Baby Bat Wings

@babybat-wings /

Nico di Angelo/Leo Valdez roleplay.
I RP with anyone & everyone.
~I major in angst so general trigger warning to this blog~
Please read the rules!
Tracking: babybat-wings

Hey guys I’m really sorry for disappearing. Some stuff has come up, but I’m alive I promise. I’ll be off for a while, but just wanted to say that I’m alive and good so don’t worry about me. I hope you're all okay


Continued with Maxchildofzeus

maxchildofzeus "I-I know, I know," Nico said shakily, rubbing Max's back. "It's okay..." He looked up and winced when Carmen rushed in, tightening his hold on Max when he felt him panicking. "It's okay," he repeated. "It's over. No one's taking us..." Carmen looked so helpless, her face mirroring Nico's emotions. He could only look at her with a pained expression and shake his head. He was grateful when she moved away. It was hard. They all wanted to help Max, but whenever they try they usually just make it worse. Nico couldn't even begin to imagine how hard it was for Carmen; how confusing it must be. He'd been there too, he could understand the triggers. But to Carmen it seemed to inconsistent and confusing. She couldn't even begin to understand. She looked helpless but tears welled up in Nico's eyes and he pulled the collar of his shirt over his face as he listened to Max's panicked fears. He didn't want to look, and he didn't want Max to see him. He felt so useless and pathetic. Max was the one having a hard time, he shouldn't be crying and making something out of himself because of it. He flinched when Max grabbed him again, and pulled his head out of his shirt reluctantly. He was so tired. He hated this. He hated what had happened and he hated that even though it was over now, it would never truly be over. No matter how far they ran or how long it's been, the labs would always be with them. And he hated that. He hated that his own dad had been the one to put him into this mess. He hated that Max had no one he could trust but him, that everyone he thought he could trust just ended up betraying him. All the responsibility went on Nico now, and he couldn't handle it. He couldn't deal with his own health; he'd go days without eating if Carmen didn't remind him, he had nightmares every night and even during the day. He was terrified of everything and refused to do anything out of his comfort zone, which was roughly limited to his room - only if Max was there too of course. He couldn't even help himself, how was he supposed to help Max?


Scared -Roleplay W/ Babybat-wings (tw: kidnapping under italics)

“Leave my children alone, or I fucking swearto God-” came Carmen’s

“She’s my child too, Carme-”

There was a slam against a wall, as Carmen growled, “Then, fucking act like it!”

“Carmen,” his voice came soothing, now, almost seductive, and made Max want to throw up, “Carmen, Carmen…I didn’t want to have to use this…” There was a thud, “but you know how valuable those kids are…”

“Mom!” Max couldn’t stop himself from shouting, as he grabbed Nico tighter, and tried to hide them under the blankets, but he could hardly even feel himself grab it. He’d just given them away, anyways, and his brother’s hyperventilation made them an even easier target than that.

“Maxine?” The door opened, and two men walked in. One of them, he recognized, immediately. The other one’s face seemed…fuzzy.

“Go away!” max snapped, kicking backwards, but hitting his head on the wall…hard…“Go away, you’re not my dad- Nico!” He shrieked, as a pair of gloves hands grabbed at his brother, who was, surprisingly, limp"

“Nico!” He felt a sharp prick in his arm, and eyes widened. His vision started to blacken, but he lunged forward. A pair of hands held him back, “Nico! Nico! Stop! Nico! N- Ni-”

• • •

Max woke up, on the floor, still screaming his brother’s name as loud as he could, and crawling around, blindly, with his eyes closed.

Part of them didn’t want to open them, he smelled…coffee…and pancakes…and homemade hash browns. He heard his mother’s voice, too, but he knew it couldn’t be real. They’d taken him. His mom was dead, for all he knew. He’d just hoped those idiots hadn’t taken poor Kennedy.

“Nico!” He screamed, again, but stopped, when he heard him.

He blinked, nervously, but chose to look around when he saw him and, promptly, launched himself at his brother (almost knocking his down, in the process)

“Nico! Nico! God, They took you…they- I thought… I- I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” He was bawling, but he hardly cared, anymore. This being the third time, just this week, he must be used to it. It was Wednesday.

Nico was reading, propped up on two pillows in bed. He didn't like getting up until Max woke up, he hated waking up alone and figured Max might feel the same. He could hear Carmen making breakfast and Kennedy was watching cartoons. Max was still asleep, no surprise there. He shouldn't be all that surprised either when Max started thrashing around. But he hadn't had night terrors in so long- it startled Nico. Eyes widening, he scrambled up when Max rolled himself off the bed and he rushed to his side. His prosthetic was sitting on a chair on the other side of the room, so Nico had to half-crawl, half-drag himself over to his brother. By the time he reached his side, Max was already screaming. "Max!" He shouted. "Max it's okay! I'm here!" He grabbed his brothers shoulders, shaking him. "Wake up! It's just a dream! Carmen!" He was worried Max was going to hurt himself, and he wasn't strong enough to hold him down on his own. "Max wake ups! It's okay! You're okay!" He jumped back in surprise when Max suddenly jerked awake and immediately started screaming again. He winced and almost pulled back when he was tackled and his bad leg was bumped around. But soon he held onto his brother tightly, fearfully. "I-it's okay," he managed. "I-it wS just a dream. Everything's okay. You're okay...."


Packing Heat - Closed Greeting

Leo nods and picks up his dragon again, grabbing a little tin of tools and plops down next to Nico. He tugs lightly on one of the wings before unscrewing it from the dragon. “D'you like makin’ stuff?” He asks, words muffled as he speaks through the screwdriver held between his teeth, glancing up at Nico.

“I do!” Nico smiles fondly, rubs a finger against the ground. “Would you like to see?”

Leo nods eagerly, setting the dragon aside so he can look.


tumblr needs a better blocking system

like yeah I cant see this guy on my stuff but they can still see my stuff and everyone else can see their stuff like ??? what if I dont want that guy seeing my stuff?? i cant do anything about that and its annoying


Nightmare RP starters: Send "#" for

☁ My muse is screaming for help.

❅ My muse is shaking uncontrollably.

✿ Your muse finds my muse in room next door after my muse had nightmare.

★ You muse finds my muse in room next door after your muse had nightmare.

☯ My muse can’t tell the reality apart from nightmare.

✌ My muse is having nightmare, calling out Your muse’s name.


Continued with Maxchildofzeus

maxchildofzeus Nico didn't respond for a minute, he just shook his head and sighed. "I don't know," he said honestly. "...sometimes we do stupid things for the people we love." He spoke up again after a minute, though this was more mumbled, "But usually we do them to make sure the people we love are okay...not being tortured in an illegal, abusive facility." He smirked humorlessly to himself at that. He didn't really find it funny, of course. He hated when people like Will would tell him that he would 'look back on this and laugh'. There was nothing funny about any of this. But, that was the thing. It was so...not-funny, so /pathetic/ that sometimes he couldn't help but laugh at himself. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought that he'd spent most of his life in a cell, that he'd lost his leg because he was too useless to do anything about it, and that he didn't even have anyone to miss or worry about him. His whole life was such shit - he didn't even know how he was supposed to react to it. How would anyone react to that? Nico looked up quickly at the knock on the door, sniffing and trying to sit up more so he would be ready to yell or push someone out if Carmen or Hayden tried to come in again. He glanced over at Max to see his reaction, unsure if he would want the food or not. He didn't seem to react to the food - Nico wasn't surprised. During the time when Max was still asleep, the doctors had to keep him on an IV to make sure he didn't accidentally starve himself to death. He knew how shitty that was- so once he heard Carmen leave, he waited a beat before getting up to get the food. He glanced out to see if Carmen was there first, hesitating with the plate in his hands when he saw her hovering around the corner of the hallway. He didn't say anything, he just turned and shut the door behind him. He heard her sigh and quickly said, "You should eat," before Max would hear.


Stop blaming yourself, boy.

Anon asked: could you draw sad leo? maybe with his friends there or something? idk if thats not to much hassle if it is too hard i dont mind x

I’m so sorry please don’t be sad


The boys’ mother pursed her lips, in a guilty way that unnerved Max, before speaking, “boys, I-” her voice wavered, reluctantly, but she…

Carmen let go of his arm, obviously hurt, but trying to be understanding as she let her son leave and help his brother. Turning to Hayden, the man just shook his head as his son stole into his new(ish) room.

• • •

Inside the room, Max only looked up to make sure it was just his brother who had entered, but he looked back down quickly, dreading the other’s quick judgements on his condition.

'I love you,'

At his brother’s sudden words, Max almost started crying again, but forced himself not to. At least he knew somebody loved him, even if it wasn’t his mom.

"I love you, too," he promised, horsely, and quickly, unsure of what else to say, but speaking the truth.

He knew Nico knew that, but he assumed he knew Max did too.

When the other found his hand, Max yanked it away, quickly, with a defensive, “I’m fine!” before realizing how stupid that sounded in his condition.

When his brother got up and grabbed the bandages, Max shifted, uncomfortably.

"Thanks," he tried, then wincing as Nico pulled the remaining shards from his hand.

"I can do that, myself," he insisted, tears welling in his eyes as he glanced toward his broken-faced old toy.

Part of him was really wishing he hadn’t done that. A feeling of nostalgia washed over him, remembering how he used to coddle it when he was hurt or sad and he, suddenly, felt like he needed the comfort of the doll more than ever.

Instead, he pressed into Nico, as he bandaged his hand, and immediately regretted letting out a loud sob. Stop it, he scolded himself, don’t you dare let yourself look soft!

"Thanks," he forced his voice steady, holding his brother close, half-lying, "I’m fine, just…angry."

The sob made Nico's chest ache and he hugged Max tightly. "It's okay," he said. "It's's over. They're not going to hurt you anymore." He sighed. Looking at the broken doll, he thought about a similar one Bianca had had when they were younger. It was pretty and she would let Nico play with it sometimes. But on the day his mother had died, he'd dropped it, and Bianca never got another doll. He decided that he would ass what he could do to fix it later. But for now, what was really important was making sure Max was okay right here and right now. Nico pulled Max closer, burying his face in his hair. "I'm sorry for what I said about your dad before," he mumbles. "A-and I don't care about what your parents did," he only half-lied. "I still love you. Nothing will ever change that, okay?"


The boys’ mother pursed her lips, in a guilty way that unnerved Max, before speaking, “boys, I-” her voice wavered, reluctantly, but she pressed on, “I have a confession to make…

"Maxi…" She sighed, shakily, "I think it’s time…you’re old enough, now…to learn about your past."

"What are you talking about?" Max’s forehead creased, disbelieving.

Max stiffened, surprised when his brother grabbed him, but he leaned in, anyway. He really appreciated it, because he really needed it, right then.

He pressed, farther into his brother, when he snapped, saying many things Max had wanted to say this whole time. Part of him wanted to speak for himself, but another part knew that he couldn’t.

He was focused to hard on trying not to cry. He’d felt so…betrayed.

"No," Carmen closed her eyes, and tilted her head toward the floor, "I just…I needed to get that off of my chest, kiddo… I- I really did try…"

"You tried, too late!" Max, finally snapped, his head snapping up, before he stood.

He couldn’t take this, anymore. He was so confused, and so tired. He appreciated Nico staying with him, but he needed to leave, himself. He needed to go to his room, and sort things out for himself. He didn’t need anyone else trying to tell him how to feel.

So, he bolted toward his room, slamming the door behind him and practically wheezing when he got there. Suddenly, he felt bad for leaving Nico alone, out there, but he just decided he’d open the door for his brother. He’d decided he would only open the door for his brother. Nobody else in this house deserved it, except his other brother.

That’s another thing that got him, though: Kennedy was Zach’s kid, too.

Did he just apologize for almost killing Max, and she decided that was enough and that she loved that pinche falsa de mierda again? Did she just decide it was okay‽ That’s not how it’s worked!

"Agh!" Max let out a guttural cry, as he punched in the face of the porcelain doll she’d gotten for him for his ninth birthday.

Pulling his hand back, he screamed again, sucking at the blood, and picking at the few pieces that had gotten stuck in his knuckles.

Still, the boy was angry, at himself, now, too. Why did he just trust her, like that? Why couldn’t he just forgive her? She was his mother, for Pete’s sake!

That was why, he realized, because she was his mother and he was supposed to be able to trust her, and he’d trusted her for so long, but now he couldn’t. The fact that she obviously loved him, but she still hurt him, just made him even angrier, as he ripped his bookshelf off the wall.

Destructive, that’s all he was. David was right: he’d just been a burden on his mother from day one.

Either way, he thought, as he plopped down on his bed, not even caring about the blood, She had no right to trust him. Was she blinded by ‘love,’ or just crazy? Really he thought, what was the difference?

"Max!" He heard his mother shout, from the other room, and her footsteps racing toward his door which he, quickly, ran up to, and pressed against.

Nico wasn’t surprised when Max left, and didn’t protest. He didn’t go with him, either. He knew he would probably want to be alone. But…maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to leave him alone right now. He stood up to go after him but Hayden grabbed his hand. Nico jerked it away, eyes flashing with a mix of panic and anger as he hissed, "Don’t touch me." The man quickly let go of him and the boy took a step back, turning to go back to his room. "Nico," he sounded so desperate, Nico stopped, but didn’t turn around. "I’m sorry. I am. Please, what can I do to fix this- I-I’ll do anything." Nico turned around to glare at him coldly with broken eyes. "Give me my leg back," he said flatly. "Bring mama and Bianca back to life. Give me my life back. Give Max his life back. Make these scars disappear. Can you do that?" Hayden looked helpless. "Like I said," Nico turned his back to them. "Apologies don’t change anything." He tenses when he hears Max’s cry, and Carmen gets up to go to her son. But the name had barely left her lips before Nico quickly moved to put himself between her and the door. "Stay away from him," he says. "You’ve done enough." "But I-" "What?" He snaps. "You want to help him? Clearly your definition of help is different than mine. See how well you ‘helped’ him last time. Leave him alone." He turns around to go into the room, but Max is holding the door shut. Keeping one hand on the handle, Nico presses the other against the door. "Max," he says softly. "It’s me. Let me in."

Max hesitated, before leaning off the door a little, still cradling his bleeding hand. He sniffed, and tried to regain himself, not wanting Nico to see him like this. He was supposed to be the strong one. He was supposed to be helping Nico. Thinking about that only served to make him even angrier.

He couldn’t even do that right!

Carmen stood on the other side of the door, with Nico and, before he left, she touched his upper arm, lightly to get his attention. “Please,” she begged, quietly and, hearing the voice, Max almost slammed the door shut again thinking, this better not be some kind of trick. He wouldn’t put it past her, at this point.

Still, he listened, as she finished in a whisper, “Just make sure he’s okay…”

When Nico, finally, entered, Max looked angry and ready to fight again. If it were anyone else, he probably would have tried to take their head off. He couldn’t deal with this, right now. He still needed to think! Despite the fact that he, so obviously, sucked at thinking.

When his brother came closer, though, his face softened, and he pulled his knees toward him, trying to hide his hand between his legs.

“What?” he muttered, voice wavering, despite himself.

Nico pushed on the door gently. He stopped and was ready to yell at Carmen again, but paused at her words. "He would be if it weren't for you," he murmured before pushing into the room and closing the door tightly behind him. He stopped with his back to the door as he looked from the destroyed doll to his brother curled up on the bed. With a small sigh he limped over and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, blinking at the tears stinging his eyes. "I love you..." He sniffed and pulled back slightly, wiping his nose on his sleeve. He didn't ask if he was okay; he already knew the answer. When he looked down, he noticed the blood on the bed and frowned, before his face softened and he just looked tired. He gently took Max's hand, cleaning some of the blood off with the bottom of his shirt so he could see the injury. Sighing, he got up to get the bandages he kept in a neat little stack under the bed. They were only there for when he picked at a scab or scar, but was grateful they were as he kneeled at his brother's side to care for his hand. He winced as he pulled out the pieces still splintered in his brother's knuckles, before cleaning up the remaining blood and bandaging the hand with practice. After pressing a quick kiss to his hand, he set it down lightly on the bed. "Are you okay?" He finally asked softly.


The boys’ mother pursed her lips, in a guilty way that unnerved Max, before speaking, “boys, I-” her voice wavered, reluctantly, but she pressed on, “I have a confession to make…

"Maxi…" She sighed, shakily, "I think it’s time…you’re old enough, now…to learn about your past."

"What are you talking about?" Max’s forehead creased, disbelieving.

Max stiffened, surprised when his brother grabbed him, but he leaned in, anyway. He really appreciated it, because he really needed it, right then.

He pressed, farther into his brother, when he snapped, saying many things Max had wanted to say this whole time. Part of him wanted to speak for himself, but another part knew that he couldn’t.

He was focused to hard on trying not to cry. He’d felt so…betrayed.

"No," Carmen closed her eyes, and tilted her head toward the floor, "I just…I needed to get that off of my chest, kiddo… I- I really did try…"

"You tried, too late!" Max, finally snapped, his head snapping up, before he stood.

He couldn’t take this, anymore. He was so confused, and so tired. He appreciated Nico staying with him, but he needed to leave, himself. He needed to go to his room, and sort things out for himself. He didn’t need anyone else trying to tell him how to feel.

So, he bolted toward his room, slamming the door behind him and practically wheezing when he got there. Suddenly, he felt bad for leaving Nico alone, out there, but he just decided he’d open the door for his brother. He’d decided he would only open the door for his brother. Nobody else in this house deserved it, except his other brother.

That’s another thing that got him, though: Kennedy was Zach’s kid, too.

Did he just apologize for almost killing Max, and she decided that was enough and that she loved that pinche falsa de mierda again? Did she just decide it was okay‽ That’s not how it’s worked!

"Agh!" Max let out a guttural cry, as he punched in the face of the porcelain doll she’d gotten for him for his ninth birthday.

Pulling his hand back, he screamed again, sucking at the blood, and picking at the few pieces that had gotten stuck in his knuckles.

Still, the boy was angry, at himself, now, too. Why did he just trust her, like that? Why couldn’t he just forgive her? She was his mother, for Pete’s sake!

That was why, he realized, because she was his mother and he was supposed to be able to trust her, and he’d trusted her for so long, but now he couldn’t. The fact that she obviously loved him, but she still hurt him, just made him even angrier, as he ripped his bookshelf off the wall.

Destructive, that’s all he was. David was right: he’d just been a burden on his mother from day one.

Either way, he thought, as he plopped down on his bed, not even caring about the blood, She had no right to trust him. Was she blinded by ‘love,’ or just crazy? Really he thought, what was the difference?

"Max!" He heard his mother shout, from the other room, and her footsteps racing toward his door which he, quickly, ran up to, and pressed against.

Nico wasn't surprised when Max left, and didn't protest. He didn't go with him, either. He knew he would probably want to be alone. But...maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave him alone right now. He stood up to go after him but Hayden grabbed his hand. Nico jerked it away, eyes flashing with a mix of panic and anger as he hissed, "Don't touch me." The man quickly let go of him and the boy took a step back, turning to go back to his room. "Nico," he sounded so desperate, Nico stopped, but didn't turn around. "I'm sorry. I am. Please, what can I do to fix this- I-I'll do anything." Nico turned around to glare at him coldly with broken eyes. "Give me my leg back," he said flatly. "Bring mama and Bianca back to life. Give me my life back. Give Max his life back. Make these scars disappear. Can you do that?" Hayden looked helpless. "Like I said," Nico turned his back to them. "Apologies don't change anything." He tenses when he hears Max's cry, and Carmen gets up to go to her son. But the name had barely left her lips before Nico quickly moved to put himself between her and the door. "Stay away from him," he says. "You've done enough." "But I-" "What?" He snaps. "You want to help him? Clearly your definition of help is different than mine. See how well you 'helped' him last time. Leave him alone." He turns around to go into the room, but Max is holding the door shut. Keeping one hand on the handle, Nico presses the other against the door. "Max," he says softly. "It's me. Let me in."


Babybat-wings, I just wrote this. You don't have to do anything with it

The boys’ mother pursed her lips, in a guilty way that unnerved Max, before speaking, “boys, I-” her voice wavered, reluctantly, but she pressed on, “I have a confession to make…

"Maxi…" She sighed, shakily, "I think it’s time…you’re old enough, now…to learn about your past."

"What are you talking about?" Max’s forehead creased, disbelieving.

"Well, for starters…" The woman shifted, nervously, "this isn’t the first time this has happened to you…the labs…everything…you’ve seen it before.

"Listen, kiddo, when I was…seeing…your father, I did not know what he was going to do. Créeme, mi hijo, I didn’t know he was going to hurt you! If I had-” her voice stopped and she took his hand, “Maxi, you know I love you, right?”

"Mom?" Part of him was hardly even sure this was her, anymore. The pain and guilt in her eyes made her seem so different. She was always happy. She was like Wonder Woman: nothing could break her! So, what happened that was hurting her, so much? What did she do?

"Kiddo," she tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, "Maxi, I love you, and I only didn’t tell you this because…I didn’t want you to go looking for him…"

"I wouldn’t go looking for someone who wanted to hurt me!" Max protested, but his mother squeezed his hands.

"It was just a precaution!" There was a pause, and her voice softened, "Max…Maxi, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t take any chances. Just…listen, ¿de acuerdo?

"Max, your father…he was a bad man. You know that, but I didn’t, before I had you. I didn’t know why, but he really, really wanted a baby.

"Your tío…he tried to warn me of Zachary’s past…but I wouldn’t believe him. Those labs, Zach had you in…Panos Medical and Testing Laboratories…well, Zach took over for his mother, and he was the head there…"

Carmen’s voice wavered, and Max thought she would start crying, right then, but she didn’t, “Please…believe me, when I tell you, he’d convinced me he was doing something good!

"Maxi, he had told me they made medicine…they used to make medicine, but…he wanted something else… He was…curious. And…ambitious…" She turned to the man who claimed to be Nico’s father, who just shook his head, solumnly.

"He was an idiot," he stated, "hard-headed, and stubborn. He was obsessed with biology, and delusioned with immortality."

"He was smart…" His mother tried, and Max felt like he was just punched in the gut. Had he heard her right? There was no way she was actually sticking up for the man who hurt him! Max refused to believe it.

Hayden continued, sharply, “His dreams were stupid and childish. He wanted to save humanity with methods that were beyond barbaric. He only hurt people -children- and he didn’t even care!”

"But…he was thinking of the greater good, Hayden…"

"He was thinking of himself."

The woman, then, signed, letting go of her son’s hand and setting hers on his knees, instead, “Anyways…Your father had a goal, and…he was a lot like you, in the light of stubbornness. Basically, he wanted to speed up evolution. He wanted to see how long we could last. He thought…if he could improve humanity, somehow… Your father was afraid of death, Maxine. He was a scared man -but powerful-”

"Stupid," Hayden added.

She continued, “he warped the company, Maxine… He had his mind set on his goals, and he refused to rest, until they were met.”

Mr. Di Angelo spoke again, sounding angry, “He slowly turned it into the…madhouse, I suspect you’ve seen.”

Max shivered, feeling sick to his stomach just thinking about it, “it was hell.”

He nodded, “and killed anybody who got in his way. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was already mad with power. Eventually, I left, afraid for my own life…and my family’s.” The man glanced at Nico, for a split second, before his eyes met the floor.

The mother continued and, now, she was crying, “I- I let him…experiment on me…Max..I- I thought he was doing something good, but I- I didn’t know…Max I’m so sorry…I…l- let him…use you… B- before you were born…He…said you would be a real miracle…y- your wings…that’s…a- anyhow…I- I knew yo- ou…m- might not make it, but… Escuchar, I…I’m so sorry, kiddo…

"I…I didn’t realize…until…when you were born, Max…he ran off with you. I hardly got to see you, before you were…taken away. Bebé, I tried, but he took you before I could do anything!"

"He’d ran out of test subjects," Recalled the man, "if he couldn’t find anyone willing to be guinea-pigs for his outlandish fantasies, they’d be shut down. He practically begged me, as well as our brother, Preston, but we said 'good.'

"That’s when I ran, scared for my family more than myself. I warned Preston -the children were more valuable. Easier to test on, easier to take. He didn’t listen…not that they ever did," the sneer on the man’s face unnerved Max. He could tell the brothers had some bad history with each other, but he knew it would only make things worse to pressure him about it.

"You," Max’s voice cracked, disbelieving, "could have stopped it. Mom, You could have prevented everything, and you knew what he was doing!"

"Mi hijo…" Max’s mom shook, trying to regain herself, "like I said, I thought he was doing something good! I- I didn’t know he was hurting you, there!"

"He was experimenting on children! That’s not a good thing!"

"I didn’t know! Maxine, do you really think I would have even had you, if I knew this would happen‽”

There was a silence, as Max contemplated that, “You only had me for him.”

"What‽ No! Kiddo, I- I loved you! And…I wanted a baby, but if I would have known… I just…never wanted to see you hurt…

"Anyways, I- I got you back, about a year later…I finally found him working in the branch in Navada…y- you were…s- so close to death… I- I thought you…were…but…" She stopped, looking down, and Max could see a few tears fall into her lap.

Suddenly, the condition she’d found him in, when she’d found him at Dylan’s house, seemed a lot more traumatizing.

Still, she pressed on, “I took you to a hospital, and they saved you…and they took down the Laboratory, there.”

She shook her head, “H- he was a coward…he just ran…moved back to Florida…convinced everybody it was only that one branch that was corrupt, somehow, but…of corse, I didn’t believe him. But he th- threatened to kill you…” She gulped, “I- if I told anybody, he said…he…said he wouldn’t need you anymore, and…”

Shaking her head, again, now bawling, she continued, “From then, on, I didn’t hesitate to take precautions. I moved states. I gave nobody my address -not even my own family -except David, of course. I quit show-business, I left all social media, and never let you have any. That’s why I always tried to go with you everywhere. I thought…maybe I could protect you, this time! L- Lo siento, Maxi…

"A- anyway…David was convinced I was ruining my life, from the day I met your father…that’s when he started going downhill…That’s when I took him in… Yet he…still seemed to think I made mistake by giving up my job and fame but…I- I just kept saying…I would tell myself i- it would keep you safe, but… O- oh, Maxi…I thought…but…I’m sorry…I- I’m so sorry…"

Nico pressed close to Max, hugging his knees and keeping his gaze pointed down. His hands fidgeted nervously, twitching at his socks or picking at a scab on his knee. His hands were shaky though, as he struggled to keep calm as he listened to Carmen talk. But the more he listened the harder it got. It was difficult to listen to, and even harder to understand. There were so many missing pieces and unexplained things in his life, it was hard to put things together. He could only imagine how hard this was for Max, though. He was shaking as he tried to keep himself from rocking, hiding, or running away. He wanted to. He didn’t want to hear this. But Max probably needed to, and he couldn’t abandon his friend again. He grasped Max’s hand tightly, shooting Carmen a glare when she touched him. She’d hurt him enough, and Nico had trusted her; he wouldn’t let her, or anyone hurt Max again. He glared at Carmen and his father coldly. He could feel his father staring at him. "Is that supposed to change anything?" He asked. "Is sorry supposed to make it better? Make it all go away? Make it so none of this had happened? Because it doesn’t." His tone was strained and cold. "Sorry doesn’t change what you did. It still happened. And it’s your fault."


Sad Drabble Prompts- For Maximum Feels

Call: My character gets a call that your character is dead.
Goodbye: My character has to say a painful goodbye to your character.
Headstone: My character visits your character's grave.
Obituary: My character gives the obituary at your character's funeral.
Comfort: My character comforting your character in a time of need.
Reminisce: My character thinking back to a time when things were happen.
War: My character has to cope with the idea of your character going into battle.
Watch: My character will watch your character die.
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