
You deserve to be loved

@luisinthelandofdreams / luisinthelandofdreams.tumblr.com

Luis. 20. Asperger. Bisexual ENFP: The Activist. District 10. Virgo. Neutral Good. Now just another tumblr user. But high key loving and caring.

Your mental illness is lying to you.

You are not stupid. You are not ugly. You are not worthless. You are not weak. You are not a burden. Your mental illness is lying to you.



No you’re not bothering me. (Yes I’m serious.)

You’re not dumb.

You have great ideas.

Your smile isn’t ugly.

Neither is your laugh.

Yes people love you. No they’re not lying. Yes really.


You don’t need to apologize, I actually AM very interested in our conversation.


in addition: yes i love you and your existence

Uhm… I really fucking needed to see this.



Bless you all. I really really needed this right now.

You can do the thing

And you can do it well

you are not unworthy

you deserve to be cared about

its okay to love yourself

you are not selfish

👏 ALL 👏 OF 👏 THIS 👏

Read it!

Read it again!

Read it multiple times!

Your mental illness is lying to you

Oh okay thanks I needed this


straight people really think that i dont want to be around homophobes because i find their “opinions” unsavory like its disagreeing on economic policy or some shit. the reality is that i dont want to be around homophobic people because they pose a direct threat to me, because i am terrified of them and the potential violence they bring, because feeling their judgment is enough to make me lean back into self hatred and shame. please dont act like my refusal to chill with your local bigot is obstinate and unreasonable  


Lol, forget about that. I have no time for a new blog. I'll just revamp this one again. I'm sure I will not be a hard to follow blog but the unfollow button is there

Just...don't unfollow if you like me content, I'm cool sometimes.



I wonder if people here actually remembers who I am. Or if I marked a life that much. Anyway, if you wanted to know, working and studying at the same time is no easy thing to do, that's why I've shyed away from tumblr slightly. I miss a lot of you guys. I wish I knew what it's been of you.

I will not close this account because I've done a few gifs and stuff here, but I'm definitely not able to rtrn to roleplay!tumblr anytime soon, therefore, I wanted to make a new blog. An actual personal where I'd reblog from things I like and not that roleplay related. I'll post the link later, so if anyone actually remembers/likes me we could talk there or be mutuals. Love you guys.



there are too many versions of me in the universe! the girl i bumped into but didn’t stop to say sorry to has a version of me in her mind. the guy i let borrow my homework has another version of me in his. even my friends, my family, and everyone i’ve ever met in my life has their own version of me in their minds that i’m not even aware of


you put it into words


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