
we live in a beautiful world.

@streganicha / streganicha.tumblr.com

ronnie, 30+, she/her, CET timezone.
language teacher, mom, singer, fanfic writer, IT person, bipolar, lover of caffeine and mushrooms.
i've been hyperfixated on detroit: become human for a couple of years now, recently joined by a rekindled obsession of the witcher, but you may find an assortment of other fandom stuff as well.
ask me for my discord if you wanna chat! you can also find me at the new era server. my inbox is also always open, of course.

info post for dragon age drunk writing

hi i'm ronnie, 30+, and i write Almost Anything except the following: suicide, on screen major character death, a/b/o. i might say no to other things i can't think of off the top of my head, but these are my hard no-s.

my favourite things to write are hurt/comfort, and angst with a happy/hopeful ending. i kinda suck at pure fluff, but i can do domestic preestablished relationship stuff.

i can write any of the main cast from da:o, da2 and da:i (companions, advisors, male or female hawke), plus the following:

  • flemeth
  • marethari
  • meredith stannard
  • feynriel
  • zathrian & anyone else from his clan
  • shianni, soris, cyrion
  • anora, loghain, eamon, teagan, isolde
  • anyone else you want if i can look them up 😂

my ocs:

  • melisanne trevelyan, female, mage, inquisitor (cullen romance)
  • raava lavellan, female, mage, inquisitor (solas romance)
  • mavelan tabris, female, rogue, hero of ferelden (zevran and alistair romance)



Had the funniest experience earlier of my swiftie coworker putting the new white girl breakup songs™️ album on the speaker at work and the moment she left the room long enough for her phone to disconnect from Bluetooth our older coworker immediately put on 10 hours of relaxing tibetan flute music instead and we all collectively sighed in relief


warding spell against Taylor swift


congratulations on joining the YOI fandom 7 yrs late! thankfully, you haven’t missed much in the past few years, haha… haha.. ha.. :,(


Guess the lack of a second season and movie had 1 (one) advantage 😞 Oh well, gotta have to roll up my sleeves and give the fans the food they deserve. In all seriousness thank you so much! 🥺 I actually watched YOI for the first time like four years ago but I didn't get properly obssessed with it and join the fandom until last month, and I already feel so at home! Have some chibi boyfriends ❄️💙

A big forehead means a bigger space to kiss 😚

Source: cosmiclion

I love you “unlikeable” female characters I love you rude girls I love you mean women I love you girl interpretations of the “Asshole with a Heart of Gold” trope I love you women who get labeled Cold and Unfeeling I love you girls who lash out I love you women who lie I love you female characters who make people mad just by existing


I hate that planned obsolescence is starting to reach fandoms. I hate that fandoms are starting to die after two, three years, I hate that whenever you stop getting content that means the fandom will die and be gone.

I need people to stop trying to brush off old interests as being 'cringe' as soon as you lose interest, or worse: make it seem like it's imoral to like something that they themselves held so dear before.

Fandoms are meant to last for years and years, the moment content stops being created is the moment we truly thrive because we keep creating the content ourselves the way we love it and expand on the things that are already there for us.

I don't care if you lost interest on something, it's fine and normal even, but stop trying to blame and make fun of people who still do love the fandom and the content and the things we can create.

I need people to enjoy fandom again


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


You didn’t specify what kind of FenHawke you wanted, so you get ANGST (sorta)

Enjoy Fenris dragging Hawke out of the fade because I leave her there in my play throughs 😔👊 (don’t worry guys, BioWare hasn’t told us otherwise so in my canon the da2 gang goes and gets her 💕) (and also my warden helps because I want them all to meet lol)


no multi option, agonize and choose, no results option, pick one to find out or scroll onward

the number of y'all in the notes mentioning how good the choices are/how hard it is to choose got me preening like "i am going to get a good grade in neurodivergent/disabled, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve 😌"


Today’s advice from your Goth Auntie

  • Shake out your hands, have a snack, take your meds.
  • Taking care of your mortal shell is tedious, but has to be done.
  • The Lurking Horror says it wants to help with gardening, but what it really means is it wants to play in the dirt. Fair.

❤️ Auntie Jilli


characters in their 30's and older exploring their sexuality and discovering themselves beyond their teens and twenties is so important and beautiful and worth telling

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