns; unexpected endings
  • Betrayal in the name of love or personal desires
  • Helpfulness cannot be exchanged for love

Hephaistos 2212

  • Named after Hephaestus, the Greek god of metalworking, woodworking, artisans, fire, and volcanoes
  • Hephaestus's mother, Hera, throws him off Olympus when she discovers he has a birth defect
  • He creates a golden throne for Hera that she could not stand up from once she sat down; the gods try to persuade him to free her; only Dionysus is successful when he gets Hephaestus drunk
  • Hephaestus and Aphrodite marry, but Aphrodite is consistently unfaithful to him with Ares, the god of war
  • He creates a chain net that falls on Aphrodite and Ares when they are in bed together to parade them in front of the other gods
  • Hephaestus and Aphrodite eventually divorce
  • Exacting revenge, big or small, against those who wrong you
  • Being outcasted by others; black sheep of the family/group
  • Talented and indispensable but looked down on or underestimated

Klytia 73

  • Named after Clytie, a nymph who loved Helios, the sun god
  • But Aphrodite makes Helios leaves her for another woman, princess Leucothoe, as revenge for Clytie revealing her affair with Ares to Hephaestus
  • Clytie, upset by and jealous of Helios leaving her, tells Leucothoe's father about his daughter's affair with Helios
  • The father buries his daughter alive, and Helios never goes back to Clytie
  • Can show where we are excessively jealous and vengeful

The Muses in Astrology - Inspiration and Creative Talents Personified

There are 3 Boeotian Muses and 9 Olympian Muses in ancient Greek mythology.

56, 600, 57, 22, 84, 27, 23, 18, 81, 62, 33, 30

3 Boeotian Muses

The Boeotian Muses are the original muses in ancient Greece: Mneme (memory), Melete (thought, meditation), and Aoede (voice, song). Unfortunately, I could find only one asteroid named after them, Melete.

Melete 56

  • Named after Melete, one of the Boeotian Muses associated with thought, meditation, ponderance, contemplation, and practice
  • All art, science, and inspiration, in general, come from contemplation
  • Meditating, brainstorming, practicing skills, deep thought, developing skills
  • Overthinking, anxiety

9 Olympian Muses

The Nine Olympian Muses are Calliope, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymnia, and Urania.

Musa 600

  • Named after the 9 Olympian Muses in Greek mythology
  • Being a muse and inspiration to others; being inspired often
  • Artistic, creative, grace, beauty
  • Praise, entertaining, fascinating

Mnemosyne 57

  • Named after Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory and mother of the Nine Muses
  • Good memory, bad memory
  • Ability to tap into collective subconsciousness

Kalliope 22

  • Named after Calliope, the Muse of eloquence, epic poetry
  • Calliope means "beautiful-voiced"
  • A strong voice that makes others listen, a way with words
  • Singing ability, story-telling especially epic stories about heroes, praising others or praised for heroic or good deeds

Klio 84

  • Named after Clio, the Muse of history
  • Means "to recount", "to make famous", "to celebrate"
  • History buffs, digging into the past, work related to historical events
  • Can be a fame asteroid; leaving a mark in history

Euterpe 27

  • Named after Euterpe, the Muse of music, flutes, lyric poetry
  • Means "to delight", "to rejoice", "to please"
  • Musicians would look to Euterpe for guidance in their compositions
  • Musicians, songwriters, playing wind instruments

Thalia 23

  • Named after Thalia, the Muse of comedy, idyllic poetry
  • Means "joyous", "flourishing"
  • Comedians, humor, spreading joy

Melpomene 18

  • Named after Melpomene, the Muse of tragedy, chorus
  • Means "to sing", "melodious one", "to celebrate with dance and song"
  • Tragic themes in art, drama, satire, theater
  • Singing and dancing ability, acting

Terpsichore 81

  • Named after Terpsichore, the Muse of dance, chorus
  • Means "delight in dancing"
  • Dancers; professions or hobbies where body movement is important

Erato 62

  • Named after Erato, the Muse of erotic poetry, lyric poetry, mimic imitation
  • Means "desired", "lovely"
  • Love songs, love poetry, love letters, erotic writing, art that is provocative or sensual
  • Sweet talker, charming, expressing affection

Polyhymnia 33

  • Named after Polyhymnia, the Muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn, dance, eloquence, agriculture, pantomime, geometry, meditation
  • "Poly" means "many"; "hymnos" means "praise"
  • Serious, pensive, meditative demeanor
  • Multi-talented; many hobbies and skills
  • Very talented in artistic/creative/music fields; receiving many praises

Urania 30

  • Named after Urania, the Muse of astronomy, Christian poetry, Universal Love
  • Means "heavenly", "of heaven"
  • Majestic, beautiful, graceful demeanor
  • Philosopher, astronomer, astrologer, fortune teller, prophet
  • Religion, math, abstract ideas, theories

Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Astrology - Analyzing the Big 4 of the Golden Age of Hollywood - PART 3


424, 3199, 443, 562, 176, 118, 875, 1009, 1488, 52975

6, 433, 193, 47, 23437, h13

Gratia 424 - grace, refinement

  • Marilyn has Gratia conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Neptune Leo 1st, square Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius 7th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th (T-Square Gratia-Neptune-Moon/Jupiter)
  • Audrey has Gratia in Cancer 4th quintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 1st, opposite Saturn in Capricorn 10th, sextile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Gratia in Aquarius 2nd sextile Venus and Uranus in Aries 4th, trine MC in Libra, square Moon in Scorpio 11th, opposite Jupiter in Leo 8th
  • Grace has Gratia in Virgo 11th sextile Mars in Scorpio 1st, opposite Moon in Pisces 5th

Nefertiti 3199 - graceful, regal, powerful

  • Marilyn has Nefertiti in Virgo 2nd trine MC in Taurus, quintile Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th
  • Audrey has Nefertiti in Aries 1st square Saturn in Capricorn 10th, biquintile Neptune in Leo 6th
  • Elizabeth has Nefertiti in Libra 9th biquintile Mars in Pisces 2nd, opposite Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd
  • Grace has Nefertiti in Virgo 11th sextile Sun in Scorpio 1st, opposite Moon in Pisces 5th, sextile Pluto in Cancer 9th

Photographica 443 - photography, photogenic, photographed

  • Marilyn has Photographica conjunct Vertex in Sagittarius 5th, sextile Moon in Aquarius 7th, trine Neptune in Leo 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Aries 9th (Grand Trine Photographica-Neptune-POF)
  • Audrey has Photographica in Libra 7th trine AC in Aquarius, opposite Venus in Aries 1st, biquintile Mercury in Gemini 3rd
  • Elizabeth has Photographica conjunct Neptune in Virgo 8th, opposite Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, biquintile Saturn in Aquarius 2nd
  • Grace has Photographica in Sagittarius 2nd opposite Vertex in Gemini 8th, biquintile North Node in Taurus 7th, square Moon in Pisces 5th

Salome 562 - seductive, sexual object, taken advantage of, dancing

  • Marilyn has Salome in Libra 3rd trine Moon in Aquarius 7th, square North Node in Cancer 12th, square South Node in Capricorn 6th
  • Audrey has Salome in Gemini 3rd square Moon in Pisces 1st
  • Elizabeth has Salome in Sagittarius 1st square North Node in Pisces 3rd, square South Node in Virgo 9th, biquintile Vertex in Cancer 8th
  • Grace has Salome in Leo 9th square Venus in Libra 12th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Iduna 176 - eternal youth

  • Marilyn has Iduna in Libra 3rd opposite Venus in Aries 9th, trine Jupiter in Aquarius 7th
  • Audrey has Iduna conjunct Mercury in Gemini 3rd
  • Elizabeth has Iduna in Scorpio 12th trine North Node in Pisces 3rd, trine Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd, trine Vertex in Cancer 3rd (Grand Trine Iduna-NN-POF)
  • Grace has Iduna in Leo 9th conjunct MC in Leo, square Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st, square North Node in Taurus 7th

Peitho 118 - persuasion, grooming, accessorizing

  • Marilyn has Peitho in Sagittarius 4th opposite Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th, trine AC in Leo
  • Audrey has Peitho in Virgo 7th opposite Moon in Pisces 1st, trine Sun and Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, quintile South Node in Scorpio 8th
  • Elizabeth has Peitho in Taurus 5th sextile Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, trine Neptune in Virgo 8th
  • Grace has Peitho conjunct Sun, Mercury, and South Node in Scorpio 1st, quintile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Pluto in Cancer 9th

Nymphe 875 - natural beauty and sexuality, youthful

  • Marilyn has Nymphe conjunct Uranus in Pisces 8th
  • Audrey has Nymphe in Libra 7th biquintile Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd, sextile MC in Sagittarius
  • Elizabeth has Nymphe in Cancer 7th trine Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, sextile Neptune in Virgo 8th
  • Grace has Nymphe in Sagittarius 2nd trine MC in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries 5th (Grand Trine Nymphe-MC-Uranus)

Sirene 1009 - femme fatale, seductive, enchanting voice

  • Marilyn has Sirene in Sagittarius 4th opposite Mercury in Gemini 10th, biquintile Venus in Aries 9th
  • Audrey has Sirene in Libra 7th trine Mercury in Gemini 3rd, square Saturn in Capricorn 10th, opposite Uranus in Aries 1st, biquintile AC in Aquarius, quintile MC in Sagittarius
  • Elizabeth has Sirene in Pisces 3rd trine Moon in Scorpio 11th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th (Grand Trine Sirene-Moon-Pluto)
  • Grace has Sirene conjunct Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st

Aura 1488 - aura, vibe, energy

  • Marilyn has Aura conjunct Mars in Pisces 8th, trine Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Pluto and North Node in Cancer 11th/12th (Grand Trine Aura-Saturn-Pluto/NN)
  • Audrey has Aura in Virgo 7th sextile Mars in Cancer 6th, trine Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Aura in Pisces 3rd biquintile Jupiter in Leo 8th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th
  • Grace has Aura conjunct Sun, Mercury, and South Node in Scorpio 1st, quintile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Pluto in Cancer 9th

Cyllarus 52975 - ideal appearance

  • Marilyn has Cyllarus in Virgo 2nd biquintile Moon in Aquarius 7th, quintile Pluto in Cancer 11th (Golden Yod Cyllarus-Moon-Pluto)
  • Audrey has Cyllarus in Libra 7th biquintile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, trine Mercury in Gemini 3rd, square Saturn in Capricorn 10th
  • Elizabeth has Cyllarus in Libra 9th opposite Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd
  • Grace has Cyllarus in Libra 11th square Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th, opposite Uranus in Aries 5th

Hebe 6 - eternal youth

  • Marilyn has Hebe in Scorpio 4th square Moon in Aquarius 7th, trine Pluto and North Node in Cancer 11th
  • Audrey has Hebe in Virgo 7th opposite Moon in Pisces 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Hebe conjunct DC in Gemini 7th, trine MC in Libra, sextile Jupiter in Leo 8th, sextile Uranus in Aries 4th
  • Grace has Hebe conjunct AC and Mercury in Scorpio 1st, sextile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th

Eros 433 - erotic, sensual, passionate

  • Marilyn has Eros in Capricorn 6th square Venus and Part of Fortune in Aries 9th, sextile Uranus in Pisces 8th
  • Audrey has Eros in Cancer 5th quintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 1st, sextile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, square Uranus in Aries 1st
  • Elizabeth has Eros conjunct Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces 2nd, opposite Neptune in Virgo 8th, biquintile Vertex in Cancer 8th
  • Grace has Eros in Sagittarius 2nd trine MC in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries 5th (Grand Trine Eros-MC-Uranus)

Ambrosia 193 - longevity, eternal, youth

  • Marilyn has Ambrosia conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th (Grand Trine Ambrosia-Mars-NN), square Moon in Aquarius 7th, square Neptune in Leo 1st (T-Square Ambrosia-Moon-Neptune)
  • Audrey has Ambrosia in Leo 6th quintile Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd, square Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Ambrosia in Aquarius 2nd conjunct Mars in Pisces 2nd
  • Grace has Ambrosia in Libra 12th quintile MC in Leo, square Pluto in Cancer 9th

Aglaja 47 - brilliance, beauty, splendor

  • Marilyn has Aglaja in Taurus 9th conjunct MC in Taurus, quintile North Node in Cancer 12th
  • Audrey has Aglaja in Libra 7th opposite Venus in Aries 1st, square Pluto and Mars in Cancer 5th/6th
  • Elizabeth has Aglaja in Gemini 6th square Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces 2nd, square Neptune in Virgo 8th (T-square Aglaja-Neptune-Sun/Mercury/Mars)
  • Grace has Aglaja in Sagittarius 2nd square Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Sima 23437 - face, appearance

  • Marilyn has Sima conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th (Grand Trine Sima-Mars-NN), square Moon in Aquarius 7th, square Neptune in Leo 1st (T-Square Sima-Moon-Neptune), conjunct Ambrosia in Scorpio 4th
  • Audrey has Sima in Virgo 7th biquintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Sun, Jupiter, and North Node in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Sima conjunct Jupiter in Leo 8th, trine AC in Sagittarius, sextile MC in Libra
  • Grace has Sima in Sagittarius 1st square Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Lilith h13 (True Lilith) - untamed femininity

  • Marilyn has Lilith in 12th conjunct AC in Leo, sextile Sun in Gemini 10th
  • Audrey Hepburn has Lilith in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn in Capricorn 10th, sextile AC in Aquarius, biquintile North Node in Taurus 2nd, trine Neptune in Leo 6th
  • Elizabeth has Lilith conjunct North Node in Pisces 3rd, trine Vertex in Cancer 8th
  • Grace has Lilith in Capricorn 3rd trine North Node in Taurus 7th, sextile South Node Scorpio 1st


Marilyn Monroe has the most beauty asteroids in her 4th house (Scorpio, Sagittarius) [7/32]. The sign that appeared the most is a tie between Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces (all the water signs) [5/32 for all 3 signs].

Audrey Hepburn has an overwhelming number of beauty asteroids concentrated in the 7th house (Leo, Virgo, Libra). When I say overwhelming, I mean she has almost half of all these beauty asteroids in her 7th house [15/32]. Her most common sign is a tie between Virgo and Libra [7/32 for both]

Elizabeth Taylor's most common house is the 3rd (Pisces, Aries) and 8th house (Cancer, Leo, Virgo) [6/32 for both]. The most common sign is a tie between Scorpio and Pisces [6/32 for both].

Grace Kelly has a lot of beauty asteroids concentrated in her 1st house (Scorpio, Sagittarius) [9/32]. The most common sign is Scorpio [8/32], with Sagittarius as a close second [7/32].

Several formations, mainly Grand Trines, were made with asteroids and major planets. Most were in Marilyn and Elizabeth's charts.

Grace Kelly had many prominent asteroids related to royalty/nobility, which matches the fact that she became a royal [Kleopatra, Godiva, Regulus, Helena, Nefertiti].

There are many asteroids prominent in these charts, but these are the ones that were most interesting to me:

Photographica 443

All 4 women have become icons through their photographs and movies. Marilyn and Grace’s Photographica are aspecting their Vertex (destiny). Marilyn and Audrey have Photographica aspecting angular Moon, Venus, Neptune, AC. Elizabeth’s Photographica is conjunct her Neptune (film, illusion) and opposite her Sun/Mercury.

Sirene 1009

All have Sirene aspecting Mercury or in the 3rd house (seductive, enchanting voice) like an actual siren. Marilyn and Audrey were known for singing as well.

See PART 1 here!

See PART 2 here!


Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Astrology - Analyzing the Big 4 of the Golden Age of Hollywood - PART 2

This is a long list of asteroids related to beauty, separated into Part 2 and Part 3. One thing I noticed while looking at all 4 actresses' charts is that there are many aspects to angular planets. I bolded aspects to angular planets, aspects to luminaries/Venus, and angular asteroids.

Add these asteroids to your own birth chart to find your beauty type.


627, 96, 216, 1862, 3018, 695, 1388, 592, 3267 + Regular (Fixed Star)

2101, 62, 101, 296, 204, 52

Charis 627 - charm, grace, beauty, charisma

  • Marilyn has Charis conjunct Pluto in Cancer 11th quintile Venus in Aries 9th
  • Audrey has Charis conjunct Moon in Pisces 1st
  • Elizabeth has Charis in Virgo 9th sextile Moon in Scorpio 11th
  • Grace has Charis in Pisces 4th trine Mercury in Scorpio 1st

Aegle 96 - brightness, good health

  • Marilyn's Aegle is conjunct Charis and Pluto but no super standout aspects
  • Audrey's Aegle in Pisces 1st is conjunct Charis, sextile Sun in Taurus 2nd, quintile Saturn in Capricorn 10th
  • Elizabeth's Aegle does not make any standout aspects
  • Grace's Aegle is trine Mercury in Scorpio 1st, opposite Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine AC in Scorpio

Kleopatra 216 - regality, power, presence

  • Marilyn has Kleopatra in Virgo 1st trine Venus in Aries 9th, opposite Jupiter in Aquarius 7th
  • Audrey has Kleopatra conjunct Uranus in Aries 1st
  • Elizabeth has Kleopatra in Scorpio 12th square Mars in Pisces 2nd, trine North Node in Pisces 3rd
  • Grace has Kleopatra conjunct Jupiter and Vertex in Gemini 8th, biquintile AC in Scorpio, sextile MC in Leo

Apollo 1862 - attraction, beauty, idolatry

  • Marilyn has Apollo in 12th conjunct AC in Leo, sextile Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th
  • Audrey has Apollo in 4th conjunct IC in Gemini, sextile Venus in Aries 1st
  • Elizabeth has Apollo in Scorpio 10th trine Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, sextile Neptune in Virgo 8th
  • Grace has Apollo in Virgo 11th trine North Node in Taurus 7th, square Jupiter in Gemini 8th

Godiva 3018 - untainted beauty, getting secret glances from others

  • Marilyn has Godiva in Cancer 12th trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine Saturn in Scorpio 4th (Grand Trine Godiva-Mars-Saturn)
  • Audrey has Godiva in Gemini 3rd square Moon in Pisces 1st, sextile Uranus in Aries 1st
  • Elizabeth has Godiva in Pisces 3rd trine Moon in Scorpio 11th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th (Grand Trine Godiva-Moon-Pluto)
  • Grace has Godiva conjunct MC in Leo 10th, square Mercury in Scorpio 1st, square North Node in Taurus 7th, square South Node in Scorpio 1st

Bella 695 - beautiful

  • Marilyn has Bella in Gemini 11th sextile Venus in Aries 9th, trine Jupiter in Aquarius 7th, opposite Vertex in Sagittarius 5th
  • Audrey has Bella in Pisces 1st quintile Mercury in Gemini 3rd, sextile Jupiter in Taurus 2nd, opposite Vertex in Virgo 7th, sextile North Node in Taurus 2nd, trine South Node in Scorpio 8th
  • Elizabeth has Bella in Scorpio 11th biquintile Venus and Uranus in Aries 4th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th, trine North Node in Pisces 3rd, sextile South Node in Virgo 9th (Grand Trine Bella-Pluto-NN)
  • Grace Kelly has Bella in Aries 6th square Pluto in Cancer 9th (chart ruler)

Aphrodite 1388 - Venusian, beauty, love, attraction

  • Marilyn has Aphrodite in Cancer 11th sextile Venus in Aries 9th, trine Jupiter in Aquarius 7th, conjunct Bella in Gemini 11th
  • Audrey has Aphrodite in Aquarius 12th sextile Uranus in Aries 1st (chart ruler)
  • Elizabeth has Aphrodite in Cancer 8th conjunct Pluto in Cancer 7th, conjunct Vertex in Cancer 8th, trine North Node in Pisces 3rd
  • Grace has Aphrodite in Aquarius 3rd conjunct IC in Aquarius, square Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st, square North Node in Taurus 7th

Bathseba 592 - lusted after

  • Marilyn has Bathseba in Cancer 11th quintile Venus in Aries 9th, conjunct Pluto Cancer 11th
  • Audrey has Bathseba in Aquarius 12th, sextile Uranus in Aries 1st, conjunct Aphrodite in Aquarius 12th
  • Elizabeth has Bathseba in Leo 8th; does not make any standout aspects
  • Grace has Bathseba in Aquarius 3rd square AC in Scorpio; does not make any standout aspects

Glo 3267 - glow, glowing from within

  • Marilyn has Glo in Aquarius 6th conjunct DC in Aquarius, trine Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th, quintile Part of Fortune in Aries 9th
  • Audrey has Glo in Sagittarius 10th trine Venus in Aries 1st
  • Elizabeth has Glo conjunct Moon in Scorpio 11th
  • Grace has Glo in Sagittarius 2nd sextile Venus in Libra 12th, conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius 2nd, trine Neptune in Virgo 10th, opposite Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th

*Regulus (fixed star) - fortune, royal

  • Marilyn has Regulus in Leo 1st trine Venus in Aries 9th, opposite Jupiter in Aquarius 7th
  • Audrey has Regulus in Leo 7th opposite AC in Aquarius, conjunct Neptune in Leo 6th, trine Saturn in Capricorn 10th
  • Elizabeth has Regulus in Leo 8th opposite Mars in Pisces 2nd, biquintile Part of Fortune
  • Grace has Regulus in Leo conjunct Neptune in Virgo 10th, quintile Mercury in Scorpio 1st, sextile Venus in Libra 12th, square Mars in Scorpio 1st

Adonis 2101 - magnetic, charismatic, loved

  • Marilyn has Adonis in Virgo 2nd sextile Saturn in Scorpio 4th, opposite Mars in Pisces 8th
  • Audrey has Adonis in Libra 7th sextile MC in Sagittarius
  • Elizabeth has Adonis conjunct Moon in Scorpio 11th, quintile Saturn in Leo 8th, quintile Neptune in Virgo 8th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th
  • Grace has Adonis conjunct Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st

Erato 62 - sensual, persuasive, lovely, desired

  • Marilyn has Erato in Pisces 8th square Sun in Gemini 10th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th, sextile South Node in Capricorn 6th
  • Audrey has Erato conjunct Vertex in Virgo 7th, trine Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd, sextile South Node in Scorpio 8th
  • Elizabeth has Erato in Pisces 3rd conjunct Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, opposite Neptune in Virgo 8th
  • Grace has Erato conjunct Venus in Scorpio 12th, conjunct AC in Scorpio, sextile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th

Helena 101 - most beautiful

  • Marilyn has Helena conjunct Jupiter in Pisces 7th, sextile Venus in Aries 9th
  • Audrey has Helena in Virgo 7th trine Mercury in Gemini 3rd, sextile Mars in Cancer 6th, square Saturn in Capricorn 10th
  • Elizabeth has Helena in Gemini 7th biquintile Moon in Scorpio 11th
  • Grace has Helena conjunct Sun and Mars in Scorpio 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 5th, trine Pluto in Cancer 9th (Grand Trine Helena-Moon-Pluto)

Phaetusa 296 - radiance, blinding

  • Marilyn has Phaetusa conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Moon in Aquarius 7th, square Neptune in Leo 1st, trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th, sextile South Node in Capricorn 6th (Grand Trine Phaetusa-Mars-NN)
  • Audrey has Phaetusa in Libra 7th opposite Uranus in Aries 1st, biquintile Moon in Pisces 1st
  • Elizabeth has Phaetusa in Virgo 9th sextile Moon in Scorpio 11th
  • Grace has Phaetusa in Sagittarius 1st square Neptune in Virgo 10th

Kallisto 204 - most beautiful

  • Marilyn has Kallisto in Sagittarius 5th trine Neptune in Leo 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Aries 9th, sextile Moon in Aquarius 7th (Grand Trine Kallisto-Neptune-POF)
  • Audrey has Kallisto conjunct Pluto in Cancer 5th, sextile Sun in Taurus 2nd
  • Elizabeth has Kallisto conjunct Venus, Uranus, and IC in Aries 4th, trine AC in Sagittarius, trine Jupiter in Leo 8th (Grand Trine Kallisto-AC-Jupiter)
  • Grace has Kallisto in Virgo 11th sextile Mars in Scorpio 1st

Europa 52 - eye, face, countenance

  • Marilyn has Europa in Pisces 8th square Sun in Gemini 10th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th, sextile South Node in Capricorn 6th, conjunct Erato in Pisces 8th
  • Audrey has Europa in Virgo 7th opposite Moon in Pisces 1st, trine Sun and Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, quintile South Node in Scorpio 8th
  • Elizabeth has Europa in Pisces 3rd conjunct Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, trine Moon in Scorpio 11th, opposite Neptune in Virgo 8th, conjunct Erato in Pisces 3rd
  • Grace has Europa conjunct AC, Mercury, and South Node in Scorpio 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th, biquintile Jupiter in Gemini 8th

See PART 1 here!

See PART 3 here!


Asteroids for the Womanizer vs. Knight in Shining Armor

  • Players, womanizers, casanovas, smooth talkers, hard-to-resist
  • Predators, predatory behaviors
  • Promiscuity, flirtatiousness, fulfilling sensual desires
  • Romantic or overly romantic; Idealistic or overly idealistic
  • Chivalrous, gallant, or wanting to be gallant towards others
  • Not succeeding in becoming a "knight in shining armor"/ideal person
  • Hanging onto a romantic past (personal past or in history)
  • Desperate for the attention of the other; doing anything for the other; simp
  • Where we want to be seen as a hero; where we want to be saved
  • Our ideal image of a good man; how we overidealize our perfect partner

7328, 3552, 29391

NOTE: All three asteroids are men or historically male. However, in astrology, I don't believe these have to be gender specific. So many ways these could play out in a chart. See what makes the most sense for you.

Casanova 7328

  • Named after Giacomo Casanova, a Venetian adventurer and writer
  • Known for his affairs with women, so much so that his name is synonymous with the term womanizer
  • Casual love and sex, nothing serious; flirtatiousness, games, short-term relationships
  • Dominated by sensual urges; passion for the opposite sex
  • Made sure not to get anyone pregnant
  • His modus operandi: Save an attractive woman from a bad lover; woman shows gratitude, and he seduces; affair begins; gets bored and tells her he is unworthy; pairs her with a worthy man and leaves
  • Using every persuasive skill that exists to soften the woman's heart
  • Values intelligent women but not educated women
  • Predatory, dangerous, especially for younger women/girls; doesn't go for too easy or too challenging targets
  • Known for gambling as well

I have Casanova in Capricorn in 5th house square Venus, conjunct Jupiter. This being in Cap in 5th conjunct Jupiter square Venus is giving me gambling vibes...or lots of short-term relationships? Both don't sound like me right now, but between the two, gambling seems more plausible. Had an intense lottery phase for a little while a few years back.

Don Quixote 3552

  • Named after Don Quixote, a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes
  • Alonso Quijano (main character) reads too many chivalric romances and cannot separate fact from fiction
  • Under the name Don Quixote, he imagines that he is living out his knightly fantasies; feeds into his own delusions
  • Chivalry is dead; post-chivalric world sees chivalry as useless; hanging onto a romantic past

Don Quixote is in Leo 12th house opposite Mercury. Is it me, or does this placement sound like the character in the novel 😳 ? I wouldn't call myself delusional, but I do romanticize the past a lot, but all that romanticizing mainly stays in my fantasies (12th) in my head (Mercury). I just probably do too much romanticizing and should get back to reality every so often.

Knight 29391

  • Means a man who served a sovereign as a soldier in armor in the Middle Ages
  • Knight in shining armor = an idealized man who comes to the rescue of a woman in a difficult situation

Funny enough, I have Knight conjunct Don Quixote. It is also conjunct Pluto. I do idealize Scorpio men more than any other sign.


Asteroids for Memory - the Power of Recall

Asteroids related to memory can show you:

  • If you remember things easily
  • Things you like to remember
  • Good or bad memories in your life
  • Long-term or short-term memory
  • Forgetfulness, memory loss
  • Easily mixed up memories, scatterbrained
  • Sensory memories
  • Obsessively holding onto every piece of information
  • Your balance of remembering and letting go

Memory affects nearly everything in our lives. We have to have memory in order to successfully perform, create, and live. But forgetting is just as important.

57, 1247, 259, 2437

Mnemosyne 57

  • Named after Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory and mother of the Nine Muses
  • Name means remembrance, memory

I have Mnemosyne in Virgo in the 1st trine Jupiter. I spent all my years in school studying for any test using mnemonic devices alone. It would get very elaborate. I've even tutored other students/friends on how to study using mnemonic devices. I also have this square Pluto. Obsessively thinking about all the embarrassing/bad things that have happened to me, like I just can't let go. But it's a wider orb so not as severe.

Memoria 1247

  • Named after the Latin word memoria, meaning memory, mindful, remembering
  • Marguerite Laugier, the discoverer, named it in memory of her pleasant stay at the observatory
  • Not just rote memorization, but also the ability to recall from a wide range of knowledge

I have Memoria in Cancer in the 11th, square NN/SN, square Chiron, and I've always had a hard time remembering things that I've done with my friends. I can remember a lot of things about family life and other parts of my life but as much as I love my friends, I can't seem to remember details. They, on the other hand, have AMAZING memories. They can tell you what you wore on an outing like 2 years ago and what each person ordered to eat on a specific day. I could also see my memory being more emotion-based than detail-based.

Aletheia 259

  • Named after Aletheia, meaning unforgetfulness, truth, and disclosure
  • Opposite of Lethe, which means forgetfulness (unfortunately can’t find an asteroid with this name)

Amnestia 2437

  • Amnestia is the Latin word for forgetfulness
  • The word amnesty, which means an official pardon, comes from amnestia; "forgetting" political offenses

I just found out that someone I'm very close to who's pretty forgetful ever since she was younger has Amnestia conjunct Mnemosyne and both conjunct SN. She has Mnemosyne and Amnestia in Sagittarius in 3rd house. She is forgetful with day-to-day things like remembering to take the keys or phone (3rd). And she also only remembers the gist of things or the big picture but not the little details (Sagittarius). This is uncanny. It's scaring me a little.

Anonymous asked:

Hello i recently saw your observation on the dwarf planet varuna and i really love and enjoy it ❀️, i wonder if you can make a post on the dwarf planet orcus (90482) next? since i've seen this dwarf planet prominent in people that is like powerful too but maybe a bit less powerful than the effect of varuna. Because tom cruise, princess diana, donald trump and benedict cumberbatch have orcus conjunct their sun so i wonder what orcus means. Thank you πŸ’—

Also oprah winfrey have the dwarf planet orcus conjunct her dc

Thank you for your question and examples, anon! Really happy you enjoyed the Varuna post. πŸ₯Ή

Asteroid Highlight: Orcus 90482 (dwarf planet)

Orcus is the god of the underworld in Etruscan and Roman mythology. It is also the name of the underworld and not just the god.

There are many gods and rulers of the underworld like Pluto (Greek), Hades (Greek), Dis Pater (Roman), and of course, Orcus. But Orcus emphasizes the more punishing side of the underworld.

Orcus may have been derived from Horkos, the personification of the curse inflicted on anyone who swears a false oath/perjury.

These are themes I gathered on Orcus:

  • Punisher
  • β€œHad it coming”
  • Violent, not just physical violence but a powerful destructive force
  • Torments evildoers in the afterlife
  • Where souls of the deceased are purified
  • Demons and underworld monsters, demonic (orco in Italian; ogre in French)
  • Righting wrongs, serving justice
  • Accusations

In the Birth Chart:

Having Orcus prominent in the birth chart means that retribution is a recurring theme in life. There is an intensity that comes with this dwarf planet that can be seen as power. People with Orcus prominent in their charts could become powerful, but it is not without consequences. Because Orcus is a god of the underworld like Pluto, it does give me Plutonian/Scorpio vibes. Can possibly show popularity and fame that doesn't necessarily come from likeability (they can be likable, but this is probably shown in other parts of their chart) but more from circumstance (things happen to them that attract the curiosity of others or they do things that people want to see and know).

There is a little bit of a fated quality to major events in that person’s life. Depending on where Orcus is in the birth chart, it could show how you are punished, how you punish yourself, or how you punish others.Β 

I chose the two MOST obvious examples out of the five anon gave. I think these two are the most obvious because out of the five, these two people IMO were under a different level of public scrutiny. Everything about them was just laid out on the table for all to see, willingly or unwillingly.


Princess Diana 7/1/1961 7:45 PM

  • Orcus conjunct Sun in Cancer in 7th

This shows a back-and-forth seesaw effect (7th) regarding Orcus themes: Princess Diana receives punishment, violence, and intensity from others, but she also retaliates against this. This is heightened since she has Orcus conjunct her Sun; she can also be a punisher who punishes those who wrong her.

Princess Diana’s life is riddled with a lot of intense events that were all highly public. On one end of the seesaw, Princess Diana tried very hard to be a good public figure and was restricted in many ways as a member of the royal family. Her husband, Prince Charles, was in a relationship with another woman, and this came to define a large part of Princess Diana’s life even to this day. Paparazzi were after her all the time, and her privacy was intruded upon constantly. These are all β€œpunishing” events as Orcus is known for. She did not do anything bad to get the punishment, but the 7th house is known to attract whatever is in it.

At the other end of the seesaw is that Princess Diana is a β€œpunisher” too but in a more empowering way. With all the turmoil and negative energy surrounding her, she put much of herself into charity and became the good public figure she wanted to be. In the end, she was successful in becoming the people’s princess. She had the public’s love and admiration, something her husband did not get and still has not received. If she couldn't stop the media from prying into her private life and if her husband was still going to be unfaithful to her, then she took things into her own hand and did a highly publicized interview about it. After her divorce, she made it a point that she was not someone you could easily mess with. She had relationships, wore what she wanted to wear, and acted in ways that were not traditionally princess-like. She is still famous for her revenge dress. To this day, the royal family, media, and paparazzi are seen in a very negative light when it comes to Princess Diana. Her name still comes up frequently, and she continues to be a relevant public figure. It's almost like her legacy will torment the royal family even after she has passed.


Donald Trump 6/14/1946 10:54 AM

  • Orcus conjunct Sun in Gemini in 10th

Trump’s life is a battle between him and the public, his career, and what he's striving to be (10th). He sees himself as a punisher, someone who rights wrongs and decides what/who should be punished. Even his slogan, β€œMake America Great Again," reveals his belief that he is the one to correct all that is making America not great.

Throughout his life, it’s very apparent that he wanted to become someone better, someone richer, more influential, someone powerful. The fact that he succeeded in becoming the president of the United States just shows what’s on his mind 24/7. His words and actions during the elections and throughout his presidency created a lot of tension in the country and divided Americans even further in what felt like a civil war-like atmosphere. Even today, his actions are still impacting the public’s lives, as was shown in the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade. Throughout his presidency, he was known for his accusatory (negative manifestation of Orcus) rhetoric (Gemini for communication). His Twitter tirades were unsophisticated, controversial, and extreme. There are just too many things that he did that I won’t get into here.

What he might not have expected are the consequences of his words and actions. He got power by becoming president, but he abused that power. He became someone who would get his way, but Orcus is also about justice, albeit in a more violent way. After his presidency, his career and reputation were ruined, and at this rate, even if he has followers, he will not go down in US history as a great and admirable president or even a good person. You could say this is a form of justice served.



Of course the MC PC can tell you what type of job you could have and what the height of your career may look like but if your career involves a singing talent then looking at these natal placements and persona charts of these asteroids could be beneficial to you



SINGER 10698

Your ability to sing and how you sing

CANTOR 16246

Singing style


Singing and Writing style


Singing and Musical Talent


Singing and musical performance



All these charts will show your singing style and imo whatever chart you relate to the most might be the most true.

To figure out your singing style check for:

- The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, and 12th house

- Taurus, Leo, Pisces, Libra and Cancer placements/cusps

- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, ASC, and MC

- Aspects to those placements ^ and the asteroids



Air Placements - Light, unique, possibly airy singing style/voice

Earth Placements - Deep, smooth, sensual singing style/ voice

Water Placements - Mystical, siren like, flexible singing style/voice

Fire Placements - Powerful, booming, vocally demanding singing style/voice

Most famous singers have a lot of 3rd and 2nd house placements in these charts and the natal chart

Fama (408) aspecting personal placements/asteroids, in 2nd/10th house or in Leo could indicate being famous for singing

Check these asteroid placements and their aspects in the Fama persona chart to see if you’d be famous for singing or for how you sing

Also check the asteroids in the MC, Enterprise (9777), Industria (389), and Talent (33154) persona charts to see if you can make a living out of it

If you have placements in your natal chart that indicate a singer and your persona charts do as well then WTF are you waiting for sis get to it and sing your heart out πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•




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