
former baby future corpse

@oscarwildechilde / oscarwildechilde.tumblr.com

Harrison | 26 | he/him

let me tell you something, as a bitch who went viral for her cunty post about the met gala back in 2018: i will always, always, always tolerate ugliness so long as it’s undeniable that a choice was made. when it comes to celebrities paying through the nose to wear costumes and stunt, i want audacity. i want gull and i want gumption. lil nas x looks like the silver surfer got his hands on some nerds rope. pedrito has got his bare thighs out at the gig. doja is serving animorphs realness and you know what? i respect it. in fact, i adore it. because do you want to know what’s exponentially worse than being a lil ugly? being that rich and being that spoiled for wardrobe options and nevertheless committing the unforgivable sin of being boring !!


I don’t want to ‘piss off a terf’, I want to make sure other trans people in my life are safe

People reblogging this with ‘but making terfs mad is fun tho’ or ‘why not both’ are missing the point.

The comfort and safety of those affected by bigotry will always be more important than a game of internet gotcha.

Same with jewish people. The safety and comfort of jewish people is of utmost importance, not simply or just fighting against nazis. The victims of bigotry are of utmost importance.

Black Lives come before ACAB, Jewish people come before punching Nazis, Trans safety comes before pissing off terfs.

Anonymous asked:

Is it wrong that I’m cool with “sex” being removed from the pride flag? They should bring back “magic” though.

Personally I think you’re wrong and an idiot but that’s just my opinion.


Fyi this isn’t a dig at people who are asexual or sex-repulsed. Gay sex was literally a criminal act in the parts of the United States Texas until 2003. A healthy relationship to both sex and your body is a major component of the human experience, but especially LGBTQ+ people. Yes this includes people who have a healthy understanding of their boundaries with regards to sex. To try and divorce the fight for LGBTQ+ rights from sexuality is both dangerous and ahistorical.


haha hey i love the blood dripping from your face and the animal rage in your eyes whats your pronouns


@ fic readers who write play by play comments that highlight your favorite passages and why you like them, please know you are the best humans to exist and please don’t stop what you’re doing


making art is literally actually like doing an exorcism u have to get it out of ur brain. u have to


i almost scrolled past but then i remembered the time I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with a scene in my head and couldn't go back to bed until it was on paper and out of my head.


not 2 exaggerate but the good place’s thesis of “if the modern pressures of life were removed, we would inherently seek out opportunities to learn and become better and kinder people” is a more interesting and valuable thing to say about society than anything that’s ever been said about cell phones


Hi sorry to interrupt, just wanted to drop by and let you know that your fic Slow Show is currently giving me so much frikin life its unbelievable, your writing has become one of my favorites and honestly the talent kcjcjxjxjg Slow Show is. so. Good. I just kdkf idk how this is just everything now and Im so grateful you're taking the time to write and share this story with everyone i love you ok night night cheers 😙😙🤝


Ahhh I just saw this thats so sweet thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it

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