
My goal is to live on an Island

@queer-rainbow-rant / queer-rainbow-rant.tumblr.com

Away from oppression and surrounded by queer poc, cats, and laughter

By the way, for people who did not stay informed about Palestine throughout last week:

Isreal has planned to attack Rafah and to completely close the border to Egypt on the first day of Ramadan. This week is the very last week where we can help disabled people to get out. We do not know when the border will be open again, but it could last month if not a year. And evacuating those people out is extremely expensive. If you can please send money to either of those 2 links:

The money is going to Safebow to evacuate kids under 4yo, disabled, and pregnant people. Those are people who definitely will not survive if they are stuck in gaza. They are extremely urgent cases, people with cancer, who need insulin, people with broken mobility aids etc...

please help.

If you're giving at least 20€, you can send me proof of it and I'll count it as an art commission.


Sudan is going through a famine, and with Ramadan coming up (this year it'll start March 10th), it would be nice to donate so that families can have food and medicine.

With the exchange rates for many of us, even a small donation could help in a big way, you don't need to donate the full $30.

Direct link to the gofundme:


Because my last post about this didn't get much traction, I'll say it in a text post.

There is an upcoming global strike for Palestine. February 18th to the 25th. Talk about Palestine and other injustices, call your representatives and email them, boycott companies and limit spending during the week. Get your grocery shopping in now and only buy essentials during the week, please. Limit interaction on posts other than injustices around the world. If you can, skip work or school, though this is a privilege not everyone has.

Edit: It is 18th-25th not 18th-24th!! If you've already reblogged this, please reblog this version instead, edits don't show on past reblogs

If i see mutuals posting about other things during the strike I am unfollowing and blocking them. It happened last strike and I won't tolerate it happening again. Palestine is more important.


A irreversible harm to humanity has been caused in Gaza, Palestine (but also remember that genocide is going on in the West Bank - to note in particular Tulkarem).

When I tell you the entity that has the Samson Option has always harmed the world and will harm it to even greater extent in the future, if I'm not immediately stopped - I'm not being alarmist.


obsessed with this protest in front of Nancy Pelosi's house. the خرا عليكي sign but literally (it translates to get shit on you)

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