
miss veryvery

@missveryvery / missveryvery.tumblr.com

This tumblr is for: art, social progress nerd stuff See about page for more.

I want to see what parts of a straight dude's brain light up when you show him a pic of Henry Cavil. What is happening in there.


I'm becoming progressively more confident that the thing about city people and country people is that country people are scared of people the same way city people are scared of animals. If you've never seen a snake or a crackhead in real life before, obviously you're going to assume that they're all equally dangerous. And your local guide will terrify you by casually saying "oh yeah that's just Kevin, he's harmless if you don't fuck with him too much. The one right behind you will kill you though."

It's all experience, I have jumped in a pen with a literal angry bull several times, but have never had to corral a crackhead away from me, and I know what I would be more nervous about.

I have a hell of a knack for handling crackheads but if I ever saw a horse in real life I would shit myself and die.


We were driving around rural Ohio late at night with some friends, one from NYC. We come to a four way stop and my friend looks over and sees a cow standing there in a pasture, couple feet away. She screams "OH MY GOD A COW" and locks her door.

Locks a car door.

Against a cow.


For the sketch request thing

I have thse two pictures of cats that i feel fit the xianle trio and would love to see either in your style, thank you for your time


I'll maybe do one of these but I want you to know this is how tumblr showed it to me and before I scrolled down I was like ".....????" Lmao


is there anywhere we can still read Minor Acts Of Heroism? Wanted to revisit it but it seems like all the links are dead. Thanks!


So the go to was webtoons, we were happy to leave it there where we didn't have to pay for space etc. But webtoons recently got not cool and sketchy so we had to take it down. Sorry, everyone. They're purchasable on Comixology if you want them in digital form.


I left my phone at a cafe and ran back and there were two young guys working the counter. the first one sees me and his eyes light up, so HYPED and points at the other guy


Like if your phone is locked you can still hit the camera button, as anyone touching a phone has knows the soft panic of suddenly being in camera mode.

The other guy was like "no no it was an accident I wasn't trying, I wasn't"

So he did take pics on accident but had no idea what they were and he's sweating like maybe they DID look like selfies. Also I'm older so who knows if i don't know how phones work, etc and will flip out, the poor guy.

anyway here are the photos:


Hey gang, looks like Audible is pulling some shit at the moment (what else is new). Basically, they've opted everyone who uses the platform into a "hide all erotic content from the search function" agreement whether you wanted to have that type of content restricted or not.

It's not even just happening to content listed as erotica. It's anything the Amazon censors deem as "erotic," and given their propensity towards censoring LGBTQ+ content as inherently more sexual than het content, I can see this getting abused really quick.

I became aware of it when Laura posted this on her Instagram a short while ago and sure enough, when I logged in and checked my settings, I'd been opted into it.

As Laura points out in the above video, you can't opt out of it on the app; you have to log in to your account on a browser, navigate to Your Account, Settings, and then uncheck the little box:

Image ID: a screenshot from Audible showing the navigation page for an Audible account. On the bottom right of the navigation bar under Preferences, a box labeled "hide erotic content in searches" has been ticked and circled in red to highlight it.

I rarely use Audible unless I'm being sent something to review, so I never would have noticed this. But yeah. If you've been wondering why you can't find your favorite romance authors on Audible anymore, this could be why.


wish I had the imagination and audacity of the people who write instructions on how to open packaging.


I've been working on this sketch of Prince Kirona the first. I don't love it or hate it, but feels like I'm missing something. Does anyone else think so?


Wang Yibo is in a copaganda movie called Peacekeeping Riot Squad (lmao). And for part of it he's undercover in Africa. Friends, you will not GUESS what he does to blend in.

This movie made $14 million in its first day.



fengqing mermaid AU where mermaids exist but neither of them are mermaids, they're just fishermen who go out in a boat everyday and beat the hell out of each other while some mermaids watch.

Clown boy fishermen and beefleaf mermaids

That's right, I stared at a painting from the Ming dynasty to figure out the boat and that they'd be in their undies for this shit post.


There's sometimes a misconception that Feng Xin is totally subservient to Xie Lian or afraid to say no to XL but FX often scolds/nags XL and has on multiple occasions told him to do or not do something.

FX has his own convictions and mind of his own too. He trusts XL's judgment on major decisions, following XL's call for serious matters, but imo it's not subservience, but rather loyalty borne out of a firm belief and conviction in XL's moral compass. FX's loyalty is bc of FX's own righteous principles and own moral code too.

In bk 4 FX argued with XL and questioned XL's decisions, and was even openly angry at XL, like when XL almost killed a commoner just for disrespecting XL and called the commoner a derogatory term. FX was angry at XL and yelled at XL for that bc FX has his own strong moral code that includes not harming innocents or doing unscrupulous things. He's not just blindly loyal. He has his own convictions too.


Wait I think this explains a lot.

Feng Xin wouldn't serve him if he wasn't a good man is the balance there. That's why he gets so disillusioned and upset.

Unlike Mu Qing, it seems like Feng Xin has a choice and can quit and do something else. This is probably the key to difference between him and Mu Qing. He sees Mu Qing as being unhappy with his position yet still there = he's just using Xie Lian to get ahead and is also ungrateful.

Meanwhile, Mu Qing gets upset several times when Feng Xin acts like a servant, suffers for Xie Lian, gets upset for Xie Lian, etc. like "you don't have to put up with this, you don't owe him anything, are you nuts"

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