
Somewhere Behind the Morning

@applauseforsally / applauseforsally.tumblr.com

I blog sporadically and incompletely.

Each time I fall in love I feel fear that the world won't let me be in the world with it, that I either have to pick the world or the love.” — Jenny Slate

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any tips on how to be more present? Im trying to stay off my phone so I can focus on my art and so many other things that need my attention but im struggling. Sending you love🫶🏼

Delete social media apps and only use them on your mobile web browser. Not having apps like twitter and insgagram on my phone reduces mindless scrolling because every use is intentional. An alternative, I haven’t used it, but there is an app called “one sec” that forces you to take a breath and wait a moment before opening a social app. Both of these methods are called “friction” between app use.

Keep a habit tracker in your journal or download a digital one and incentivize yourself when meeting goals for the week. For example, if you meet all of your daily habit goals for the week you can purchase something small you’ve been wanting or get a sweet treat.

Go to sleep with your phone on your dresser or somewhere across your room. This will stop you from checking your phone first thing in the morning. Commit to not using your phone for the first hour of your day and the last hour of your night.

Utilize your Do Not Disturb and Focus features! Less notifications means less reasons to pick up your phone.

Pick one day out of the week to be your project day. Even if you only designate half of the day; it should be your day to intentionally turn your phone off and work. I did this when I was studying for my board exams. Inform your friends and family of this so they can hold you accountable — you’ll have no one to send tiktoks to or socialize with online then!

A personal goal I have set for myself this year is to make things easier for my future self. If I have a thought to do something, I will do my absolute best to do it right then as opposed to some unidentified time later on. My future self is always grateful.


John Coltrane and Alice Coltrane





in retrospect, video rental stores *would* probably still exist today in some capacity had it not been for blockbuster. the nostalgia for the blockbuster browsing experience undermines the reality of how aggressively the chain snuffed out smaller video rental stores and would eventually become notorious for its abusive late fee collection policy once there were no significant competitors standing. the rise of streaming is often attributed to blockbusters demise, but what’s not often recognized is how netflix’ earliest (and most successful) marketing tactics were in fact advertising the absence of the aforementioned terrible late fees as opposed to the convenience of not having to go to the store. I was actually surprised to find out how much of blockbuster’s demise can be attributed to spiraling out of control as it attempted to manage viacom’s ever increasing debts than to the fact that people just naturally gravitated towards streaming (which is not to say that it wouldn’t have happened eventually, but).


see also: borders / barnes & noble with bookstores. amazon’s original pitch was probably more “look how convenient!” than it was “look, you can avoid the awful sterility of the inside of a barnes & noble!” but it’s interesting that with its aggressive tracking and tailoring of recommendations amazon is having machines do (in an impersonal and invasive way) what the staff at a local, non-chain bookstore would do, which is match their selection to your preferences


Barnes & nobles and Borders raced against each other, across the country, to oversaturate the bookstore market. This isn’t paranoia or conspiracy — it’s the same fucking model Starbucks used. Oh, your community supports three bookstores? We’re going to open five, until the little indies go under. Then we’ll close four of our own (sorry not sorry staff, enjoy competing with each other for a handful of positions!) and now you have no other choice. Movie rental chains did the same thing.

And then all these huge chain retailers have the fucking gall to weep and whine as amazon proceeds to wipe them out, and now I live in a small city where you just… can’t get stuff. If you don’t want to use amazon, if you don’t have a car to drive out to the big box on the highway, you literally can’t buy a pair of socks or an ice pack. No more pharmacies, no more bookstores, no more video or music stores… if this was plants and not retailers you’d call it monoculture, and you’d raise an alarm about how prone to catastrophic collapse monocultures are.


Ohhh that last line.


Tavi gevinsons come up is culturally important because she was the first fashion icon whose style was based off larp and moodboard. This is something that is so common now and like every trend is disseminated in the most literal way, for example the rolled up Dickies waistband - people don’t take this trend to mean they can wear an oversized piece in a playful or interesting way - but that they literally should go to the shops and buy a pair of dickies and roll up the waistband. This loss of imagination in fashion is so sad and I think its prevalent in subculture in general. I feel like this is seen with gen z fashion, it’s all literally costumes. There is no longer the existence of personal style onto which you may add elements or be inspired by trends but instead there is a didactic formula that you must choose a look/subculture and then follow the instructions on how to dress. Hence all of the moodboard types “downtown girl” “dark academia” “gorp girl” “coquette” “clean girl” etc etc. and it totally has no longevity or impact, it literally gets rinsed out so fast. Also the subtypes keep getting more and more niche like the pilled trends, ( “Lana del rey lobotomised gold jewellery anorexia girl blogger pilled” ) or whatever.

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