
5SOS/One Direction/The Vamps


Stay Strong :)

Everyone reblog this can’t this is perfect

Out of these 454k notes how many of them waited for the number to reach to zero?

you know how scared i was when it was almost zero

wait for zero

I got fucking scared and held my breath when it hit zero then i read it and was like “IM DROPPING EVERYTHING AND REBLOGGING”



This may get 2 notes this may get 1000. I don’t really mind, even if it helps one person i’m happy.  I just want you to know that everything will be okay. I know you’re in a hard place right now where you think that maybe harming yourself or killing yourself is the only solution. But I promise you, there are other ways you can cope and there are reasons for you to stay on this earth.  Self harming isn’t going to solve the problem/s nor will it make you feel any better. I know you get a sense of release/punishment but it’s not going to help in the long run.  Remind yourself that every time you feel the urge to self-harm that it’s just a thought. You DO NOT have to act upon it.  Self-harming will affect you emotionally, physically and mentally. It will only help for about 5 minutes. Then something else can happen to trigger the feeling again.  Alternatives without harming yourself:

  • Holding/squeezing ice. 
  • Splashing your face with water. 
  • Getting a rubber band and snapping it against your skin (this could hurt, though it’s better than other ways that people usually choose to self-harm).
  • Take a hot shower or bath.
  • Eat something sour. It will take your mind of the urge. (Lemon, sour lollies) 
  • Massage where you want to self-harm.
  • Get a red pen or red paint and draw/paint over where you usually self-harm. 
  • Remind yourself as to why you shouldn’t do it. (Scars, harms organs, blood lose, leave memories etc…)
  • Describe what you are feeling. (Is the urge/pain in your chest, fists, legs, arms, head).

Killing yourself will not help. It is not a solution.For whatever reason you are thinking about killing yourself, it is temporary and you can get help.  I know you probably think no one cares, you think you can’t handle the situation you are in or you feel helpless and alone.  But I want to remind you everything is temporary You have your whole life ahead of you. You have so many more years that you can accomplish things in.  For example; 

  • Having a family. 
  • Getting married.
  • To watch the sun rise. 
  • To watch the sun set.
  • To save someone else’s life.
  • Finish school.
  • Get your dream job.
  • To laugh.
  • To smile.
  • To go camping.
  • Travel to new places.
  • To wake up every morning to the person you love.
  • Friends.
  • Family.
  • To keep that promise you made.
  • To accomplish a goal.
  • To meet your idle.
  • To listen to new music.
  • Theme parks.
  • Video games.
  • Chocolate.
  • To be able to look back and say “I made it”.

Just a reminder; what you are going through is temporary.  In case you need to hear this:

  • You are loved. 
  • You are wanted. 
  • You are needed.
  • You are beautiful.
  • You are handsome. 
  • You are important. 
  • You are not alone. 
  • You are okay. 
  • You are strong. 
  • You are worth it. 
  • You are smart. 
  • You are not a failure. 
  • You are useful. 
  • You are going to be okay. 

I’m always here for you. I’ll try my best to help and make you smile.  You deserve to be happy and you deserve to know that you are not alone and there are people that can help. 


When I was 16, I had a fake I.D. and decided to go to a gay bar by myself because some friends bailed on me. While there, an older gentleman bought me a drink. He wasn’t a creeper, and he definitely wasn’t unattractive. I accepted the drink and began talking to him. No big deal. As the hour progressed, I felt myself feeling strange. I mentioned that I felt like I had a headache, and this guy helped guide me out of the bar. As we were walking down the street, the thought of, ‘Oh god, he’s drugged me, I’m going to die’ came to my head. I tried to get away, but I was so drugged up that I could barely walk, let alone speak. It also didn’t help that I had really large ‘goth’ platform shoes because I was going through a phase. Anyway, this guy brought me to his suv and began undressing me. As a final act of defiance, I hit him over the head with my platform shoe. He then punched me, and I remember thinking, ‘Why don’t they ever give workshops to gay guys about being victims of rape too?’ While I was as careful as possible, I never saw the guy slip something in the drink. I even watched the bar tender make the drink. Anyway, I lied there completely paralyzed while this pervert was lubing up. I locked eyes with his for a moment, and that’s when it happened. A very large and angry drag queen opened the door of the vehicle and beat the shit out of my attempted rapist. She and her other drag friends helped dress and care for me while the police arrived. I was saved by a group of guardian drag queens. They were basically the modern day ‘angels from heaven.’


God bless drag queens.


I will always reblog this

Whenever drag queens are present, you best believe they will save the fuckin day.


Oh fuck yes.

If this isn’t on your blog I’m judging you.

Every time a bell rings, a drag queen gets her wings.

God bless drag queen omg

if I don’t reblog this asume I am dead


When you see it, REBLOG IT.

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My Tumblr ask is always open.
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