
Go piss yourself, mate

@donesparse / donesparse.tumblr.com

My name is Connor, I'm 20, I'm a fan of The Creature Hub, Funhaus, and Rooster Teeth. I also love video games and anything LotR related.

Our neighbor didn’t die, he was just needed someplace else.


He took a moment that was about recognizing him and turned it into a moment to recognize everyone who was there and everyone who made it possible for him to do what he does. If you want a perfect example of why he is so fondly remembered and such a great person, it’s tough to find a better one than this.


NASA created retro travel posters for different locations in our solar system in hopes of inspiring young people to imagine a future where common space travel is a possibility. 

these are really important to me

behind this 100% where do I buy prints

These are free for download and print! The files are 20x30 inches. I plan on emailing this one to my local print shop.

i have these on my wall, and i guarantee, they are SPECTACULAR (and yep, CC-licensed, so you’re good to print them locally)


We have these framed in our aerospace senior design lounge!


Scale model showing how mangrove forests protect the coast from wave erosion. This is a huge deal, because mangrove forests worldwide are under serious threat.  Beside providing habitat and supporting unique ecosystems themselves, they also protect the a large amount of coastal areas from coastal erosion, a serious threat in many coastal areas. 


Please follow my other blog @sixpenceeeblog​ for cool, new content!


The largest cat in NYC, and possibly the world, is a 28 lb., 4-foot-long Maine Coon named Samson. He’s bigger than most bobcats (and most toddlers), and every day he likes to sit on his owner’s chest first thing in the morning. Source Source 2


him big

i want to cuddle him <3


i want this cat to sit on my chest first thing in the morning

The bodest of the bodes.


sammiwolfe important to our lives lol XD

Oh oh my god now Morse code actually makes SENSE when you lay it out like that



This is also nice, if you want to decode morse code quickly. 

that avl tree though

That’s not a coincidence! Naturally, it’s less work to transmit shorter sequences of dots and dashes, so we try to use up all the shorter sequences first. Basically, this means that we fill in all the branches at one level of this tree before moving onto the next. The result is a perfectly balanced decoding tree. 

The placement of the letters is also far from arbitrary. Here are all the letters in English ordered from most common to least common: 


Notice something? The shortest morse code sequences were assigned to the most common letters. This makes the common letters easier to remember, and makes messages as short as possible in the average case.

Numbers are sort of an exception to this. All numerical symbols are encoded with 5 dots and dashes. But there’s a pretty clear pattern to these as well. 

1 = .—-

2 = ..—

3 = …–

4 = ….-

5 = …..

6 = -….

7 = –…

8 = —..

9 = —-.

0 = —–

So if the listener hears a series of 5 dots and dashes, they immediately know it’s a number. To decode it, they count the number of dashes. If the dashes came before the dots, the number is 5 + the number of dashes. Otherwise, the number is 5 - the number of dashes. 

Morse Code is neat.


My bank was out of fucking envelopes. They gave me a Halloween bag full of money. I told them I felt like I was robbing the place.

This is the lucky tall Betsy. Reblog and within 24 hours and lucky tall Betsy will grant you an irrelevantly festive bag full o’ moneys.


Go Betsy!


50 notes and i’ll throw his backpack in the dumpster

reblog to honor this persons sacrifice 


character: *isn’t 100% good or evil*

The Internet: hello naughty children it’s Discourse time

character: *is actually 100% evil*

The Internet: defense squad uwu

character: *is actually, truly, for once 100% good*

The Internet: um actually in issue 9374 page 297 line 2 they said something that the villain also said way back in issue 27, so sorry sweaty but they’re actually a bad guy


i drew a pigeon on ms paint when my internet stopped working do you guys like it

i drew pigeon some papaya to eat

I drew pigeon a friend

he brings kiwi

crow brings a single cherry to the party because it was so last minute and this is all he had in his nest

robin was going to bring a slice of bread that she found in the park but she ate it on the way there

can greg come too?

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