
transgender positive

@trans-positivity / trans-positivity.tumblr.com

Did something really positive happen to you? Submit it!

reminder that if you’re questioning your gender, “what do I want?” and “what will make me happy?” tend to be much more useful questions than “what am I, really?”


one year later

so I’m finally moving out to Los Angeles where its much more progressive & just an overall safer place to be as a transgender woman. I’ll be able to afford to live once I’m there but the move is happening so fast! if any of yall would be so kind as to share this & donate even $5 I would greatly appreciate it!

instead of giving ur money to greedy corporations this pride month why not donate to a black trans woman instead?


(Image description: four images in shades of red, pink, orange, and white with white text that reads "Respect lesbian trans women. Lesbian trans women belong in the lesbian community. Lesbian trans women are wonderful. Lesbian trans women are real and valid lesbians.")


nonbinary positivty time!

Enbies who present as masc? Amazing! Phenomenal!

Enbies who present as fem? Wonderful! Breathtaking!

Enbies who present as androgynous? Brilliant!Tremendous!


I’ve had people asking me about plus-sized binding tips, and I’ve been at a loss because I’m, like, the toy version of a transgender?? So these r for u!

gosh i needed this post thanks op


For our trans men/nonbinary followers!


S/o to my followers whose language is hard to make gender neutral, who have to invent words not only for their gender identity and orientation, but also for any and every situation. 

It will take time but we will make the world see us. 

Un peu de positivité pour mes abonné.es dont la langue maternelle est difficile à rendre neutre, qui doivent inventer des mots non seulement pour parler de leur identité de genre et de leur orientation, mais aussi pour n’importe quelle situation. 

Ca prendra du temps, mais le monde finira par nous voir. 


Um pouco de positividade para minhes seguidorus cujas línguas maternas são difíceis de deixar neutras em relação a gênero, que precisam inventar palavras não apenas para falar de sua identidade de gênero e orientação mas também para todas as situações.

Levará tempo, mas faremos com que o mundo nos veja.

shout out á followerana mína sem eiga móðurmál sem er erfitt að gera kynhlutlaust, sem þurfa að finna upp ný orð ekki bara fyrir kynvitund sína og kynhneigð, heldur líka í öllum öðrum aðstæðum 

Þetta tekur tíma en við munum láta heiminn taka eftir okkur!

S/o ai miei followers la cui lingua non è facile rendere neutra, che devono coniare parole non solo per la propria identità di genere e orientamento sessuale, ma anche per qualsivoglia circostanza.

Ci vorrà tempo ma faremo in modo che il mondo ci veda.

S/o til mine følgjarar som snakkar eit språk som er vanskeleg å gjere kjønnsnøytralt, som er nøydde til å finne opp nye ord ikkje berre for kjønnsidentiteten og orienteringa deira, men òg for nesten alle andre situasjonar. Det vil ta tid, men me skal få verda til å sjå oss.

S/o til mine følgere som snakker et språk som er vanskelig å gjøre kjønnsnøytralt, som er nødt til å finne opp nye ord ikkje bare for deres kjønnsidentitet og orientering, men også for nesten alle andre situasjoner. Det vil ta tid, men vi skal få verden til å se oss.

shoutout do moich obserwujących, których język niełatwo jest uczynić neutralny płciowo, którzy muszą wynajdować słowa nie tylko dla ich identyfikacji płciowej i orientacji, jak i dla każdej sytuacji.

to potrwa, ale sprawimy, by świat nas zobaczył.

Shoutout zu all meinen Followern, deren Sprache schwer zu neutralisieren ist, die Wörter nicht nur für ihre Geschlechtsidentität und Orientierung erfinden müssen, sondern auch für jede mögliche Situation.

Es wird eine Weile dauern, aber wir werden die Welt dazu bringen, uns zu sehen.



Shoutout por todos mis seguidores que tienen una lengua muy dificíl para la neutralidad de género. Que tienen que inventar palabras para no soló su sexualidad y género, pero también por todos las situaciones.

Tomará tiempo, pero nosotros haremos el mundo nos vea.

-mod tabby


I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i really liked it. ~ mod Chris


This is something I don’t see spread enough. Shaving is the bane of my existence if I never had to do it again I would be so happy. It’s a painful irritating task but its debilitating sometimes to be out doing stuff and I haven’t shaved yet. If you’re a trans girl and you shave your face a lot, it’s okay to give yourself a break every once in a while. Your face will thank you greatly.


[Image description: Text that says “Happy Pride Month” on top of a trans pride flag background. /End ID]

Lee says:

Here’s a transitioning starter pack for all my trans folk out there! Happy pride month!

Transfeminine resources:


Medical transitioning:


Transmasculine resources:


Medical transitioning:


More resources:

Anyone can reblog, including allies!

Anonymous asked:

So bear with me I’m a little tired but— a program that helps wlw/mlm( or just supportive people) adopt queer kids from their unsupportive parents. I’m not sure how it would work but like, think about it, so many gay couples would have a kid, and so many more trans (and gay) kids would be supported. Again not sure how it would work but like, just imagine.

We actually have a program like that in the twin cities!  If you’re in the area and want to check it out you can do so here 


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